Pro-Blackness is the biggest threat to White Supre

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Quote from: Ras Eliyah on February 06, 2006, 09:23:35 AM

jambo afrika.
it is not only about blackness but also about the wealth that africa has in abundance that is a threat to the white man. if the black man gets the right knowledge and spiritual nourishment, africa can go far. our problem is still in the leadership. they still embrace western ideologies including religion(christianity & islam). until africans throw away the religions that were used to enslave(islam) and colonise(christian) them, we will still be the last in the human race. a black man with his tough endurance can build bigger bridges, roads and skysrappers than those built by chinese who are the people to watch now.
my african heritage and ancestry is of more importance to me than the promises being made by the church in effect that we will go to heaven after death. AFRICA IS THE PROMISED LAND FOR MANKIND. WE HAVE IT ALL. GOLD DIAMONDS WATER TIMBER, EVERYTHING THAT MAN NEEDS FOR SURVIVAL IS FOUND IN AFRICA.

L E A D E R S H I P has always been our problem.. For too many centuries, our leaders have had this LOVE-AFFAIR with WHITE-PEOPLE... They want us to stay close to them, and to seek acceptance from them, as we continue to buy and use  their consumer products that were made from our raw materials, and most of all, our LEADERSHIP & Men of Prominence remains "crazy about maintaining access to their WOMEN"....

i ask, What does their WOMEN have that our's don't??? What can their WOMEN do that our's can't??? Why has EURO-CENTRICITY triumphed our own AFRICAN culture????

When we start speaking their language, using their products, accepting their standards and worshiping their GODS, then we have lost the battle... We are no longer AFRICAN....  We've become them on the inside.... When we start to straighten our HAIR and BLEACHing our SKIN, then we've definitely gone too far...

We need to check ourselves... We don't need them... We have all that we need already... Open your eyes and look around you.... All you see everywhere in AFRICA, in positions of authority & prominence, are non-AFRICANS enjoying themselves and living large in our HOME-LAND while we continue to starve & to beg them for hand-outs....

They are flat-out RAPING all of us... And we allow them too...

Very soon, if we are not careful, we will be living on a CONTINENT that no longer has an AFRICAN majority.... Look at the SUDAN...  Slowly indigenous-AFRICANS are being killed and/or driven from their homelands by a well armed Muslim minority...  This is GENOCIDE.. The whole world is watching and doing NOTHING... Our 50+ presidents ARE NOT TAKING ANY ACTION TO HELP SAVE THE SUDANESE PEOPLE'S  COUNTRY....  These people are being chased from one Muslim controlled Country to another Muslimcontrolled country...  What's that all about???

The Northern-most States of AFRICA are all falling under Islamaic control... They are pushing steadily SOUTH... How far SOUTH will we LET THEM COME before we TAKE ACTION???? What STATE will be the NEXT to fall????

We can do better than this.... All we need is better governance.... We need to sit down and talk, and to decide how to do for oureselves that which we have asked others (WHITES, Chinese or Muslims) to do for us.. Why do we keep asking them??? How long will our current LEADERSHIP beg them, before they figure out that NEITHER ain't helping us do anything????

We keep asking & begging for years to no avail... They keep laughing at us and having a good time using up all our raw materials and natural resources, as they continue the encroachment upon our LANDS... Many AFRICANS believe that we can't make it without the WHITE MANS help; well i ask, ARE WE MAKING IT NOW???  Are we any better off today than we were before WHITES ever came to AFRICA???

Are things getting better for us as a whole??? Or, are they only getting better for a few???? Our LEADERS and PROMINENT CITIZENS are doing good for themselves, but what about the REST OF US???? Who's going to look-out for us??? Surely, our current crop of 50+ presidents won't be able to do anything because they've cut us up into too many small pieces...  No one individual piece is strong enough to safe-guard it's people...  Any group with more GUNS can come in at any time to threaten us, and to take away our LIBERTY'S...

We need BIGGER UNIONS, more treaties and pact with one another for protection and for aid... We need Joint-Projects that help to stabilize REGIONS... When we ORGANIZE, we can do more for ourselves, than anyone else has proven that they want to do for us... What do we need 50+ presidents for??? NONE... Not a one can provide for all it's PEOPLE...  Why not a Multi-Tribal Alliance, committed to the concept of "One for all - all for one"...

An alliance that's committed to making All-AFRICAN solutions - rather than GLOBAL SOLUTIONS... We take care of us, and let them take care of themselves...  Many of the EUROPEAN countries that control major AFRICAN regions are much smaller in size & population that the AFRICAN STATES they control... If we stopped them from dipping into our pot, they would fall flat on their faces and die...  Instead, we allow them to live off us while our love ones are dying...

They are not looking out for us, so why should we be committed to looking out for them???? Just taking care of our own is going to be one BIG J O B...

We need to stop being so selfish individually and to start thinking LONG-TERM.. And to start thinking S U R V I V A L..


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