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Author Topic: AFRIKAN PRIDE authentic or false?  (Read 14616 times)
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Posts: 2063

« on: March 03, 2007, 04:51:08 PM »

AFRIKAN PRIDE authentic or false?

I feel that too many Afrikans, especially in the western hemisphere  and Caribbean, carry this false pride in being Revolutionary Pan-Afrikanists. They have a false pride to be revolutionary Pan-Afrikanist? I would define that as just trying to be a part of something because that thing seems to be cool..

Where do you see the false pride in these Afrikans?

Revolutionary Pan-Afrikanism pride from Afrikans seemed to bust out on the scene after the Black Panther Party in the sixties made it big. And since Stokely Carmichael became a famous man and coined the "Black Power" cry  in June 1966 at a freedom march in Mississippi, all of a sudden many young Afrikans in the West and Caribbean wanted to stand for the empowerment of the blacks and act "Afrikan” and  as if they were part of the World Revolution. Not to say that this is wrong, but the long term effects are not so great when the pride is fake. The same Afrikans embracing political Pan-Africanism toting Pan-African flags the Red, Black and Green flags during "African Liberation Day" and other demonstrations and festivals may be extremely westernized in their daily lives. Rather than trying to better our great Motherland AFRIKA, they are mixed up with an attempt to reconnect with AFRIKA and separate themselves from Europeans that are no good in general and at the same time they have never been to AFRIKA, learn an Afrikan language, etc..

If Carmichael changed his name to "Kwame Ture" and remained active in AFRIKA what about you visit Ghana? The fathers of Revolutionary Pan-Africanism Kwame Nkrumah and Sekou Ture and Kwame Ture worked in Ghana for majors’ performance, that involved working in the continent of AFRIKA which is the richest land in the world, and working with the masses of continental Afrikans.  This mean that a true Revolutionary Pan-Africanist visit continental Afrika about culture, music, dance, art, etc.. that will culminate in being "authentic" Afrikan.

There are those brothers and sisters that want to imitate those many Afrikan leaders who preach Panafrikanism without conducting the liberation and the emancipation crusades in the continent of AFRIKA.
Many believe that toting the Red, Black, and Green flags makes them Revolutionary Pan-Afrikanists, and they need not do anything else. After coming from their demonstration draped in this flag, they go back to their purely capitalist western lifestyle. They do not take interest in learning enough about AFRIKA. They do not learn to cook AFRIKAN food, learn AFRIKAN folklore, nor do they care to learn one of the majors AFRIKAN languages such as Swahili, Yoruba, Lingala, Kikongo, Hausa, etc.. These are the same Afrikans who defend their heritage when AFRIKA is being shown on the news in a bad light.

On pro-Afrikan websites and forums such as Afrikaspeaks.com/Rastafarispeaks.com, you will spot a few of these Afrikans. Their meaningless pride is hilarious because you can see right through them. They are fake, and just want to be part of the "AFRIKAN" click until someone confronts their lack of knowledge of the experience of being Afrikan. Then they will run off like punks and pretend they are Afrikan "American" in the United States of America or "Afro-Caribbean. "

False pride is like no pride at all. We all should understand that to be revolutionary Pan-Afrikanists and talk of Black Power is not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. Why are we afraid to walk the streets of our great Motherland, grabb the mic and yell "Stop capitalism, imperialism and neo-colonialism!" and shock black puppets and their white masters in the western world? An Afrikan proud to be a revolutionary Pan-Afrikanist is someone upwardly mobile and regard it as a serious matter and do every thing in her/his power to develop AFRIKA which is the richest continent in terms of culture, land, and resources for the Afrikans, those at home and those abroad. You may not like what I say, or you may like it.

I worry and condemn myself first. I'm sick and tired of America where I am currently living and of Europe where I have lived too many years. I dislike the moral corruptness of these countries, I am sick and tired of western culture, western lifestyle, the cold weather here… I want to be busy trying to help my people and in the process help myself in KONGO. Where I want to be is in KONGO. KONGO is home for me and it is where I am very excited and alive. Indeed, I have many complexes in a western capitalist nation being a revolutionary Pan-Afrikanist. I sure do not like to consume and give my income in America instead of working and building the KONGO, the Heart of AFRIKA.

The Chinese are rapidly investing in our great Motherland  to develop a successful industrialized economy for THEM, of course to the shame of Afrikans! Why revolutionary Pan-Afrikanists can’t do that? Afrika has land and resources that made western capitalist the richest countries in the world this makes me sick to my stomach. I want to be the kind of Pan-Africanist who is philosophically pure and will not compromise with the forces of the enemy, so I have great news for myself. Very soon I going back to KONGO where the spirits of my brave and glorious Ancestors are, I do not want to insult their prestigious spirits any more.

I will be spending most of my time with hard-working and dedicated compatriots with whom I  hope to set up a " Giving Back BA’NBOMBE (black/Afrikans) and BUMUNTU (Maa’t) Program. " Through KINGUNZA which is the authentic spirituality of the BA’KONGO and Afrikan spirituality in general, will will try to teach our brothers and sisters love to themselves,  love to everybody, wisdom, and Power! Slowly, slowly my path in the struggle becomes clear. “ Nkulukulu dia Mbanza Kongo ye zindombe zazo dia ntumbululu Kingunza mu nza ya m’vimba.” (The total liberation of KONGO and the Black Afrikan peoples of the world through the univesal spiritual way of Kingunza) .   

Now you know why it has been so long since I last shared my thoughts and feelings with you on these message boards. The main explanation lies in the reality of my own complexes  when it comes to calling myself a revolutionary Pan-Afrikanist and talking of Black Power, only talking the talk, but not walking the walk.

Last but not least, to all my false pride revolutionary Pan-Afrikaninsts out there I say, stop relying on brothers Carmichael, Kwame Nkrumah, Malcolm X, and other great Afrikan freedom fighters in history for your pride. Giving Back to AFRIKA should represent the highest aspirations of Pan-Afrikanism. Our struggle in western capitalist nations, America for example, can never historically or morally be the end results because this land belongs to Native Americans. Even though Afrikans may remain in western countries or the Caribbean in the millions after the destruction of the culture of capitalism, we Afrikans can never claim to be the leaders of these lands, that would contradict all that we have fought for. Your pride as a revolutionary Pan-Afrikanist should come from you loving AFRIKA. The Red, Black and Green flag waving is not the heart of Afrikan pride. AFRIKAN PRIDE comes with living an authentic African culture and lifestyle and promoting them, and helping yourself and helping your people. By Afrikan culture I don't mean just going to a NDOMBOLO or a MBALAX concert. I mean going into the very heart and soul of AFRIKAN culture, the folklore.



We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Posts: 13

if u dont stand 4 somthing u will fall 4 anything

« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2007, 06:33:50 PM »

I overstand what you are saying but its not entirely correct.... research Jamaica history and you will se that since we were stolen from Africa we've been fighting to go back and remained as African as we could...read up on the maroons..until this day they have an independent town in Jamaica.... I agree that some jump on the banwagon because they think its cool and thats also why you will see fake rastas as those are the ones that gives true rastas a bad name

We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules,regulations and rituals created by humans,which were supposed to help
people grow spiritualy.Due to human imperfection religion has become currupt,political,divisive and a tool for power struggle
Posts: 25

« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2007, 07:07:43 PM »

Peace to all,
 I do agree with Bantu Kelani. You do have some fake Pan Africanist some of our brothers and sisters. I do believe in order to be a true African, I have to learn about my culture, my language, and my ethnic group. Right now, I did a DNA test to trace me back to Motherland so that way I could go and visit the land that my ancestors left for slavery. I am also thinking about moving to Motherland to be with all the rest of my people, and rebuilt Africa, to bring my brothers and sisters together. My heart is Africa, and I am not ashame to say that I am a African eventhough I don't belong to America.

Your Sister,
Queen Samiya
Full Member
Posts: 316

« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2007, 08:07:57 PM »

kelani i hear whatcha ya saying you must understand the dynamics iof the things,you have to understand the diaspora,there are few of us working for the betterment of our communties,i dont think it is all of us,kelani,me,myself, i havent been to the motherland,some of us,have been to the motherland,this is bad call,kelani,because, not everybody is the same,black consciouness in brazil is slowly growing,i can assure you that,i agree with some stuff you are saying,there are people building bridges across the waters, for example, i know this great sistah from ghana in toronto,that she works with other diasporan afrikans and she helps women in other countries,some of what u say is true and some i dont agree,because i do know people that are doing good work both places.
Posts: 13

if u dont stand 4 somthing u will fall 4 anything

« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2007, 07:08:23 PM »


I know there are alot of fake ones as you stated and as I expressed a few things but also another thing to take into considerations when taking about the fake ones and then using it to judge all of us who are drawn back to our roots and waking up to who we really are... take into consideration rastafar....do you think its easy being rastafari in these countries..not even in Jamaica...we are probably looked down more on than someone born in AFRICA....during our uprise and even today we are being redicule and harrassed just for being rastafari..just for showing we know where we are from..just for showing that we are not going to take this treatment anymore.....But I an I think that just like me...all of us who want to go to AFRICA and who accepts that they are AFRICANS..should go there with the intentions of rebuilding...anywhere you see a chineese he's chineese..anywhere you see an indian he's indian..so anywhere you see an AFRICAN (black person) they should be AFRICAN...I an I's goal is to start with Jamaica where I was born and as people there still need liberation..then set a place in either Ethiopia or GHANA or even both and start helping on the rebuilding process....We face alot just and have to put up with alot just for being rastafari and showing connection with our roots... blacks who are not rastas get through any situation easier than us..why would we put ourselves in a worsts situation when we are already being looked down on just for being black already..its because for a true rasta..he/she has no choice..we were choosen to go back to our roots...to remember ourselves...to not be brainwashed anymore...for not accepting that AFRICA is the worst place on earth and everyone is just suffering and dieing form desease as they show on TV...for not accepting that there are no nice places in AFRICA as we already know that AFRICA is beautiful and was the riches place on earth before we were robbed and slaved..we want to go back to being who we were from creation and since they took our foreparens from AFRICA we've been fighting to go back..take MARCUS GARVEY for example...they said we were free and he decided to go back to AFRICA with whoever wanted to come with him..did he or could he even get to go..no....they did everything in their powers to make it not happen...why....why would they need to do that if we are free...what does free means...they gave us free-dumb instead....If you are free you should be able to do anything unless its breaking the law...what was wrong if a few peple wanted to go back to AFRICA and some wanted to stay..If they are free then they should say who wants to go..go...who wants to stay..stay... BOB MARLEY again....why would they have CIA watching BOB MARLEY?..they even said they were afraid that he would create a dent in their political plans why they did it...Its like they make it forbidden to find your roots and to accept that you are black..Its like they dont want us to have any ties with our past....If it wasnt important to them whay would they go through so much length to keep us from AFRICA....I an I have no problem with anyone from any race as the world needs to live in one love but wrong is wrong!

Blessed Love

We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules,regulations and rituals created by humans,which were supposed to help
people grow spiritualy.Due to human imperfection religion has become currupt,political,divisive and a tool for power struggle
Full Member
Posts: 316

« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2007, 07:55:18 PM »

lets not forget that they do everything in their power to keep us divided,i have heard that they tell people from the continent not to mix with african americans, we have to build bridges across the waters, we are linked by one common ancestry,dikenesh,ethiopia and odulvai gorge,the twelves houses of israel,the temples of LALIBELA, we are ONE!  as peter tosh said rightfully so " no matter where you from,if you are blackman,you are an afrikan" Two Thumbs
Posts: 7

Happiness is knowing to stop searching for it.

« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2007, 11:01:37 AM »

Yes I !
InI would also like to add me voice pon this discussion.  I am a big follower of modern reggae music and sometimes taken aback by the lyrics of some of the so called conscious, pan-african artists.  These are the likes of Sizzla and Capleton.  They claim to promote African values and uprightness among the youth dem.  Sizzla at one time used to call himself the Royal Son of Ethiopia.  But, how can a "royal son" of Africa sing such explicit lyrics like "....pump up her pum-pum...pump up her pum-pum.." - Buzz rhythm.  This is utter disrespect to the beautiful African women.   Sexual matters are not taken lightly and openly inna Africa.  These guys must first learn the culture b4 they start calling themselves ambassadors of Holy Africa.
Jah Luv
Prince Emru 

Prince Emru, "tha African Warrior", fly like a butterfly sting like a bee, burn like a fire fresh like water lily
Posts: 13

if u dont stand 4 somthing u will fall 4 anything

« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2007, 12:39:11 PM »


Well said African rebel

@emrukunanti    ... I overstand what you saying..I an I dont agree with certain words from certain artiste mouth as well but we have to remember that not all that find them way will follow the way....some will know right and still do wrong..remember that they still have choices..I an I is getting into the record producing and I an I only dealing with concious music and music about love and so on...no aggressive music... If you are going to judge by artiste..judge by artiste like LUCIANO and Freddie macgregor.Garnett Silk,Bob Marley and so on.... Cant judge all by one


We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules,regulations and rituals created by humans,which were supposed to help
people grow spiritualy.Due to human imperfection religion has become currupt,political,divisive and a tool for power struggle
Posts: 7

Happiness is knowing to stop searching for it.

« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2007, 10:14:16 AM »

Yes I!
Raschucky, InI impressed to know sey yu waan go inna music production.  Me say gwaan inna it coz InI also an artist and mi still workin' pon mi first album which carries 4 dancehall tracks and 2 conscious roots reggae vibes.  This is reggae with an African flavour.  So, its all about positivity and forwarding Jah Jah works. Giving a little sometin' to the youths.
Raspect !
Prince Emru

Prince Emru, "tha African Warrior", fly like a butterfly sting like a bee, burn like a fire fresh like water lily
Posts: 13


« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2007, 03:04:15 PM »

Impressions from outsider: That is a very powerful statement from B. Kelani .  The responses were all interesting and complimentary .  My limited comment to this consistent with contributing to this site on science  is to say that many African people on the continent I was priveledged to meet had very similar opinion to Bantu Kelani.   Not so much from the cultural perspective but from a practical one.   B.Kelani is exactly right on the point of wealth and resources as the common heritage available to spur on the recovery of African people.  It is worrisome that China and India have forged an alliance only recently and unfortunately this has bearing on this terrible colonial scramble that is going on .

Ms. Kelani was very right to point this out in terms of China.  It should be noted that China was heavily invested in the past in East Africa. (1970's)  The relationship soured due to race riots in china over african foreign exchange students dating chinese women.
Basically China was kicked out as a conseqence, probably with assistance by other competing foreign powers.

The current China investments have taken that into consideration, surely there is some benefit, yet in the end China is a huge impersonal economic machine that runs on inertia and seeks the same as the other scramblers.   Most racism against black africans in asia is learned behaviour from European and American colonizers.

It is true, there are too many foreigners running around Africa amidst open door policies.Fiji Islands just went through the same thing, the place was swarming with cheezy foreign investors on every corner.  The consequence was a limited coup only recently.   


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