Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: Head_Fiyah on August 02, 2006, 09:03:52 AM

Title: Burn Them Again
Post by: Head_Fiyah on August 02, 2006, 09:03:52 AM
Over time
they will become
tiny accidents of history
running an armed madhouse
with mental chains
and boot-legging efficiency
it's who flew over the cuckoo's nest
stiff jackets are their best dress
so who is next on their list
these draculas of oil
one gallon to the mile
rapidly guzzling before
the sun reaches over
the horizon
who will be thier next
divide to conquer
who will suffer consequences
of their occupational tendencies
to satisfy their Barnabas Collins
mode of consumerism
but we are confident
in the victory of good over evil
the fact that they will
become cosmic dust in time
and the victims of neo-colonialism
will fullfil their need for development
even with the rise of
the house of corporations
synonymous with the rise
of political candidates
esconsed in white houses

Now what of their
drug fumigation processes
in Colombia and elsewhere
is anyone concerned about
its effect on human beings
as they lie about the components
of their chemicals used
do they have any control
of its dispersal
as it destroy small farms
killing the life sustenance
of the people
violating human rights regulations
their state departments
is to be blamed
I know because they did the same
in Jamdung, pink eye was the result
destruction of the coconuts and bananas
cover crops, we lost a lot
as they continue to deny
the negative impact
on the earth's biosphere
driving utmost fear
into those who have
the decency to care

But should we embark on
a fumigating process
of Kentucky and North Carolina
where tobacco is produced
daily turned into cancer sticks
that have destroyed more
of humanity than any other drug
throughout the whole planet
again it is pure lies
and more lies to explain
their political strategies
so called collective security
or should I say demoncracy
one has to know nothing
for them is working
and Jah is not sleeping
even though they have us beLIEving
that whatever they are doing
is in the interest of world peace
and the fight against drug abuse
but in fact they are doing nothing
but destroying
planting tumours in third world testicles
fertility is deliberatly attacked
to delay the population
as usual destroy the nation
is their tool
I am telling you, don't be fooled
when military might fails
biological warfare is logical
that's what it takes
it is simply a game
based on their economics
but their is no profit
in truths and rights
and in their deception
I have seen the light

Ashanti Tafari
July 10th, 2006
Linville, NC