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Author Topic: Where do we go from here?  (Read 13621 times)
Posts: 2


« on: August 03, 2004, 09:32:38 AM »

Sons and Daughters of Africa, Until Africa is Organized by Pan-Africanism
the Masses of Africans Worldwide will Continue to Suffer! Citizens of Africa
Worldwide Arise ! ! !
     It must be understood that liberation movements in Africa, the
struggle of Black (African) Power in America or in any other part of the
world, can only find consummation in the political unification of Africa,
the home of the black man and people of African descent throughout the
     - Kwame Nkrumah
     The total liberation and unification of Africa under an All African
Socialist Government must be the primary objective of all Black
revolutionaries throughout the world. It is an objective which when achieved
will bring about the fulfillment of the aspirations of Afncans and people of
Afncan descent everywbere. It will at the same time advance the triumph of
the international socialist revolution.
     -Kwame Nkrumah
We Are African People Wherever We Were Born No matter where we were born in
the world. African (black) People are historically and culturally linked.
Our history, identity, and culture are rooted in the many thousands of years
of development of African civilization on the African continent. This is a
consequence of the ever forward movement and motion of the African masses.
It is from this historical march of our people (African People) that
we derive our African culture, the sum total of material and spiritual
values created by our people. It is this invincible weapon, African culture,
that has always served to fight against all forms of oppression and
exploitation, to move forward African People and African civilization.
How The Division Of Our Nation Arose
Today Africa is divided into over 50 different and dis-unified countries as
a result of the European (white) Imperialist impact on Africa. Prior to
European colonialism, Africa was in a historical march that was moving
toward the African continental integration of it's resources, economics,
politics, cultural life etc.. . . Our forward march towards ever increasing
African continental unity was disrupted, disturbed, and derailed (not
destroyed), as a consequence of European enslavement and colonization of
Africa and her people. The division of the African continent through
different artificial borders during colonialism, and the scattering of
hundreds of thousands of Africans outside of Africa during the slave trade
only helped to advance the interest of European capitalist inside of Europe
and America. We must fight for the Unification of the African Continent, and
thus all African people in order to advance the interest of the African
masses worldwide.
How To Resolve The Plight Of Our People Worldwide
Land is the basis of all Power, Africa is our Land. Until the entire
continent of Africa (including it's islands) with all its human and vastly
rich natural resources are under the control of the African masses, made up
of the revolutionary working, peasant, and intellectual classes, African
people everywhere will merely be living at the mercy of foreign interest and
not our own. We must authenticate our actions wherever we find ourselves in
the world by serving Afican interest.
Africa has more natural resources than any continent on earth. Properly
organized we could feed, clothe, shelter provide health care, educate,
defend militarily, and develop technologically, economically, culturally,
spiritually, etc. In ways that move forward the entire masses of African
men, women, and children worldwide. For those African people who were
scattered outside of Africa and are now living in the Caribbean, Brazil,
Panama Grenada, Britain, U.S.A., etc.. . .understand that this scattering of
Africans was part of the division of our Nation. An, like Africans born at
home in Africa, we can not truly, completely, and permanently resolve our
problems without the total liberation and unification of the African
continent under an All-Socialist Government No African people in particular
or any people in general began their history on a slave ship. Only a
powerfully organized socialist Africa continent can protect her people, feed
her people, employ her people, defend her people, and advance her people n
matter where we live on this earth. This is real and authentic power, real
liberation, and real self-deterrnination. The time for all slave and
colonial originated theories, identities, and actions are over. Dignified
Citizens of Africa. wherever you were born, arise!
To find out how you can militantly work to build a strong and powerful
African Nation that can Advance and protect her people worldwide call (602)
491-6632 or 437-9138.
     For us in Africa, for the people of African descent everywhere,
there can be no turning back, no compromise, no fear of failure or death.
Africa must and shall fulfil her destiny. Even though revolution in other
parts of the world may wither or go astray, the African revolution must
reach its goal of unity and socialism. We have taken the correct road, even
though hazardous. We face death as we face life with head up, eyes lifted,
proud and unafraid. The seed dies that life may come forth. So, we may meet
death knowing that we can not be defeated. For the oppressed peoples of the
world will one day triumph.
     -Kwame Nkrumah.
     All Peoples of African descent, whether they live in North or South
America, the Caribbean, or in any other part of the world are Africans and
belong to the African nation.
     - Kwame Nkrumah
Tools For Analysis
     Nation-Class Perspective: We must analyze everything from the
interests of our African nation (i.e., our homeland Africa and our people,
Africans) and also in the interests of the oppressed, exploited African
masses. We must always try to analyze the nation/class interests involved in
everything; historical present-day, and future. Thus it is clear that
anywhere you find racism (national oppression) and class exploitation, they
must be fought against.
     There is positive and negative in everything: We must always try to
identify opposing forces in everything. We must look for the positive forces
and the negative forces in all social processes; at all levels, and in all
aspects. When we say positive, we mean those forces which are in line with
our goal (Pan Africanism, one unified socialist Africa) and our ideology
(Nkrumahism Toureism). When we say negative, we mean anything that is
opposed to our goal and ideology.
     Change is constant: Everything changes: It is the struggle between
the positive and negative forces in everything that produces change. We must
look for the movement and direction of movement in all things because
everything is in motion, although at different rates and speed. Change that
occurs slow and gradual without violent or sudden jumps is called
evolutionary; while change that occurs rapidly, violently, or with a sudden
leap is called revolutionary change (if the change is total and some new
quality or state of being occurs). From this we can see then that revolution
is a way for man to consciously speed up his positive development. Conflict
that causes change is either antagonistic, (violent, principled, intense) or
non-antagonistic (non-violent, tactical, less intense and hostile).
     Always look for the new in the old.
     Always look for the old in the new.
     Always remember that the masses are the makers of history. This will
help us properly understand the role of heroes and individuals as only
catalysts in the historical development of mankind. We know that history is
only changed and moved forward through the collective activity of the
working, struggling masses of the people.
     Matter is primary: We know that both matter and mind (spirit) exist,
but that matter is primary, and all that is "spiritual" (i.e., not matter)
arises from matter. Ideas, attitudes, etc. always arise from specific
concrete conditions which must be looked at and understood to properly
understand the impact of the ideas, attitudes, ideologies, etc. on the
concrete material world.
     Remember that history is a process, not a series of unconnected
events. Look for the interconnection between all social/historical forces.
History is also subjective. In other words, while we understand that what
has happened and what is happening is objective (factual, independent of
man's will), the interpretation or emphasis given to history always reflects
the outlook or interests of a particular nation and a particular class, at a
particular time in history.
     The basis or cause for change is internal; i.e., the internal
qualities of a thing determine the kind of change it can or does go through.
The conditions for change are external; i.e., the changes that a thing goes
through are greatly affected by the environment or conditions around it and
outside of it.

Senior Member
Posts: 605

« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2004, 09:45:36 AM »

Organise, organise, organise!

--Last words of the late Kwame Toure

Forward to a united Africa!
Posts: 44


« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2004, 04:33:50 PM »

Great Greetings to You

In the consiousness of one considering themselves an African Nationalist, and strictly for philosphical discussion, I would ask a response---(scholorly or otherwise) to the following question, for discussion:

What or what series of events precipatated the downfall of the African people?  Since we were such a mighty nation, what made us succombto colonialism--how did it all begin?  For until we can rectify, we will not unify

Yeefon Abena Gu Merkaba Mawusi
Senior Member
Posts: 605

« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2004, 04:54:54 PM »

Great Greetings to You

In the consiousness of one considering themselves an African Nationalist, and strictly for philosphical discussion, I would ask a response---(scholorly or otherwise) to the following question, for discussion:

What or what series of events precipatated the downfall of the African people?  Since we were such a mighty nation, what made us succombto colonialism--how did it all begin?  For until we can rectify, we will not unify

Yeefon Abena Gu Merkaba Mawusi

IMHO it was the historical combination of several things...

The element of surprise...Was anyone really expecting European capitalists to colonize the world?...(not just Africa fell to colonialism)

Superior military technology...guns were hard to fight...especially since we were somewhat surprised and at first much of the contact with European capitalists was under the guise of trade...

Culture clash...much like the Native Americans our grass roots(village) communities were structurally communal, so we might not have seen it coming. We had a loose fuedal system, but the village  level did not foster the dog-eat-dog mentality in individuals that the highly fuedal and then mercantile society European slums/ghettos fostered in individuals.

We weren't unified against a commen enemy...

The Arab invasions had already weakened us. We were fighting on two fronts to a certain degree.

The Arab invasion spawned the march of the Bantu which caused further internal tensions and instability as the Southern movement caused people to compete for already occupied homelands.

Slavery: unlike other colonized people, our numbers were greatly depleted and scattered via the trans Atlantic slave trade. I read in one book that had population statistics for the fist 300 years of Slavery. Asia trippled. Europe doubled, Africa stayed the same...That's a lot of people lost.

I in no way am saying these are the only historical circumstances that led to the subjugation of Africa, but these are some I can remember off of the top of my head.

The main reason we haven't regained our former global status, or better yet, created a new nationalism and gained our idependence and liberty is because the masses of African people aren't organized.

Organization got the colonial/imperial monkey off of China's back(I know they are trying to becoming exploiters now, but you know what I mean) It's our only option. We really can't do anything as a unified people if we aren't organized and ideologically trained.

Most of what I just stated is covered in further detail in W.E.B. DuBois book "The World and Africa"...

Forward to a united Africa!
Posts: 44


« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2004, 05:44:44 PM »


I do agree..which is why I conduct "reprogramming workshops", based on a model by Nana  Ph.D Kwabena Ashanti, as outlined in the Psychotechnology of Brainwashing--Crucifying Willie Lynch

What are some of your suggesstions to move forward  in the process of organizing?

Yeefon Mawusi
Senior Member
Posts: 605

« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2004, 08:08:58 AM »

Alafia and revolutionary greetings,  

The first step would be to join a progressive organization. If there isn't one that you already like in existance, create one. The organization I am a part of, the A.A.P.R.P(All African People's Revolutionary Party) works off of the basis of study groups. Political ideological training is mandatory. We have to start small on the grass roots level and create an African United front. Community based organizations are our only hope. The masses must be organized. That is the only way we can cause change(the civil rights movement for example). The enemy want us to chalk all of our forward movement up to a few "leaders". The leaders may have been catalysts to our progression, but by no means did the start movements or make them successful. In fact, the leaders follow the action and ideology of the people, not the other way around.

We don't have a choice. Our enemy is organized and unified globally with a common ideology(capitalism/imperialism). The only way we can fight and overcome our current global circumstance is to be organized and unified globally.

The Pan-African groundwork and structure has already been laid out for us. We must take the best of the old and new and build on what our ancestors have shed blood for. We are shedding blood reguardless via the exploitationa dn oppression of the system. The blood shed might as well work towards our liberation.

Forward to a united Africa!
Posts: 44


« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2004, 10:47:38 AM »

Ase' Ase' Ase' Oshun Auset

I have personally found the  Asafo a good model for creating the type of group which you are speaking of.  Anyone interested in beginning their own group may contact me personally.  http://http://edensinstitute.com/AsafoOseboMerkaba.htm

Yeefon Abena Gu Merkaba Mawusi
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