My Soul bleeds for AFRIKA

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For how long AfriKans? Do we have to see our Motherland through the eyes of the CIA? The very fabric designed to hold us down. Now they don't have to go covert. Are we that intellectually bankrupt to allow the CIA to openly rub our faces in it? We gave away all our natural resources and our corporations. Most of our mines are owned by men from perverted cultures. In return we got chum change.
Now our Afrikans Brothers and Sisters are spread all over the world to beg for our basic subsistence. We perform slave duties for slave wages. This is what three decades of military rule have done to us here. Zombified little souls the names of many AfriKan leaders will go down the annals of history as monumental giants. But I am afraid many names will go down with the flush of the toilet, for the damage they have done will take some fifty years to remedy. I fear the CIA the political advisers to our leaders today. From fame to shame, my soul bleeds for AfriKa. Forces from within and without have done all to annul Nkrumah, Ture, Lumumba, Sankara... After them, Black AfriKa took a nosedive and at this point we don't know which way is up. The CIA will work with treacherous leaders teaching them effective ways to gauge eyes out and how to clinically chop legs off the living as punitive action. They will help our Brothers and Sisters to plant land mines and burn farms and villages and lace the rivers with poison. The same people will come back in disguise a year later to supply the blind with dark eyeglasses free of charge. The maimed receive wooden legs, turning them into half wood half men and woman and then they will feed the hungry with yellow corn and spring water. The very people that came and gave us God will fart in the mouth of God. What is mostly featured as prime time entertainment to white folks? When flies run though the mouths of the poor and starving skinny AfriKan children and exits through the ears that is fun for them to watch.
What life it is, if you live your life in fears? JAH Almighty gives us STRENGTH!


Seek knowledge from history and learn from it to be humble enough."

Much respect to all you have written SisKelani but just remember that it is not all the fault of "men from perverted countries" and "white folks" it is just as big fault of our African leaders who allow all this in their land. It is the fault of the corrupt leader for buying arms, and leting western countries supply them with free arms.

Of course many times it is uncontrollable as the case was in the former ZAIRE where Kabilas guerilla army was supplyied with guns and ammunition by the USA and France to take over power in Mobutos country. What is needed is an African Union that can help African nations stand on their own feet and if any help is needed let it come from within Africa.
What im saying is that USA and the western world should stop "peace keeping" in Africa, by sending arms and ammunition for Africans to kill Africans.
All I can say is African leaders WAKE UP!!

Ras Mandingo:

What is needed is an African Union that can help African nations stand on their own feet and if any help is needed let it come from within Africa.
What im saying is that USA and the western world should stop "peace keeping" in Africa, by sending arms and ammunition for Africans to kill Africans.
All I can say is African leaders WAKE UP!!

This is a very important collocation. With points like that I can overstand why African don't want (even if they need) "help" and "support" from people who just wnat things to keep the way they are now, as they are comfortably making money with that.

Please, Ruaka, share more from the prespective of the mother land (are you in Africa or did I misoverstand it?)



Brother am in Africa and haven't been oversees. all what i can say we are seeing here, all the hidden agendas cause they have to start here to kill this consciousness but they will fail i promise.
jah guide, one love!1

Greetings Mandigo! No, I am not in Africa right now I moved from Kenya, where ive lived my whole life, 1 year ago.
Right now there seems to be a new generation of African leaders coming up. Things are on the move, we seeing changes.

After the elections in Kenya which took away the dictator, Arap Moi, last year we have seen many bright changes. Schooling is now free and parents only have to pay for books and uniforms.
Corruption has always been a big problem in Kenya but now for the first time ever people in high places are being charged for corruption, most notebly the chief justice.

Kenya is on the right track thanks to the kenyan people and the new leader Mwai Kibaki.

But still the main problem of oppression remains;
I belive that it is not in the interest of the western world to "develop" Africa, if Africa was fully "developed" we would be the wealthiest and mightiest in the world.
There is just no space in this world for all of us to be wealthy, Seen.

Quoted from topic: how europe underdeveloped Africa:
"Many African nations have found a way to move forward out of poverty and give the people of their nation more decent living conditions but still Africa is dependent of Europe and the western world for this to happen. How can the African nations get themselves out of this dependancy and still give a better life for their people? Is selfdependancy an option, can an African nation really stop its trade with the western world and stand on its own feet?

Organisations such as EAC (East African Community) have been around for awhile and maybe these organisations could grow and help the countries tied to them become more independent, economically independent.
I and I would like to hear views on this matter, I truly believe in this and this for me is the meaning of Africa for the Africans. "
I have much more that I would like to write on this but ill let it come another time.

Please Mandigo and all of you share your opinions on this. Peace and blessings to you all on this here wonderful day.


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