Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

WORLD HOT SPOTS => Around the World => Topic started by: News on October 03, 2010, 04:07:06 AM

Title: Uproar over Uganda Anti-Gay Bill, American Evangelicals Encouraging Homophobia
Post by: News on October 03, 2010, 04:07:06 AM
Uproar over Uganda Anti-Gay Bill, American Evangelicals Encouraging Homophobia 1 of 2

Uproar over Uganda Anti-Gay Bill, American Evangelicals Encouraging Homophobia 1 of 2 (

Uproar over Uganda Anti-Gay Bill, American Evangelicals Encouraging Homophobia 2 of 2

Uproar over Uganda Anti-Gay Bill, American Evangelicals Encouraging Homophobia 2 of 2 (

Title: Re: Uproar over Uganda Anti-Gay Bill, American Evangelicals Encouraging Homophobia
Post by: gman on October 08, 2010, 03:41:20 PM
Any bets as to when Scott Lively will be "outed" and what his precise proclivities are? Is he "passive" or "active"? Does he prefer his gay prostitutes with amphetamines, or without?
Whatever ones think about homosexuality, I hope we can agree that interlopers like Scott Lively should be shot.
By the way, I've been to Brazil, and while it's certainly a relatively "gay friendly" country the allegation that those who are against homosexuality are forced out of the country is ridiculous. Certainly some Guyanese Rastas I know in Brazil were allowed to express their (non-violent, non-coercive) views against homosexuality without being deported.
I'm not Ugandan, but I think Ugandans should look at institutions like the catholic church, their mutant offspring the Lords Resistance Movement, and these American evangelicals and ask themselves which is a greater threat to them - consenting adult gays and lesbians minding their own business, or those murderous nutcases?
(By the way I'm not trying to minimize the role of the british colonial state and army and their encouraging of ethnic divisions in the creation of the Lords Resistance Army... but the church had got to do with it as well).