Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: Eja on April 28, 2006, 10:24:06 AM

Title: Evening
Post by: Eja on April 28, 2006, 10:24:06 AM
hear the words
Of Brother Masca


"The time is pregnant
and she's about ready
To deliver

Right here"
hear the words
Of Masca Church
(Chew on this)

"The time is
Revving up her
And she's about to leave
Tire marks
On history"

Right here
Hear this words
"No time to get
hear the words
of Reverend Masca

Chew on this
don't swallow yet)

"I got a job
at last
Can I get home
from this stop?"

Every bus that passes
is full up

"I'm standing at
the bus-stop
and a gang of Black men
Can we
get home?"

"I'm working out
my wages"
Brother Masca
buses driving by
Masca Church people
in those buses
Half empty buses
that don't stop
"Where I'm standing
and a gang of Black men
Can we
get home?"

Time is pregnant
Mother's voices
"Take care
of my baby"

If I get home
I will
Take care
of my people
If I get paid
If history don't deliver
the madness
before I get paid
I will
Take care
of my baby."

Every bus that passes
is full
With Black men
hanging off the back.
"Can I get home?"