Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: Ras_Joe on November 08, 2003, 02:10:29 PM

Title: Life of a Thug By Ras Joe
Post by: Ras_Joe on November 08, 2003, 02:10:29 PM
Life of a Thug

I'm crazy, misguided
And Don't Give a f***
My Ways, My Walk, MY Talk
Are Examples of My Don't Care Attitude

That's Right I don't Care about Nothin
Cause I'm Tough, Rough
And the Weak on My Street Fear Me

Yeah Man When I walk Down the Street
Niggas Move
But it ain't cause ah dah lastest groove
But they Move Cause I am Nigga to Fear

You see I ain't got no respect for nothin,
Not Even Self
Or Either the people Around Me

Man I wear some grimy ass shit
Cause I'm a grimy ass nigga
And So Called Normal People Don't Understand Me

But They'll Start to Understand
When I pull the nine from my waist band
and start to fire non-stop

Pop, Pop, Pop
A Brother Falls, A Sista Falls
Then I run into the alley
Thinkin Yeah Nigga Yah Did it

But then the Sound of the Sirens Close End
I'm alone with no friends
And I start to feel afraid

Now I'm Scared
Oh Yes I'm Scared
Cause I thought thug life was glamorous
And then My Conscious Starts to Trap Me

Oh Shit Oh Shit
What Have I Done
Thinking Before I did this Thug Life was fun
Then I continue to run and I run

Years later I finally awaken
In A Jail Cell
No Different From Hell
And Ask What Could I have Done

By Ras Joe

Title: Re: Life of a Thug By Ras Joe
Post by: Poetic_Princess on November 16, 2003, 11:46:15 AM
Nice poem Ras, showing through your words that being a thug aint it all it is depicted to be and the consequences and hardships and punishment u face for takin on a role as a thug, Bless up Ras and keep em coming [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]