Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

WORLD HOT SPOTS => Around the World => Topic started by: Ayinde on February 07, 2004, 11:07:22 AM

Post by: Ayinde on February 07, 2004, 11:07:22 AM
Thu Feb 5, 2004
by Ted Rall - Yahoo!

NEW YORK--Bush must be laughing his ass off. Voters too dim to recall yesterday's news are letting him get away with running on the imaginary successes of a phony record. Lazy journalists are allowing him to run on a patently fictional platform of promises while ignoring the disastrous realities he has planned for 2004. Now Democrats, falling for Karl Rove's silly "we'd love nothing more than to run against Howard Dean" baiting, are about to hand him the November opponent nominee Republicans wanted all along: John Kerry

Hit the theme from the old Mary Tyler Moore show. New lyric: stupidity is what's all around.

By all rights Bush ought to be warming a prison cell right now. Continue here... (