The Second Coming

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For those who believe in a second coming of a saviour such as Jesus, when exactly is the appropriate time for him to come back?  

The only way you will find out is through astrology, look to the stars and you will find out if a king or prophet or an elder has been born.

In EXODUS 1:22, it states that the day mosses was born, pharaohs astrologers told him a great Jewish messiah had been born.

In Mathew 2:1 the birth of Jesus the saviour of the Jews or Israelites    

Astrology is as consistent as Nostradamus' predictions. The meaning is reserved to the interpreter.
I guess that belief that a saviour is coming is soothing to some. Christians and the like have been waiting for her/him a long time. How bad does it have to get before she /he arrives?  

Hotep brother

I thought you were looking for a saviour so I just pointed out a way for you to find him or her. I am a Bantu and I do not believe in anybody saving me or my people but my self and my people. What I believe is every society or countries or race needs a leader, not just in times of need but also in times of peace. Leaders exist because people exist and people exist because leaders exist, every society or nation or race is formed like a pyramid, with the great leaders at the top and other leaders holding their respectable positions some where in that pyramid. It is the same with our race in times on need we have souls who reincarnate to give people right knowledge and over standing. I also believe in prophecies and that some of the pharaohs in ancient egypt where deitys in flesh. There was a man from my country who prophesised our independents would be gained in 1960. Lumumba at the age of 7 use to tell his class mate that he was born only to liberate the kongo, he was also a genius who could not be thought anything in his class because he knew more then the teacher at the age 7.
I can not force my believes into anybody I can only try to explain and hope that they will ask questions.

Did christ even speak of his second coming in the bible or did he promise that the most high will send another?


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