MELANIN; The Genetic Key to Humanity, Life, Spirituality, Our past & Our Future

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I have seen many things, and here i see a blend of sense and folly; like the words of a court jester who listened in on the council of the wise.

Tell me, illuminati33; do you find that you need these folk to accept your thoughts as apt?
How are you at school; do you find that yo white brothers oppress you? do you eat yo lunch alone, like some of the black kids?
Do you think about a less segregated world before you sleep? Does it help you sleep?

Greetings all.


Ok you may leave the words about mkultra if they touch you on the raw (or did i reveal you by chance?). I just couldn't resist pinning you up, because you sounded like you wanted to influence the opinion, you know. Hypnosis between the lines and all that spooky things. The man (Witness) stated here:


My intention is to write this essay from a Pan-Afrikan perspective; it is not my intention to valorize our position as Afrikans and degrade other people.

Just try looking farther than average educational program and Darvin theory.


what about the times before colonialism? In the times of the Roman Empire and way before during the reign of Babylon as one of the first modern city's.

Babylonian empire began in the Biblical times and exists still in this days. It have been changed and whatever people called it during the history it's still BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And it is to be brought down. Ideas of one-world government appeared in Babylon.


Black's where no diffrent than other races of the time having an advanced civilization like caucasions or caucasiods in Babylon or the one in China. If Europeons never set foot in mainland Africa or even North Africa, Africa would be very diffrent and much more prosperous today. But once a civilization has power and is considerably more advanced than others eventually they will surcome to evil and greed that is why
Europeons colonized and enslaved Africa, stoll their history, Diamonds and the list goes on. It is not a surprise Europeons have done this, the human race in general has always fought amongst themselves even between there own race. You blame the violence between African peoples as things like divide and conquer tactics but the truth is even when Europeons set foot in Africa and did not start there Imperialistic agenda they witnessed Africans fighting and killing each other.

You know, there is one thing called spirituality. Let's look at Africa and let's look at Europe. Egyptian civilization, science (later stolen by greeks) and spirituality (yes there been slavery, but slaves were allowed to have property and were not treated as sub-humans), I hope you've read about real history of "Sphinx" , his real name and his real destination. Ethiopia, where Christianity, in fact was born, Yoruba spirituality, and a lot of different ways of harmony with nature (remember that old movie about Bushmen, where the hunter apologized to an animal before killing it?..) People never took more than they needed. When you live in Zion, you should know it and appreciate it.
Let's now take a look at Europe - materialism always was first. Different kinds of witchcraft, atheism, nihilism, nazism, the thing that they called "enlightening" and at last, colonialism. And notice the cruelty. Incvisition, guillotines, burning people alive, crusades, tries to conquer the world.. Look at Wikipedia:
"Pre-colonial Africa possessed perhaps as many as 10,000 different states and polities characterised by different sorts of political organisation and rule....whose trade network extended as far as China."
"The first European exploration of Africa....began in the 15th century. These expeditions were mostly conducted by the Portuguese, who had been given papal authority to exploit all non-Christian (or should we say non-satanic) lands of the Eastern Hemisphere. The Europeans set up coastal colonies to prosecute the slave trade..."
"Colonialism was often based on the ethnocentric belief that the morals and values of the colonizer were superior to those of the colonized; some observers link such beliefs to racism and pseudo-scientific theories dating to the 17th and 18th centuries. In the western world, this led to a form of proto-social Darwinism that placed white people at the top of the animal kingdom, "naturally" in charge of dominating non-European
indigenous populations."

See? Would some African king think about killing off or enslaving people of ANOTHER CONTINENT just because they had different life? And again, it seems to me that you're kinda glad that Europeans did it and by this, "saved the world from evil and greedy African empire". I don't feel like I should believe what Europeans said about Africans when they arrived there. They treated people like savages and inferior beings (look above wiki quotes) and justified their own crimes by bringing in "civilization". And I don't think that African tribal conflicts were comparable with that blood-thirsty things they did in their own land and in others.


More hate and racist beliefs will only hurt the situation of race relations more in our times, the next step is for humanity to come together in peace before we destroy ourselves.

True. But you gotta see the situation in full color if you want to know the truth. It is really cool, your awareness of Illuminati and thing, but you must realize. Let's imagine (ohhh man) that I would cut off my locks and started to "educate" in your way... Even if I would lock up with a PC and read only conspiracy sites, it wouldn't help neither me nor anybody. There is a lot of information, but you should filter it, first  drop off all of that david icke teachings. You gotta view it with a broader view. They never mention Africa or Black people on those sites like they don't exist or write such BS that you can't believe your eyes. I do know that babylonian elite is the real enemy, but man, how are YOU gonna confront it? White supremacy in this system is the fact. And it was built on it. Everyday I can see non-white people who think they are white, it's just like in Tupac's song (BTW do you know why HE called himself Killuminati?) "White manz world". "Use your brain, use your brain or be a victim." All that alien stuff I think is a part of disinformation to keep you high in the sky while they do their thing. You make a parallel between JAH witness and kkk and hitler, but have you ever heard of group of Black people going out to kill civilian white people "just for fun" and then taking the case of "hooliganism" in the court? That's what young neo-nazis do with African students and Caucasian (I mean, from Caucasus - Georgia or Azerbaijan) people in Russia. They do worship Hitler, they are being justified in the court and a lot of police share their views. And it's definitely not me who should teach you about kkk and nazi party. Again, before teaching others you gotta teach yourself. Peace is a good thing, that is really what them Wells and Carnegies wanted. To make "peace in the world"
by expanding blasted british empire to the whole globe. To have real peace justice is also needed.


I told you I don't know much about Rasta before I said what I though, I dout Jah is a true rasta though since he looks down on "pale" races even if they have no hate or racism against him. Is that the Spiritual, Righteous and pure way of life Rasta teaches?

Well, he doesn't like you. It is his opinion and I am not going "influence" on it like you do. Explore such thing as racism and white supremacy and try if not to drop but to delay alien theory for a while. Research also on New Age movement and its Nazi ideology. If you want to know more about Rastafari, you should read more.


If that was the case why don't you have any compassion for the brain-dead canaanite?

Gotcha, mista Rothschild. Wikipedia rules.
Curse of Ham (more properly called the curse of Canaan) refers to the curse that Noah placed upon Canaan (the son of Ham), after Ham saw Noah naked because of drunkenness in his tent. The "curse of Ham" has been used by some members of Abrahamic religions to justify racism and the enslavement of people of African ancestry, who were thought to be descendants of Ham (often called Hamites), either through Canaan or his older brothers. This racist theory was common during the 18th-20th centuries, but has been largely abandoned even by the most conservative theologians since the mid-20th century.
In the middle ages, European scholars of the Bible picked up on the Jewish Talmud idea of viewing the "sons of Ham" or Hamites as cursed, possibly "blackened" by their sins. Though early arguments to this effect were sporadic, they became increasingly common during the slave trade of the 18th and 19th Centuries. The justification of slavery itself through the sins of Ham was well suited to the ideological interests of the elite; with the emergence of the slave trade, its racialized version justified the exploitation of a ready supply of black African labour.


Jah doesn't know ****

"Jah knows" means LORD knows. And if you wrote such a thing, I have no more comments. I spent much time trying to educate your calcified brain, and if you will not start thinking from this very moment, consider yourself hopeless.


I have seen many things, and here i see a blend of sense and folly; like the words of a court jester who listened in on the council of the wise.

Tell me, illuminati33; do you find that you need these folk to accept your thoughts as apt?
How are you at school; do you find that yo white brothers oppress you? do you eat yo lunch alone, like some of the black kids?
Do you think about a less segregated world before you sleep? Does it help you sleep?

Most white people at school probably think diffrentley or stereotype me because of what I wear, Clothes similar to black youth of my age. Before you jump to conclusions about me being some so called wigger don't because I don't act like them at all nor do I have many friends if at all like them at my school. I don't drink,smoke or do drugs like all of them do nor do I talk in the street slang or use the Jamaican slang like they do. I only dress like it because there the only clothes I like, simple as that. I do eat lunch alone then I go to the library to do work, I don't talk much and the only black guy I saw eating lunch or being around the school alone at lunch was one person who's in my psychology class the rest of the black people in my school have friends. The one I see alone seems different than the rest. Ya I wish this world was not racist or segregated it would of been better for all of us and would of saved me a lot of trouble I had with black people in the past, thats why I used to be very racist and hated black people. A jamaican guy wanted me to pay him 2 dollars every day. I was nice and gave him money one day and when I refused for the rest he got pissed off, fought me after class and as soon as I started fighting back and actually starting to beat him his friend jumps me from behind hitting me over the head with a garbage can with 2 other black guys laughing and watching. That lead me to get expelled and I missed a symester of school as it was all caught on the security cam. That is why I am in school till Im 19 before I can graduate Im taking one more symester after this ones over. I recently had a conflict with another one who backed down from me when I provoked him to fight, Wasn't a suprise he was in grade 10. I tried to avoid him I did not want to get in another fight, later he wanted to be friends with me and now Im his friend. So overall Im trying to get past the hate I have had for black people. I may come off as supremecist like in this thread because I am not believing Jah's beliefs who obviously point out black people as being superior to whites when all human beings are for the most part the same and have no special characteristic with there race that sets them apart we all have high potential if we set are minds to it, its the individual that matters not the damn race.


You know, there is one thing called spirituality. Let's look at Africa and let's look at Europe. Egyptian civilization, science (later stolen by greeks) and spirituality (yes there been slavery, but slaves were allowed to have property and were not treated as sub-humans), I hope you've read about real history of "Sphinx" , his real name and his real destination. Ethiopia, where Christianity, in fact was born, Yoruba spirituality, and a lot of different ways of harmony with nature (remember that old movie about Bushmen, where the hunter apologized to an animal before killing it?..) People never took more than they needed. When you live in Zion, you should know it and appreciate it.
Let's now take a look at Europe - materialism always was first. Different kinds of witchcraft, atheism, nihilism, nazism, the thing that they called "enlightening" and at last, colonialism. And notice the cruelty. Incvisition, guillotines, burning people alive, crusades, tries to conquer the world.. Look at Wikipedia:
"Pre-colonial Africa possessed perhaps as many as 10,000 different states and polities characterised by different sorts of political organisation and rule....whose trade network extended as far as China."
"The first European exploration of Africa....began in the 15th century. These expeditions were mostly conducted by the Portuguese, who had been given papal authority to exploit all non-Christian (or should we say non-satanic) lands of the Eastern Hemisphere. The Europeans set up coastal colonies to prosecute the slave trade..."
"Colonialism was often based on the ethnocentric belief that the morals and values of the colonizer were superior to those of the colonized; some observers link such beliefs to racism and pseudo-scientific theories dating to the 17th and 18th centuries. In the western world, this led to a form of proto-social Darwinism that placed white people at the top of the animal kingdom, "naturally" in charge of dominating non-European
indigenous populations."

See? Would some African king think about killing off or enslaving people of ANOTHER CONTINENT just because they had different life? And again, it seems to me that you're kinda glad that Europeans did it and by this, "saved the world from evil and greedy African empire". I don't feel like I should believe what Europeans said about Africans when they arrived there. They treated people like savages and inferior beings (look above wiki quotes) and justified their own crimes by bringing in "civilization". And I don't think that African tribal conflicts were comparable with that blood-thirsty things they did in their own land and in others.

You admit Egypt had slaves but they had more rights and where aloud to own property. Does it really make it right though? They where still slaves forced to do there masters bidding and live a life of hardship when they turn old. Egypt was no perfect civilization, just because they did not invade does not mean they where in any way better people than that of Romans or other major empires of the time. They still had many ritual atrocities many civil conflicts between ruling dynasty's it is really no different. Yes I agree Egypt laid the foundation for many discoveries and technologies and the Greeks may have stoll it to I am not quiet sure on that fact. But who taught the Egyptions? This poses another big question, Aliens are rumoured to have taught the Egyptions the ones known as the Annunaki or the Nibirians. This has a chance of being true because there have been NASA photo's of ancient egyption like city's on mars and that mars face which is a sphinx. Also rumors of Pyramids on the Ocean floor. Things of that nature can only be of an alien influence. Since the Blacks may have already been influenced by the Annunaki or Niribuians whoever there gods where those aliens with birdlike heads and diffrent reptilian beings. This only left the Draco's and Reptillians and example of some of the most ruthless aliens who influenced the white race which lead to the creation of the Illuminati and the secret society's below them. This is how colonialism started, this is a game to them they wanted the world controlling through the white race. Many of you act as if the majority of white people are the enemy even in our times, the real enemy is the government and this Illuminati. They are the true reptilians as it is in there bloodline, the ruling familys all have reptillian genetics and are almost not even considered to be human, who knows they could even be reptillians themselves, I still think this all sounds crazy. Each new generation of the Illuminati bloodline families is exposed to the appropriate ritual to activate their possession by the reptilian entities and so the cycle goes on. The phrase that comes to mind is "...forgive them for they know not what they do." The Illuminati bloodline are all White/Caucasion whatever you wanna call it but in essence they are not caucasion at all they have the most Draconian genetics thats why they are chosen for this. This game of colonialism was all started by them, there where even forces of mass control before the Illuminati's beginning in 1754.

As for the supremecy I was talking about the beliefs of the two aspects black supremecy and white supremecy not what they did. I don't fully believe the alien thing yet but much more solid evidence is beginning to surface about the subject and many people are coming foward to talk about there experience even retired airforce and army people. At the beginning of this thread I only wanted to point out blacks are not better than white people because of there genetic make up or melanin we are all of the same human stock the diffrences are small. There is no denying aliens exsist even if there is no more solid evidence on earth yet because without a dout there are billions of planets out there in this galaxy alone and our planet being the only ones to sustain intelligent life like us is impossible without a dout there are beings out there a lot more advanced than us. I see you still use racist terms to address me...doesn't matter, I was reffering to the user Jah who started this thread.

David Icke does pay attention to Africa.     

There was a video of the interview with the Zulu Shaman but I can't find it on you tube or google videos, I saw some of it a long time ago.

Quote from: Illuminati33 on February 17, 2007, 01:37:39 AM


You know, there is one thing called spirituality. Let's look at Africa and let's look at Europe. Egyptian civilization, science (later stolen by greeks) and spirituality (yes there been slavery, but slaves were allowed to have property and were not treated as sub-humans), I hope you've read about real history of "Sphinx" , his real name and his real destination. Ethiopia, where Christianity, in fact was born, Yoruba spirituality, and a lot of different ways of harmony with nature (remember that old movie about Bushmen, where the hunter apologized to an animal before killing it?..) People never took more than they needed. When you live in Zion, you should know it and appreciate it.
Let's now take a look at Europe - materialism always was first. Different kinds of witchcraft, atheism, nihilism, nazism, the thing that they called "enlightening" and at last, colonialism. And notice the cruelty. Incvisition, guillotines, burning people alive, crusades, tries to conquer the world.. Look at Wikipedia:
"Pre-colonial Africa possessed perhaps as many as 10,000 different states and polities characterised by different sorts of political organisation and rule....whose trade network extended as far as China."
"The first European exploration of Africa....began in the 15th century. These expeditions were mostly conducted by the Portuguese, who had been given papal authority to exploit all non-Christian (or should we say non-satanic) lands of the Eastern Hemisphere. The Europeans set up coastal colonies to prosecute the slave trade..."
"Colonialism was often based on the ethnocentric belief that the morals and values of the colonizer were superior to those of the colonized; some observers link such beliefs to racism and pseudo-scientific theories dating to the 17th and 18th centuries. In the western world, this led to a form of proto-social Darwinism that placed white people at the top of the animal kingdom, "naturally" in charge of dominating non-European
indigenous populations."

See? Would some African king think about killing off or enslaving people of ANOTHER CONTINENT just because they had different life? And again, it seems to me that you're kinda glad that Europeans did it and by this, "saved the world from evil and greedy African empire". I don't feel like I should believe what Europeans said about Africans when they arrived there. They treated people like savages and inferior beings (look above wiki quotes) and justified their own crimes by bringing in "civilization". And I don't think that African tribal conflicts were comparable with that blood-thirsty things they did in their own land and in others.

You admit Egypt had slaves but they had more rights and where aloud to own property. Does it really make it right though? They where still slaves forced to do there masters bidding and live a life of hardship when they turn old. Egypt was no perfect civilization, just because they did not invade does not mean they where in any way better people than that of Romans or other major empires of the time. They still had many ritual atrocities many civil conflicts between ruling dynasty's it is really no different. Yes I agree Egypt laid the foundation for many discoveries and technologies and the Greeks may have stoll it to I am not quiet sure on that fact. But who taught the Egyptions? This poses another big question, Aliens are rumoured to have taught the Egyptions the ones known as the Annunaki or the Nibirians. This has a chance of being true because there have been NASA photo's of ancient egyption like city's on mars and that mars face which is a sphinx. Also rumors of Pyramids on the Ocean floor. Things of that nature can only be of an alien influence. Since the Blacks may have already been influenced by the Annunaki or Niribuians whoever there gods where those aliens with birdlike heads and diffrent reptilian beings. This only left the Draco's and Reptillians and example of some of the most ruthless aliens who influenced the white race which lead to the creation of the Illuminati and the secret society's below them. This is how colonialism started, this is a game to them they wanted the world controlling through the white race. Many of you act as if the majority of white people are the enemy even in our times, the real enemy is the government and this Illuminati. They are the true reptilians as it is in there bloodline, the ruling familys all have reptillian genetics and are almost not even considered to be human, who knows they could even be reptillians themselves, I still think this all sounds crazy. Each new generation of the Illuminati bloodline families is exposed to the appropriate ritual to activate their possession by the reptilian entities and so the cycle goes on. The phrase that comes to mind is "...forgive them for they know not what they do." The Illuminati bloodline are all White/Caucasion whatever you wanna call it but in essence they are not caucasion at all they have the most Draconian genetics thats why they are chosen for this. This game of colonialism was all started by them, there where even forces of mass control before the Illuminati's beginning in 1754.

As for the supremecy I was talking about the beliefs of the two aspects black supremecy and white supremecy not what they did. I don't fully believe the alien thing yet but much more solid evidence is beginning to surface about the subject and many people are coming foward to talk about there experience even retired airforce and army people. At the beginning of this thread I only wanted to point out blacks are not better than white people because of there genetic make up or melanin we are all of the same human stock the diffrences are small. There is no denying aliens exsist even if there is no more solid evidence on earth yet because without a dout there are billions of planets out there in this galaxy alone and our planet being the only ones to sustain intelligent life like us is impossible without a dout there are beings out there a lot more advanced than us. I see you still use racist terms to address me...doesn't matter, I was reffering to the user Jah who started this thread.

David Icke does pay attention to Africa.     

There was a video of the interview with the Zulu Shaman but I can't find it on you tube or google videos, I saw some of it a long time ago.


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