skincolor? no more significance

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you ask the question, "why are there so many racists?" our examination of race, racism, and the like, we must remember that racist acts are vastly different from racism, at its truest.  The problem is that most whites, and many blacks, i would argue, reduce racism to "not liking black folks" or calling someone a nigger or honkey...therein lies the problem...the key here is examining structural and institutional racism and how whites benefit from the privilege it provides...

just food for thought...nm

The only way I feel racism is going to fall is if we grow up with people of all diferent colour skin around us i.e black with red with yellow with white. I remeber at my primary school there were no black people and when i saw a black person at the age of 5 i wondered what he was, why was he black. As i grew up and was able to think for myself i knew racism was completly absured. Im now 15 and at my work experiance i went to a primary school and they were drawing pictures, i got bored so i decided to draw one too. I drew a white man then a black man the black man was considerably better drawn i dont know why but it just was, i asked the child who was seven which one is better he said the white man because i dont like black people for which i realised there were no black people in that primary school  and because he had not been exposed to black people something which in grantham is a rarity to see black people he could not understand that white and black and yellow red, what ever colour are just the same with a different permenant clothing.   We must grow up knowing equality. I spoke to some people on holiday about racism in london they said they hear of more abuse from black to white than white to black i just say its what within that makes someone a colour but not by their skin and why is black associated with bad because of racism.

I just wanted to write about my experience here as I think
it is important no to exclude ones of white descent simply for that reason

InI mother told me as I grew that 'colour of skin does not mean anything'
'that we are all the same' and such like
And yet when InI try to reason with this same wombman
When she is telling me her friend went to certain country and didnt like it because
the people she saw were 'violent'
I told her that europeans were very violent throughout history
this she did not want to listen to and went on to say
something like were not lazy I work with 'em'
'Em' meaning African people

She doesnt mind Black people who adhere to the system
but she talks badly of African people

Now a one who stads up and says RasTafari is the King of Kings
To me is clearly not racist
And experiencing what InI have I would apprecilove people to stop
tearing InI down for InI colour of skin
All those who defend the system hate white ones who love MOTHER AFRICA
This website is a refuge
Love and Honour
Haile Bless

You see people, skin color is not only thing tht you must fight, there is one more thing that you must fight and tht is hatred agenst other nationalities, see I come from Serbia (have on this page KOSOVO) tht is a part of my country and some world forces do not like that and wnth to take Kosovo for there own so they brodcast nationality hatred some agenst my own people and my people against non Serbian people on Kosovo.So in this world there is so much anger and hatred that it is not necesery to be a diferent color or bold or long hare or any other deferences to hate ich other. Sistems like your own, or mine like thet hatred becouse peple of good hart and love can not unite in a fight agenst evil forces and world domination of evil. They bring drugs and guns and exploite our lands but only thing I can do is stay on God s path and have love in my hart for every one becouse they dont knowe wth they are doing. One day we all will be judged.                                                                                  Sory my engl is no so good.

No Colorless Rasta Movement:


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