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Author Topic: How to get to heaven when you die  (Read 193979 times)
Posts: 27


« Reply #105 on: June 05, 2005, 12:10:20 PM »


Nobody is trying to make European/Whites "majically dissappear"... My objective is to eliminate the SYSTEM of white supremacy, and therefore eliminate the colour caste system that is one of it's tools of oppression and exploitation.  

I really meant, if one could make the Europeans disappear.
The objective may be desirable but it has some problems has presented.
It appears has a mask for the angst of dispossessed black people.
The very term “white supremacy” calls all people who think themselves white to order.
If these are you adversaries, why are you trying to unite them?

Europeans came to this crest by drawing power from the fabric of the universe.
It is available to every one every where. The Africans in Congo can ride in a 500 horse power automobile too. I know you are worried about the planet but get your priorities straight. The main threat to humans on earth is not the environment or other aspects of nature, it is other humans. People who cannot defend themselves are in danger! This does not require any malice to be true. Example, an innocent tourist from any where in the world visits a Pygmy village in Congo and carries a disease for which they have no resistance.

Carl Marks  wrote that the capitalist classes, in a few centuries, had created more wealth than all other previous centuries put together. He thought he saw the sun but he did not see it shine. We have seen it shine but not in its glory.
There is no need to despair. With the carbon chain we can make food; make materials ten times stronger than steel, harder than diamonds, withstand 3000 degrees centigrade.
Put your faith in the power of the African mind to accomplish their own needs.
There is a process going on here and those who are not in it are not going to be around at the end.  Why are you waiting for a natural disaster to give the Africans a chance?
Why not make your priority, African Salvation. This system offers unprecedented resources for African rehabilitation. If one can attain that what more do you want? That which is done cannot be undone.
If you have a plan where African Salvation is the top concern let us know or say where it can be found.


What? If the system of whote supremacy sets up the rules of the game(for lack of a better analogy) Why would we not want to destroy the elite pigs who set up, and use the system to their ultmate benefit?

Are you talking about releaving the symptoms of cnacer instead of curing it by getting at the root cause?

Are you dreaming of a system without elites. Only among hunter gatherers would you find such a thing. You would not live with them, even the Africans in their thatch hut with mud floor think themselves above hunter gatherer status.
Is it just posssible that the malice you find among sedantry peoples come with the territory?


No it doesn't make sense. If you play by the rules of the oppressor you are letting them still control the game. We are talking about switching the game up all together. I guess this means you are confortable with a system of white supremacy then? You aren't talking about destroying it but rather you are saying to "play along"...very strange. Very anti-human. Very Euro-scientific.

We have a disagreement here and we should look at it.
Black people right now, living people, are expiring under ethnic rivalries. Why you cannot feel this pain.
Consider this: you or any person is going about his business and you meet Harry. He starts to kick the hell out of you. You know that this behavior is not in Harry’s character, it is really John that put him up to it.
Your strategy is to totally ignore Harry, let him kick you to death because it is really John you want, he is the guilty one. Good strategy.

Euro-scientific? It sounds like a synonym for  psudo-scientific.  You caught my drift ok.
I confess to accepting the scientific mind as the over arching influence for creation of this age. I took the bait, hook, line and sinker. If you have an alternative: put it on the table.

Posts: 27


« Reply #106 on: June 15, 2005, 12:33:58 PM »


The Sidis(African people of India that recently visited their cousins in Zanzibar) and the African Iraquis would disagree with you. They both still exist and sing their ceremonial songs in Swahili. They both are marginalized by poverty and colurism(sound familiar) so the masses of people don't know about them. I've posted about them on this site.

By the way we don't just feel the pain of our ancestors. We are in pain now under oppression and exploitation..

I would hate for you to think that I am just attacking ebery thing you say because that is not the, I am quite  pleased to hear of the African Iraquis then you have to say, "they are marginalized......" You are breaking my heart again. The pattern is there, it is clear, it is every where; I can see it, you can se it.
You keep thinking that people are opressing them and I am saying they are not doing what it takes to defend themselves--may be they need that murderous genocidal war faring instinct--and you are saying, "not over our dead bodies". Well!
You are going to have your wish.
Who has given you the blue print? How do you know how man should live. Suppose it is mostly by murderous activities as he has always done. You have no part in the creation, you do not know. But suppose that his murderous tendencies are only for a time and it will be all over in the next millinium: guess who will not be around in the forth millinium: all those people who could not learn that one little trick.


This is largely a myth(created by the oppressive elite). The African/Black populations are marginalized by poverty and colourism in their respective countries of location. Although miscegination has occured at a higher rate in Central and South America(much more with the also oppressed indigenous people than with the European ruling elite) the African Black populations are quite visible and distinctly seperated by socio-economic status and physical location. Even in places like Puerto Rico where the miscegination rate is as high as it was(over 80% of the population has some African genetic history) there are still 2 seperate African/Black 'slums'...one being Luiza. I just posted on the African/Black people of Argentinia and Bolivia.

According to JA Rogers in sex and race all territories in south America had significant populations of  Negroes and they were bred out. We know that is not the case in Brazil.
In “The destruction of Black civilization” by Chancellor Williams, he even has a chapter entitled, “Black Egypt turning brown and then white”. At the end of the process they have been absorbed. It is a biological decay, it does not go to zero but approaches it indefinitely. That is why you are finding small populations in Porto Rico, Iraq, India, etc.
The question is, what percentage did these people hold in those populations a century ago and are they ethnically the same people as a century ago. You are breaking my heart. You can bet that if your people are in slums, they are not on the up an up.


You really need to reevaluate your take on history by reading the archives and suggested reading on this site. Your sequencing is way off.

There were hundreds of 40,000 year old African/Australoid skulls found in Brazil, along with rock paintings that depicted the coming of the Asiatics(by these African/Australoids). The African/Astraloid poluations were absorbed by the Asiatics who came in larger numbers and there are some of their genetic offspring living at the Southern tip of South Amerikkka. The Asiatics were 2nd to this land. Then the Mende speaking people came as traders and established the Olmec civilization. they were of smaller numbers than the Asiatics so they also were absorbed. There cultures were also humanist based. So unlike the apartheid regimes set up by Europeans when they have contact with other peoples... Therefore ceating pretty much distinct populations based on a racial hierarchy... They were absorbed. Egypt is Africa genious. The Hyksos invaded, the Persians, the Marmalouks, the Romans, and the Greeks, ect. Blakc Africans were the ones who established and continued to rule through the dynastic period until the Persians(and the bried hyksos period)...I see why we are not agreeing now. Your take on history seems very Eurocentric.  

According to JA Rogers in sex and race all territories in south America had significant populations of  Negroes and they were bred out. We know that is not the case in Brazil.
In “The destruction of Black civilization” by Chancellor Williams, he even has a chapter entitled, “Black Egypt turning brown and then white”. At the end of the process they have been absorbed. It is a biological decay, it does not go to zero but approaches it indefinitely. That is why you are finding small populations in Porto Rico, Iraq, India, etc.
The question is, what percentage did these people hold in those populations a century ago and are they ethnically the same people as a century ago. You are breaking my heart. You can bet that if your people are in slums, they are not on the up an up.

Posts: 27


« Reply #107 on: June 16, 2005, 10:52:29 PM »

oops, small error.
Sorry about that repetition.
Posts: 27


« Reply #108 on: June 16, 2005, 11:44:46 PM »


You really need to reevaluate your take on history by reading the archives and suggested reading on this site. Your sequencing is way off.

There were hundreds of 40,000 year old African/Australoid skulls found in Brazil, along with rock paintings that depicted the coming of the Asiatics(by these African/Australoids). The African/Astraloid poluations were absorbed by the Asiatics who came in larger numbers and there are some of their genetic offspring living at the Southern tip of South Amerikkka. The Asiatics were 2nd to this land. Then the Mende speaking people came as traders and established the Olmec civilization. they were of smaller numbers than the Asiatics so they also were absorbed. There cultures were also humanist based. So unlike the apartheid regimes set up by Europeans when they have contact with other peoples... Therefore ceating pretty much distinct populations based on a racial hierarchy... They were absorbed. Egypt is Africa genious. The Hyksos invaded, the Persians, the Marmalouks, the Romans, and the Greeks, ect. Blakc Africans were the ones who established and continued to rule through the dynastic period until the Persians(and the bried hyksos period)...I see why we are not agreeing now. Your take on history seems very Eurocentric.


If there is new information I am interested. If that changes my position on some issues it is not important to me since my position is supposed to reflect reality. I do not  know why you are giving the Africans a prize for disappearing- been absorbed-, why is that a good survival strategy?
Can you not see that if the trend continues they will disappear from the earth. Is that what you are working on?


If you study the Indigenous/Native Amerikkkan 'tribal' form of warfare before and under their confederacy...their culture would not permit the genocidal type of warfare that the Europeans performed on them as a people. They never totally dessimated their opponent. Only a few people would be killed because they respected life too much. Usually about 14 people or so. Notive they welcomed and shared the land with the Europeans when they first arrived. Like I said before, culture is a large determining factor in societal behavior.  

Now, once they were under full genocidal colonial attack, if they had the same weaponry they would have been more successful in defending themsleves and their land.

We may disagreeing over trifles here. Let us stand back and get away from the details and  sentimentality. The genocidal war faring of the Europeans is practiced among themselves also and their numbers keep increasing. Obviously it is not genocidal.
“The first dynamic of life is survival”….. a quote.
Survival dictates its own terms.  You nor any other individual cannot prescribe it.
You cannot arbitrarily determine what is a good survival strategy. We do not have any way of knowing that the advanced peoples will not go mad and destroy every body with bombs and microbes or that the backward peoples will die out from disease, starvation and one sided cross breeding,  but his the trend right now.  I know that the African strategy does not look so good at this time and has not look good for a long time. I would feel much more comfortable if they were the “genocidal warriors”


If you study the Indigenous/Native Amerikkkan 'tribal' form of warfare before and under their confederacy...their culture would not permit the genocidal type of warfare that the Europeans performed on them as a people. They never totally dessimated their opponent. Only a few people would be killed because they respected life too much. Usually about 14 people or so. Notive they welcomed and shared the land with the Europeans when they first arrived. Like I said before, culture is a large determining factor in societal behavior.  

Now, once they were under full genocidal colonial attack, if they had the same weaponry they would have been more successful in defending themsleves and their land.

We may disagreeing over trifles here. Let us stand back and get away from the details and  sentimentality. The genocidal war faring of the Europeans is practiced among themselves also and their numbers keep increasing. Obviously it is not genocidal.
“The first dynamic of life is survival”….. a quote.
Survival dictates its own terms.  You nor any other individual cannot prescribe it.
You cannot arbitrarily determine what is a good survival strategy. We do not have any way of knowing that the advanced peoples will not go mad and destroy every body with bombs and microbes or that the backward peoples will die out from disease, starvation and one sided cross breeding,  but his the trend right now.  I know that the African strategy does not look so good at this time and has not look good for a long time. I would feel much more comfortable if they were the “genocidal warriors”


I think it will be quite the opposite. In the industrialized nations man is over dependent on technology and when nature has the inevatable result of responding to the horrendous conditions created by it's abuse....It is the people closest to nature that will fair the best.  

BTW I think a little Western arrogance has crept into your post at this point. Since African people and other indigenous people have been on this planet for millenia, and their have been rising and falling of empires, kingdoms, civilizations, ect. Wouldn't it be these people that would be practicing the more tried and tested form of life? Western man is often arrogant enough to think he has 'invented' and discovered new things...that his is the highest form of civilization...When actually it is the youngest. Youth and inexperience often breeds arrogance. I think Western man will learn the lessons of our ancestors. If you don't live with nature...it will bite you in the proverbial ass... That lesson will be learned by the youngest group on the earth, sooner than later. The people that still follow the ways of their ancestors will fair much better IMO.

Look at the natural disasters that occur in your life time, do you really believe that backward peoples are going to fare better? Now tell me about the special disaster that you foresee in which they are going to do better.
Why are you waiting for a natural disaster for the Africans to get a break?


Notions of superiority are developped out of an inferiority complex...much like the schoolyard bully. I don't expect you to understand that one though.

Honestly...keep reading the site.  

I see why we don't agree now.

Now suppose that you are right. Does that make any difference to our reality?

This is an interesting point where we appear to disagree but only because you refuse to see the big picture. Communities who think they are superior must be able to sustain their claim or it would go away naturally. They must perform consistently over centuries.
The Japanese were defeated in world war two, within fifty years they are back up again, second only to the most dynamic Euro-nation. Can you not see that they have some thing going for them? Can you not see why they think they are better then the rest?
The point here is that their behavior is normal, human and predictable.

Does it occur to you that just as some people think they are superior, -on this we agree- that there others who think they are inferior with a corrosponding series of causes and effects and it is self consistent in a like manner and their performance may not be so much dependent on external influences.

Posts: 27


« Reply #109 on: June 16, 2005, 11:58:05 PM »


This is what I have been trying to say in all my posts on black revolution and you  

We should learn from the Japanese after the Hiroshima bombing, the japanes where sent down the chain of command, they took their defeat very humbly and built a relationship with the Americans because they knew who was at the top of the chain.

The Japanese sent their people to live in America as spies and they stole a lot of info to set up the technology we see in their country now.

Nubians should use the same silent strategies, instead of going up against the Europeans head on, we don't want to encourage a race war because where not ready for that.

Hotep Jemba.

Now there are two voices crying in the wilderness, saying: “Not all battles are worthwhile fighting and not all victories are won on the battle field.”

I am keen to get your sources, I think I have forgotten some of the details.  

All men may be created equal, but there is no mechanism  for keeping them that way.
Man is not a robot, in any of the branches; he can go up or down the ladder of achievement at will. Whether some men are white or black they could still make or be made to make extra efforts.

Junior Member
Posts: 203


« Reply #110 on: June 19, 2005, 04:26:36 PM »

Hotep Brother

The only way Nubians can compete with the rest of the human race is religion or believe or way of life.

The Japanese have their culture and spiritual values intact, they have their sacred book which was written by their ancestors so that their deities, their culture and way of life and language would never be lost.

The chines have their language, they also honour their ancestor and they have a sacred book they honour their deities and they have a way of life.

The Indians not the Muslims or Christians have a sacred book and they have their own language and they honour their deities and ancestors, they have a way of life.

The Nubian nation have no language just dialects, they have no sacred book, they have no ancestors if they do then they dishonour their ancestors because they have forgotten the tongue or language which was created by their ancestors.

They have no deities if they do their not calling their deities in the language which was given to them by their ancestors. The way of life which they have now is not complete.

For an example the spiritual system you will find in a haities is not complete. What the haitiens are missing the Yoruba maybe will have but the Yoruba will not have what the haitiens have, why because the Europeans are very smart religion and slavery was not just for profit.  

If Nubians don’t come together and resolve their differences to put together what we all have then there will never be an afrikan nation again.

So what we all need is one path or one way of life.

Think Clear BE Clear>>>>Always Analyze never Dismiss We all are here to learn>>>>> this earth is a BIG class Room
Junior Member
Posts: 203


« Reply #111 on: June 21, 2005, 07:23:43 AM »

Hotep Brothers and sisters


Is a way of life of a natural nation, It is the expression of the soul of this natural nation in its cultural space of which the language is the vehicle of their way of life.

Governing System
Prayer System and Rituals
Mysteries and Deities
Science and Medicine
Food and Drink
Music and Dance

As long as Nubians do not have one culture they will be no nation.

What ever culture we have now are bits and piece of the past does anyone actually know what languages the Egyptians spoke, no because it’s in the past and what we have now in our afrikan cultures are bits and pieces of that culture we all came from one source.


Think Clear BE Clear>>>>Always Analyze never Dismiss We all are here to learn>>>>> this earth is a BIG class Room
Posts: 27


« Reply #112 on: June 22, 2005, 07:00:31 AM »

Hotep Brothers and sisters


Is a way of life of a natural nation, It is the expression of the soul of this natural nation in its cultural space of which the language is the vehicle of their way of life.

Governing System
Prayer System and Rituals
Mysteries and Deities
Science and Medicine
Food and Drink
Music and Dance

As long as Nubians do not have one culture they will be no nation.

What ever culture we have now are bits and piece of the past does anyone actually know what languages the Egyptians spoke, no because it’s in the past and what we have now in our afrikan cultures are bits and pieces of that culture we all came from one source.

Hotep Jemba.

Thanks for those suggestions.

Maybe we could strive together and grope our way through the darkness towards African salvation.

I could take what you said as a basic starting point.

There are some essential elements we must observe before we begin.

1) Our processes must be reasoned and logical.

2) We must proceed without animosity.

3) We must accord to all humanity the same kinds of considerations that we want for our selves in our adversity.

4) Accept that we live in a competitive environment on earth and people are competing in groups. They are organized to compete and we cannot join them, so we must organize on a commensurate level if we are going to cope with the situation.

What do you think?

Junior Member
Posts: 203


« Reply #113 on: June 22, 2005, 08:40:10 AM »

Hotep or yenge>>peace


Guybaux said

1 Our processes must be reasoned and logical.

Jemba says

I would Like to know what you mean by reasonable? The reason I ask is because if reasonable means we all must have the same ideology before we begin to progress together or we will just remain static.

We have so many black movements but they can never come to work together because they do not have the same ideologies or believes or way of doing things.

It makes me feel sick to my stomach that the same people also cry about the state of black people but they can’t make sacrifices to push forward.

Guybaux said

2      We must proceed without animosity.

Jemba says

I completely agree with you on this hate is a stupid feeling to have within you especially if your weaker then the person you have hate for. But the self destruction in Nubians has to be dealt with in another way that’s why with the few people we have who are conscious we must bond together in one house to set an example spiritually, mentally, politically to show Nubians all over the world that it can be done.

Guybaux said

3      We must accord to all humanity the same kinds of considerations that we want for our selves in our adversity.

Jemba says

Before we accord with humanity we must first sort out our own differences starting with the people who are conscious, to create one voice or one body.

Guybaux said

4) Accept that we live in a competitive environment on earth and people are competing in groups. They are organized to compete and we cannot join them, so we must organize on a commensurate level if we are going to cope with the situation.

Jemba says

The reason where in this predicament right now is because we where so confident of our self and we forgot about the people who run us out of Egypt. Competition is the way of human beings right now who ever leads our evolution dictates and organizes the world.


Think Clear BE Clear>>>>Always Analyze never Dismiss We all are here to learn>>>>> this earth is a BIG class Room
Posts: 27


« Reply #114 on: June 26, 2005, 09:08:56 AM »

Hotep or yenge>>peace


Guybaux said

1 Our processes must be reasoned and logical.

Jemba says

I would Like to know what you mean by reasonable? The reason I ask is because if reasonable means we all must have the same ideology before we begin to progress together or we will just remain static.

We have so many black movements but they can never come to work together because they do not have the same ideologies or believes or way of doing things.

It makes me feel sick to my stomach that the same people also cry about the state of black people but they can’t make sacrifices to push forward.

Guybaux said

2      We must proceed without animosity.

Jemba says

I completely agree with you on this hate is a stupid feeling to have within you especially if your weaker then the person you have hate for. But the self destruction in Nubians has to be dealt with in another way that’s why with the few people we have who are conscious we must bond together in one house to set an example spiritually, mentally, politically to show Nubians all over the world that it can be done.

Guybaux said

3      We must accord to all humanity the same kinds of considerations that we want for our selves in our adversity.

Jemba says

Before we accord with humanity we must first sort out our own differences starting with the people who are conscious, to create one voice or one body.

Guybaux said

4) Accept that we live in a competitive environment on earth and people are competing in groups. They are organized to compete and we cannot join them, so we must organize on a commensurate level if we are going to cope with the situation.

Jemba says

The reason where in this predicament right now is because we where so confident of our self and we forgot about the people who run us out of Egypt. Competition is the way of human beings right now who ever leads our evolution dictates and organizes the world.



what language is "yenge"?

I am not so presumtious. I mean conducted throught a process of raeson. From point to point via logical deduction. we must accept the diversity of opinions, point of views and ideologies at the outset. Identify the most basic requirements where it is clear that those who disagree are on the fringe.

I can accept that  some people feel so strongly that they cannot contian it and must express themselves in impractical notions and schemes.    

The middle ground must be something that can be lived by ordinary people who works a job and raise their children over a period of twenty or thirty years.  This clearly is not revolution and it does not excite some people.

If you look at the history of the twentieth century your will see that revolution often turns out to be evolution but the avoidable misery, loss of life and anguish that is generated in the revolutionary uncertainty is so distressing.

By "accord to humanity", I mean this theoretically. In principle we regard people as wour selves.. viz one law for all.

The fours point I mentioned we will have to expand them but what do you say. Are they sufficent or too much to start with?

Posts: 31


« Reply #115 on: August 27, 2005, 10:28:28 PM »

Jesus Christ is the Lord.  Accept Him into your heart today!
Posts: 82

« Reply #116 on: May 07, 2007, 04:52:42 AM »

Earth to Heaven
How far's the trip?

Christians claim that heaven is further than the furthest star, and that is where Jesus went with his father to prepare a place for you, right. Remember, John 14:2 “In my father's house are many mansions...I go to prepare a place for you.” However, if you look at the possibility of Jesus coming back from a scientific point of view, the furthest star away from Earth is billions of light years away. Therefore, in actuality, Jesus still didn't get to heaven. There's no way he could be on his way back.
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