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Author Topic: Homosexuality is against nature  (Read 85027 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 203


« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2005, 03:41:03 PM »

Sorry that was a mistake

I didn’t say I am talking to idiots but I was not speaking about the colour of the skin neither, I was talking about our mentality or our souls.  

Think Clear BE Clear>>>>Always Analyze never Dismiss We all are here to learn>>>>> this earth is a BIG class Room
Posts: 27


« Reply #31 on: May 25, 2005, 11:14:13 PM »

Peace Jemba

I can feel some of the truth behind your orginal post. But I can also feel the truths in the responds you're getting from the brother and sister.

If homosexuality was 'unnatural' Jemba it wouldn't have been possible to indulge in it. It can be done 'naturally' thats why it is done. But the one thing I agree with you on, is that it will always be a minority of us that will practise homosexuality exclusively like it's done here in the West. Because of the natural law of pro-creation that is possible only in heterosexual intercourse.

But there will always be homosexualism with us. And it's not just an European or a western 'vice'. I lived in Afrika and had friends from the Motherland whose never been to the West before yet engage in homosexual as well as heterosexual sex.

The only difference I'd notice among my continental Afrikan brethren who are gay or 'bi-sexual' is that they often keep their activities secret because and you are right, there is very little public tolerance for that sorts of behaviors in Afrika.

Afrika is very sexually conservative---we look down on even oral sex as an immoral sexual perversion as you rightly stated. But I wouldn't think that whom you decide to have sex with, or the hole you decide to bury your rod in, is fuel enough to destroy your soul. I would say without any doubt or apology that GREED definately more than anything else, corrupts a soul and destroys it more than any other vice. And none of us can be self-righteous about that one.

Peace N Love

Peace N Love
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Posts: 203


« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2005, 01:15:48 PM »

Hotep raskwem

I have a lot of respect for everyone on this site white/black and I know the things that I say sound like angry words but their not. I never get angry or loose my temper because I fast often to clear my mind and I don’t eat meat.

Raskwame said

If homosexuality was 'unnatural' Jemba it wouldn't have been possible to indulge in it.  



People in the west have a moral problem the Europeans are going through a moral crisis and Nubians are may fall with them if we don’t stand tall.


But there will always be homosexualism with us. And it's not just an European or a western 'vice'. I lived in Afrika and had friends from the Motherland whose never been to the West before yet engage in homosexual as well as heterosexual sex.


This is because of their souls its broken and needs to be fixed, if you where born are born a homosexual you are either a soul who is in the wrong body or a soul who was not suppose to be born, but other people within the west just choose to this life style.

If a person comes to earth and fails his mission and they come again and fail their mission and they are given other a 100 chances to correct the things that they have done but they continue to break the laws, then they are sent to a place out of contact with the earths light until they have learned their lessons.


The only difference I'd notice among my continental Afrikan brethren who are gay or 'bi-sexual' is that they often keep their activities secret because and you are right, there is very little public tolerance for that sorts of behaviors in Afrika.  


Because our people in afrika still have a little morality within them they do not tolerate such things and our people will keep on hating these things. If you go go to the villages you won’t find anything western there its always within the cities.

Ras kwame

Afrika is very sexually conservative---we look down on even oral sex as an immoral sexual perversion as you rightly stated. But I wouldn't think that whom you decide to have sex with, or the hole you decide to bury your rod in, is fuel enough to destroy your soul. I would say without any doubt or apology that GREED definately more than anything else, corrupts a soul and destroys it more than any other vice. And none of us can be self-righteous about that one.


The word sex is not found in my language the kongolese dialect lingala or any other dialectsif we look we will find a word that’s more natural. Because sex was not a hobby or something you do everyday because the results will be pregnancy and I swear to you that our people never designed or used contraceptives.

We where not what we are now and we will have to make a lot of changes to go back to the path that we where on before.

Animals first eat before drinking they go to seek water after they have eaten, a human being eats drinks maybe smokes whilst his drinking we learn this from the Europeans uncontrolled thinking and behaviour.

Think Clear BE Clear>>>>Always Analyze never Dismiss We all are here to learn>>>>> this earth is a BIG class Room
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Posts: 605

« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2005, 06:15:10 AM »

I lived in Afrika and had friends from the Motherland whose never been to the West before yet engage in homosexual as well as heterosexual sex.

Since European cultural imperialism and domination/oppression is rampant worldwide...one doesn't have to be born or have been to the "West" to have undergone Western cultural indoctrination.

Forward to a united Africa!
Junior Member
Posts: 203


« Reply #34 on: May 31, 2005, 07:12:43 AM »

The head of Zimbabwe's state radio and television - which has been at the forefront of Robert Mugabe's vitriolic campaign against political opponents, whites and gays - has been forced to resign after allegations that he was caught having sex with a man in a Harare nightclub.
The government has launched an inquiry into the accusations against Alum Mpofu, chief executive of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC). The ZBC has been the primary conduit for Mr Mugabe's frequently expressed view that homosexuals are "worse than pigs and dogs" and have "no rights at all".

Zimbabwe's president has also dismissed criticism by the British government on the grounds that Tony Blair's cabinet is "a gay mafia" and is in need of lessons on human reproduction.

The state-owned Herald newspaper reported that Mr Mpofu was chained to a fire hydrant by a security guard at the nightclub after being found in "a compromising position" with a man in a corridor.

The owner of the club, a ruling Zanu-PF member of parliament, eventually had Mr Mpofu released but news of the incident leaked and the government has ordered an inquiry. Gideon Gono, chairman of the ZBC board, said Mr Mpofu resigned for "personal reasons".

Zimbabwe's excitable information minister, Jonathan Moyo, recruited Mr Mpofu last July from South Africa's state broadcaster after dismissing the previous head of the ZBC because he was too soft on the opposition.

Mr Mpofu rose to the challenge as one of the main architects of Mr Mugabe's propaganda campaign in the run-up to last month's presidential election. He virtually banned all mention of the opposition from the airwaves, except to level allegations that Mr Mugabe's opponents were stooges for white western interests and recolonisation.

But his loyal and efficient service to the president could not save him from Mr Moyo's criticism. "Sexual perverts need to be told once again that homosexuality is unnatural," the minister said.

Two years ago, Zimbabwe's former figurehead president, Canaan Banana, was jailed for raping a male member of his presidential guard and sexually assaulting others. The case deeply embarrassed Mr Mugabe.


Should president mugabe me taken to court by the activist of human rights.  

Think Clear BE Clear>>>>Always Analyze never Dismiss We all are here to learn>>>>> this earth is a BIG class Room
Senior Member
Posts: 605

« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2005, 03:34:38 PM »

Lol... I know a Mr. Mpofu.(the Ndabelle word for a gazelle) Can't wait to e-mail him this story.


Most media sources can't be trusted when dealing with Zimbabwe and/or Mugabe for obvious reasons. Can you post the source?

I think Zimbabwe has bigger more "all emcompassing" and "pressing" issues for the media to deal with than it's intollerant climate toward homosexuality.

I also would be more interested in finding out why the hell Mugabe is Catholic still. But I understand my order of importance is irrelavant and straying from the topic.

I personally don't think oppressing homosexuals is the answer. The frequency of homosexuality in a society is a symptom IMO, not "the" problem.

Every society is going to have a few.  And they should be treated as equal human beings. Nature dictates they would be in the sever minority so when homosexuality seems to be a 'fad' (for lack of a better term) something else is out of balance in the society at large IMO.

Forward to a united Africa!
Junior Member
Posts: 203


« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2005, 09:45:43 AM »

this is the site sister auset

The only people that are fighting against mugabe are human rights activists and allot of politicians.

But he is a little harsh with his words against homosexuals or is he to afrikan to compromise.

Think Clear BE Clear>>>>Always Analyze never Dismiss We all are here to learn>>>>> this earth is a BIG class Room
Posts: 7


« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2005, 06:28:49 AM »

Regardless of the origin of AIDS, the fact is that heterosexual Africans' sexual promiscuity is what is decimating millions of lives in Africa.

From today’s New York Times at
a949cb&ei=5094&partner=homepage ,the following:

“...We have shown that a single gene in the fruit fly is sufficient to determine all aspects of the flies' sexual orientation and behavior," said the paper's lead author, Dr. Barry Dickson, seniorscientist at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. "It's very surprising. ¶ What it tells us is that instinctive behaviors can be specified by genetic programs, just like the morphologic development of an organ or a nose. ¶ The results are certain to prove influential in debates about whether genes or environment determine who we are, how we act and, especially, our sexual orientation, although it is not clear now if there is a similar master sexual gene for humans ¶ Still, experts said they were both awed and shocked by the findings. "The results are so clean and compelling, the whole field of the genetic roots of behavior is moved forward tremendously by this work," said Dr. Michael Weiss, chairman of the department of biochemistry at Case Western Reserve University. "Hopefully this will take the discussion about sexual preferences out of the realm of morality and put it in the realm of science...¶...The finding supports scientific evidence accumulating over the past decade that sexual orientation may be innately programmed into the brains of men and women. Equally intriguing, the researchers say, is the possibility that a number of behaviors - hitting back when feeling threatened, fleeing when scared or laughing when amused - may also be programmed into human brains, a product of genetic heritage...”
Posts: 2


« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2005, 12:14:06 AM »

 "But he is a little harsh with his words against homosexuals or is he to afrikan to compromise. "

Well said..
Posts: 27


« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2005, 11:44:19 PM »

Greetings Recredo

I would like to address some of the points you wrote earlier because I think it's gone almost unnoticed. And they shouldn't be.

Recredo, you wrote.....
''Regardless of the origin of AIDS, the fact is that heterosexual Africans' sexual promiscuity is what is decimating millions of lives in Africa''.

With all due respects to you Recredo.... but that is absolutely nonsense and pure garbage. Afrikans are nowhere near the sexual promiscuity of heterosexual or homosexual people in the west or even elsewhere for that matter.

Blaming the sick for their illness is like blaming the raped for getting raped. Or the child for getting molested by the pedophile. Alot of the people contacting the HIV/AIDS virus and dying now in Afrika are not even sexually active---they are babies and pre-teen childern who've got the virus from their mother.

How on earth can you be spewing such rubbish as......

''Pity, the observation skills of Africans who live in proximity to Bonobos and other homosexuality-practicing animals were not developed enough to have taken cue from nature itself on the naturalness of homosexuality and the social values of homosexuality which for such an overpopulated continent as Africa, homosexuality would be a non-life threatening form of birth control such as are abortions and infanticide.''

I don't belief this brother. Where are your 'observation skills' gone? Afrika is an over-populated continent? Which Afrikan country has the population density of England? (and it's not even the most populous country in U-Rope) Which Afrikan city is as over-populated as London, yet? All of U-Rope's countries can fit into two of the largest Afrikan countries, yet you can go check out their populations before saying that Afrika is over populated (I'm sure you know where to look.... the CIA world fact book has all of this kind of information).

Afrika is yet to reach a population similar to that of China and India even though we have countires like the Democratic Repubilc of Congo thats almost as big as India ( with very fertile land too and not like the barren huge desert lands of the Arab North Afrikans). When we do reach similar population rates, proportionate with the size of our land, then you can come talk about 'over-population' in Afrika.

Recredo later wrote.........

''Considering Africa's heterosexual masses being responsible for the transmission of AIDS from the Green Monkey to humans and the fact that heterosexual Africans have the gold medal in the number of AIDS cases worldwide, you don't have the preponderance of statisitical facts to claim any credible expertise in the matter or the moral authority to preach to others regarding sexuality and the transmission of diseases''.

You showing everyone how much respect you have for Afrikans. And the 'high' regard you have for Afrikan lives.  You're right...we have the 'gold medal' in contacting the virus thanks to the medical as well as food 'AIDS' we get thrown at us from U-Rope and America. You think Afrikans passed the AIDS virus from the Green Monkey to humans? I think U-Ropeans are responsible for passing the virus to humans. After all the first recorded human that the U-Ropeans themsleves cliamed to have recorded, was an U-Ropean-man.

Afrikans don't have the moral authority to preach to others regarding sexuality and the transmission of diseases? Compared to U-Ropeans, we more than qualify. We don't have internet websites delicated to child-molestation, bestiality, and incest, yet. Niether do we have multi-billion dollar porno industries, yet. We still haven't got the 'gold medal' in wiping out whole races of peoples with not just brutal violence, but our veneral STDs upon arriving on their lands, either (again as at yet). So what are you talking about?

My only hope is that Afrikans start exploiting this gold medal and share it with the rest of these beneficaries instead of getting blamed insanely for 'introducing' AIDS into the world---even though theres no prove at as yet that AIDS did orignated in Afrika; and dying off quietly.

Listen Recredo.....HIV/AIDS is apparently killing millions in Afrika because people with sentiments like yours continue to paint Afrikans as sexually immoral bunch of savages, who deserve to die if they can't limit their reproduction to two babies per couple. AIDS main purpose in Afrika is population-control. We all know it. But it's a loosing battle thats being waged. Afrikan population would continue to grow because we need to occupy our vast continent before other aliens come and occupy it again like they did in the past. U-Ropeans on the other hand have no where else to go but Space---because they've reached where they set themselves up to get to. If you are already 'highly developed' where else do u have to go but downstairs?

Anyone whose been to Afrika or has any of the 'observation skills' you were ranting on about, knows that the average European, American, Asian, Australian as well as Latin American, is more sexually prosmiscious that the average Afrikan.

And I'm not even passing judgement on whether thats a bad thing or a good thing because I know that promiscuity is not what is killing us. It's the superexploitation of anything that has 'Afrikan' written on it, and the total lack of respect these guys place on the worth of an Afrikan life.

But I assure you, Afrika is yet to rise to her full destiny. It's her eventual elevation that is scaring those that have wrong her and continue to wrong her. They've been waiting on her revenge for a long time now, but it never seem to come. But they needn't worry. Afrika is the most forgiving Mother of all. Her vengence would come in ways that is unrecomprendable by her distractors. She hands shall never be soaked in the blood of anybody's childern, like Babylon's hands are. So watch the ride me bredda.

Peace N Love
Full Member
Posts: 417


« Reply #40 on: June 24, 2005, 01:44:30 PM »

Ras Kwame, yu is a very intelligent Rastaman, big up yuself brudda, nuff respect for that post deh.
From a next Kwame.
Junior Member
Posts: 134

« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2006, 03:20:33 AM »


I must apologise in advance if I offend anyone in this forum, but one thing that I have learned is to take ANYTHING the White Race says with a large degree of suspicion. Clearly, it has been proven time and time again that their culture and cultural habits are poisonous to the African people and the African culture.

With that being said, is it just me or doesn't anyone else realize that European Man constitutes the major modern day force pushing for the political legitimacy and acceptance of homosexual behavior? This alone should raise suspicion! I challenge you to outline one single political move made by the European throughout history that has actually served the Global interest and not just their personal agenda. As far as I am concerned, there has never been one! Now I am not suggesting that anyone exercise intolerance towards any other human being for practicing homosexuality, but please, do not be naive! Do not allow Europeans with their corrupt and decadent ways fool you by literally using your own God given tolerance against you! Consider that promiscuity in any way, shape or form is wrong. This is part of the core reasoning passed down to us by our ancestors, generation after generation. These core ancient reasonings are what gives us our moral fiber as a people. If we voluntarily give them up, then we are giving up the last remnant of what makes us who we are as a people.

Ask yourself this simple question: Is it socially acceptable for two individuals, irrespective of sexual orientation, to copulate in the middle of the street for all the public to see? Or better yet, to bring a seven year old child to watch a porn film? If your answer to this question is no, then you must be able to see that the reason why these things are not done is because the decision to not do them has a MORAL basis rather than an ethical one. Before Europeans were civilized by our African ancestors however, these activities would have been considered commonplace. Infact, only a white man/woman would today attempt to dismantle these core moral truths in an attempt to make them socially acceptable. Believe me, as they (White people) are essentially the ruling class, if it benefits them in the long run, all that is needed is to modify their laws so that what was once considered illegal, now becomes ethically sound. What these Devils attempt to do is replace morailty with ethics (which, incidentally, is devoid of any spiritual connection). If you doubt me, visit Amsterdam, Germany! Everyone claims to be ethical; i.e. they don't steal, claim not to be predjudice in any way shape or form, are generally amicable people, etc. However, based on the very definition of immorality, Amsterdam is one of the most corrupt places you'll probably ever visit, and yet for Europeans, it is a hot spot tourist destination! It doesn’t get any more f@#*'ed up than that.

If you are like me then, and you overstand that morality and spirituality go hand in hand then you will see that ANY relationship based primarily on sex, whether it is man/man, woman/woman or woman/man, should be avoided at all cost. This level of social bonding serves no other purpose than to satisfy the most physical of needs, and has no spiritual benefit whatsoever. Overstanding this, can you please tell me, what benefits exist, other than for sexual gratification, would justify one male to have sex with another male (or female to have sex with another female)? The only form of copulation capable of satisfying both the physical and spiritual needs of human existence is that between two opposite genders, as this form of pairing INVITES ANOTHER SPIRIT BEING INTO THE PHYSICAL REALM THROUGH BIRTH. It is the Potential To Be that exists between a male and female that allows the currents of life to flow, similar to how a live battery (collection of cells) allows an electrical current to flow when the two opposites meet. This bonding facilitates the connection between spirit and body. Anything other form of bonding contains no life force and is a spiritually dead union. Of course, as the White unenlightened majority as a whole finds the existance of the spirit world a major inconvenience, this fact is ignored.

Further, if homosexuality was as innocent as two people bonding to promote peace and unity under the rainbow coalition, (this argument is often used as proof that there is a spiritual side to homosexual unions) then there would be no need for sexual intercourse!!! Clearly, this is not the case, as the fundamental prerequisite for being gay is that you DESIRE to have sexual intercourse with a member of the same gender. When the choice to do this is made, the decision is based on one of the most carnal, reptilian instincts that mankind possesses. This is what you need to understand!

Now because we are forced to live in a world dominated by White Supremacy, we are also forced (literally) to accept every damn thing that the white race views as OK. For this reason, every time we turn the television on, something is sure to challenge or very moral fiber. Why? Because the White Race has to be spoon fed morals to understand right from wrong, and if they are not, then quite naturally, they will have none, and the whole world suffers because of it. History can testify to that!  So, after an entire lifetime of their brainwashing, and completely desensitized to immorality as a whole, we too become totally incapable of differentiating left from right. As a result, if White Simon says “Homosexuality is a good thing, and anyone who disagrees is an intolerant homophobe who should be ostracized” you innocently believe this load of shit just because you want to be nice. Hell, if White Supremacy can do that, imagine what else it is capable of doing.

In closing, I want to make it clear that I am in no way, shape or form promoting the dislike, disenfranchisement or disrespect for homosexuals. Nor am I suggesting that homosexuals are in anyway responsible or condemned. However, I do understand that when the human spirit becomes corrupted, there is a point when that corruption manifests itself physically. The ‘evils’ of the world as a whole are a reflection of this spiritual corruption. In time, however, things WILL change.

Keep the faith.
Posts: 11

« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2006, 07:42:16 PM »

RECREDO, YOU USED AN EXPO FROM NEW YORK TIMES ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY BEING GENETIC. IT STATED: Instinctive behaviors can be specified by genetic programs,.

Full Member
Posts: 316

« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2006, 01:18:32 PM »

there is great book called the effemizaion of the afrikan male,read it people,as regarding,white people,yurugus,oyembos,indo europeans,rheziku aryans,khaukazoids,they are not natural,th history of europe is full of homosesuals and gays,all those kings and queens had strange habits,why was europe empty during the bubonic plague,europe during feudalism,was most insanitary places,those kings and queens had orgies in their palaces,i dont believea person is born homosexual,it is learnt behavious,unfortunately, there are many black folks in toronto,jumping on the agenda of their masters,
with pride parade and many other stuff,the city is more likely,to fund this festival of insanity than any black festival,we have enough sick people of our own and we have amerikkkans come in.
in the book behold a pale horse,he says,they experemimented with their own gay population and blacks
when they created the hiv virus,think about it. Two Thumbs Cool
Black Samson
Posts: 7

« Reply #44 on: July 05, 2006, 01:17:58 AM »

One of the most pervasive and perverse mass conditioning exercises in recent years is the lowering of tolerance for homosexuality that gradually desensitized the minds of the people to perversion.

It was a “planned psychological attack” primarily orchestrated by two homosexual social scientists and activists from Harvard, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen who wrote a homosexual manifesto in their book “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s” The authors predicted Americans would be “cured” of their opposition to homosexual perversion, “whether they like it or not.”

In order for a new neonazi fascist state to be imposed the current culture has to be broken down, replaced, corrupted. Not that this society was ever very morally hospitable to Black people anyway but the principle is our focus here.

People are being made to believe that this is an alternative life style or that one is born that way. It is being suggested to people that they are gay through propaganda the same way a doctor suggests to someone that they need an operation when they really don’t.

These men and women are not that way by nature. If that were true, the world could never have been populated. It is a psychological/sociological issue. It is circumstances that make people susceptible, then some one or some form of propaganda suggests to them that they are homosexual.

One recent study that may make men susceptible may lie in the toxic chemical make up of some plastics. Polycaronate used for most clear plastic bottles particularly baby bottles, when heated release bisphenol-A (BPA) which is a hormone disruptor that imitates the female hormone estradiol.

These estrogen imitators in BPA known as xenoestrogens also crop up in industrial waste, meat, soap, pesticides, car exhaust, gurniture paneling, and carpeting. The CDC reports that BPA is present in the urine of 95% of Americans tested.

The recycle pyramid symbols that appear on the bottom of every plastic container each have a corresponding number. Four of seven categories have no known health risks presently. These categories are: #1 PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate), #2 HDPE (High-density polyethylene), #4 LDPE (Low-density polyethylene), and #5 PP (Polypropylene). The categories which have been found to pose health risks, BPA, breast & testicular cancer etc. are as follows: #3 PVC or Vinyl (Polyvinyl Chloride), #6 PS (Polystyrene) commonly known as Styrofoam, #7 PC (Polycarbonate).

The organized homosexual movement had it’s roots in the Mattachine society founded in 1950 Nov.11 by two Marxists, Harry Hay and Rudi Gernreich. Its primary goal was to encourage the public to view homosexuals as a persecuted minority rather than mental deviants.

An outcome of such a movement that is compatible with neonazi fascism is population and birth control. Both of which received heavy funding from the Rockefeller foundation.

The Rockefellers also financed an earlier work in 1948, 2 years before the first organization, by Alfred Kinsey “The Sexual Behavior in the Human Male” and “The Sexual Behavior in the Human Female.” Kinsey, a sexologist, used his research to suggest that 95% of adult males were actively engaged in some form of deviant sexual behavior.

He also supervised studies involving child molestation. Kinsey, with the help of Rockefeller’s finance, is still one of the most cited sex scientists. It seems that Kinsey’s shocking work opened the door for the first organized movement.
In Feb. 1988, refered to as the war conference, 175 homosexual activists representing different organizations convenend in Warrenton, Virginia where they established a 4 part agenda to force acceptance of homosexual culture into the mainstream American culture.

For example the use of the term “gay” to detract from the sexual connotation that the use of "homosexual" exposes. In attendance were Kirk and Madsen. They devised the marketing and public relations propaganda, a blueprint that we have seen at work in the areas that touch every American citizen as the blueprint suggests, in government, education, organized religion, the media, and the workplace.

The latest homosexual propaganda perpetrated against the black community to foster mistrust, suspicion, and destruction of the traditional Black family structure is the down low brother stories/rumors.

There may be some down low people out there but the suggestion in the media, like the Oprah Winfrey Show, is that it is epidemic and a major cause in the rise of aids cases among Black women. This has caused a great degee of paranoia among Black women and an uneccessary stigma placed over Black men.

And because the Black media does almost no investigative journalism only press releases, our community accepted this as a significant threat in our community.

In 2003 the New York Times magazine, the Washington Post, and the Chicago Sun Times published stories saying Black men are on the down low or having sex with men and women and contributing to the spread of HIV/AIDS.

These stories are the source of this speculation. In these articles it sites the data from the Young Mens Survey (YMS), a study by Dr. Linda A. Valleroy of the CDC. She has disputed the use of her data in these articles to perpetrate this idea.

In her interviews she states her study was not about so called black men on the “down low”. It was about gay men going to gay bars. Valleroy did not dispute that there are people who have a down low lifestyle, but that it has never been studied and the percentage of men who had sex with both sexes in her survey was small.

“ How prevalent it is I don’t know.” “Nobody knows how prevalent it is, but its in novels, its in rap music, and its on Oprah,”she said. The perpetrators of these articles were, Benoit Denizet-Lewis/NY Times Magazine, Jose Antonio Vargas/Washington Post, and Cheryl Jackson/Chicago Sun Times. (CDC prevention news update 8/25/04.

Quoted from Gay City News article 8/19/04 “Down Low Goes Down” (hopefully no pun intended). The question now is can this barely publicized story ever hope to catch the lie that has already been perpetrated?
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