Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

WORLD HOT SPOTS => Around the World => Topic started by: Bantu_Kelani on June 12, 2003, 03:59:33 AM

Title: Arabs and African-Diaspora people.
Post by: Bantu_Kelani on June 12, 2003, 03:59:33 AM
Let's not forget that there is a link between Arabs and African-Diaspora people. Arabs invaded, conquered, and enslaved Sub-Saharan Africa before white men did.
The IGNORANCE of History is the cause for their complete support for anything Arab. The Arabs invaded Africa, just as the other aliens. The Arabs enslaved and continue to enslave. The so-called Black Arabs that are singled out to show that we are the same people are descendants of fellow African slaves. Although this information is readily available, there are many who will not even allow their minds to question anything negative about Arabs. For those who are curious, you should communicate with your people from Mauritania and Nubia (Sudan). Study the African slave uprisings in "Basra" Iraq. The Arab nationalism that is commonly called Islam, serves only Arab people. For those who take pleasure in murder of fellow Africans by Arabs, let them realize that they could have been in their shoes. It is useless to argue with those who submit to alien forces, because the response is always the same, "you don't know anything about Islam". The low self-esteem of our people is the major cause of our continuing legacy of joining forces with our OPPRESSORS and internalizing their culture. We must all take a critical look at what motivates our people to self-destruction. WE MUST LEARN OUR HISTORY, TRAVEL TO OUR HOMELAND AND BUILD A UNIFIED PEOPLE.

Support your people!
