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Rastafari Speaks

Re: (360:) who are the REAL ballers...shot-callers

word/power to the insights. Just one statement gave me a small blink:

*******you make it sound like it is one big plot with certain people calling all the shots EVERY step of the way as if they knew exactly what was going to happen. i'm not sure ANYONE has this kind of foresight.*******


And this right here is where the rubber meets the pavement.

What you call foresight is what they call "divine prophecy"...and it is what they also call "wagging the dog".

If you do not think these people have the foresight, do you think that they just HAPPENED to be in the New World in position to declare a New England/rebirth in 17-76?

Do you think the Eleventh day (11) of the Ninth month (9) in the first year of the NEW millenium was only thought up after the 2000 election by Bush and Cheney?

Remember, the Secret Societies are guardians of hidden truths, the same truths that Shamans and Psychics overstand. These hidden truths are the connective links between the Past(source), the Present (journey) and the Future (destination). We have discussed before how these are the 3 components of Reality.

Let us also realize that the key to keeping ones ignorant of the ENTIRETY of Truth is to keep spirituality and science separate. It is the same as keeping masculinity highlighted and femininity suppressed. As long as this separation is done to our conscious minds, we remain in a state of inequilibrium and ignorance, thus our path is laid out for us by controller/manipulators who FULLY understand the interworkings of the Universe but use them for deviance...or a stay of execution.

Example is how we are headed to an "Armeggedon" yet that is but an account of a previous battle known as Har Meggido (or something like that.

If you notice, empires rise and fall because they burn out by worshiping the fire of science rather than the combined flame and water of science/spirituality. See how spirituality is used only as support but not as the guidance.

Science = masculinity/seen/external (phallic)
Spirituality = femininity/unseen/internal (wombic)

Yes, 360, we cannot dismiss FORE-SIGHT because there is really no foresight but actually a fore-knowledge of the repetition...the cycle.

Imagine an extraterrestrial visitor who has never seen Autumn and Winter and I foretell how "the green leaves will turn as the colors of fire and rust"..."and the cool winds of the north shall dominate"...and "white crystal shall fall from the heavens".

"nothing is new under the sun"

Mystics overstand this and many have been charged with guarding the secrets/truths.

give thankhs to the reasoning.

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Re: (360:) who are the REAL ballers...shot-callers
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Re: (360:) who are the REAL ballers...shot-callers
Re: (360:) who are the REAL ballers...shot-callers

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