Homosexuality is against nature

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Homosexuality is against nature, people who practice homosexuality are hurting their souls because society does not accept homosexuality. I understand why people would be offended with my reasoning because some people might have lesbian or gay friends the world lets people in society do as they please because there is no longer natural laws. We all know the type of society the Europeans encourages. If homosexuality is natural then so is paedophilia and we should all let Michael Jackson do as he pleases that’s if he does do it?
If homosexuality is natural then so are mixed marriages
(to people who say that homosexuality is natural) why is it only human beings that show this blatant disrespect of all natural laws, that even animals respect with their very lesser intelligence. We can’t develop that attitude of just saying (if it’s happening then its meant to be) human being has committed every insult to nature you can think of. Nature still gives us its love and even continues to respect us. Nature only asks us to respect the laws that even she has to respects. Who are we to break them?
Animals are closer to nature then humans, has anyone ever seen a wild animal giving birth to a handicapped offspring.  

Your reasoning is ignorant. Animals can give birth to deformed or handicapped offspring. The difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is the latter is a fondness for children that involves molestation and abuse. If you do some research you will learn that homosexuality does occur in the lesser animal kingdom.

Peace Brother preach

We have to have an open mind; people have made stupidity and ignorance their own institution. Normal people misinterpret homosexuality and paedophilia they don’t know where it came from and why people did such things. Society now have an open mind, when I say open mind I mean a weak one that can be influenced or initiated into things that they, before thought was disgraceful or satanic.

If you look at our brothers and sisters in the western world and our brothers and sisters in afrika and you will see a very low tolerance level from our afrikan brothers and almost anything is expectable by our brothers and sisters in the western world.

In afrika oral sex is considered very indecent so is porn and even a child speaking back to an adult is considered as something that is very unusual. There are still influences from the west in what clothes they wear and what kind of shoes they wear and off course poverty makes people do the strangest things such as prostitution and alcohol abuse and a lost of identity but not as bad as the people from the west.

There is no point of me mentioning what the Nubian people in the west have been initiated into. One example of initiation is the changing of names if you give yourself a European name you loose your connection with your ancestors and your deities, you become like a thing instead of a person, your spirit has no identity your soul has no identity so you are now open to be manipulated spiritually.

Masturbation, porn, sex are all rituals exactly like blood sacrifices people do a lot of things they don’t understand, that is because there has been no explanation from birth and their souls are also trapped and unable to guide he or she in this esoteric world where everything is a trap from signing your name to a piece of paper to the words you speak. You loose your language you loose your vibrations you loose you power on earth, you use somebody else’s language not knowing where it came from and what kind of people spoke that language.

People are still thinking as the people in Galileo times the world is run by blood thirsty creatures that hold just a little more knowledge then you. Just before you die and your veil is lifted you will see whose image this reality is made in.

The greatest creation on earth is our souls the energies our souls let out shape the earth and the mental state we are in is chaos.


Jemba said:  Quote

“...people who practice homosexuality are hurting their souls because society does not accept homosexuality...”

Not all societies throughout all time have rejected homosexuality.  In fact, a little bit of investigation using a search engine of your choice using the keywords “homosexuality Africa” will yield many results commenting on indigenous African homosexuality.

Although the last word is not yet in, science tends to tip the balance in favor of there being a predominant genetic cause for homosexuality, therefore, when the genetic cause of
homosexuality is announced, those religions which have persecuted, tried, tortured and executed members of the homosexual community will have a lot to answer for, indeed, even before the very throne of God Himself.

In cyberspace, there is information regarding homosexuality in ancient African societies which was practiced not only by the common ancient Egyptian, by nobles and priests but also by the Egyptian gods (Horus and Seth) as well as other documentary evidence of homosexuality in the African continent in the remote past which would serve to eradicate modern ignorance on the subject of homosexuality on the African continent.

Just the same, native African homosexuality has been studied and documented in the recent past, proof of which is presented below.


“...The historical antecedents of the African American marginalization of Black male homosexuals can be traced in part to the Afrocentric claim that homosexuality "was almost non-existent among indigenous Blacks in Africa" (Cress Welsing 81). This claim is linked to a central concept in Afrocentric discourse: the dichotomy it posits between European decadence and as yet uncorrupted pre-colonial African cultures. Thus the Afrocentric claim that there were no
indigenous African homosexualities is essentially a claim that homosexuality in the African American community is a result of contact with Europe...

... Recent scholarship within the last two years, however, does not support the widespread popular belief that homosexuality was alien to traditional African cultures. Stephen Murray's and Will Roscoe's groundbreaking study of pre-colonial African sexualities and their portrayal in
European anthropological discourse, for example--Boy Wives and Female Husbands-Studies of African Homosexualities (1998), documents same-sex relations among men in a number of pre-colonial African societies. Among these: Zanzibar and the regions now known as Angola, (which prior to colonialism was the region of the Lunda Kingdom), Zimbabwe (formerly known as Great Zimbabwe),Cameroon (was considered to be the land of the Bakweri, Dualal, and Fang before colonialism), and Hausa.(formerly known as Hausauland)...

...The scholar Mark Gevisser's recently published account of mid-nineteenth century Zulu culture, for example, suggests that the Zulu king Shaka encouraged his warriors to engage in "thigh-sex" in order to "create intimacy and loyalty" among them (Gevisser 961). There are also some contemporary accounts of homosexual practices that survive from classical Africa. Malidoma Some¢¢ author of the autobiographical Water and Spirit (1994), for example, notes that the West African Dagara culture has traditionally and continues to regard male homosexuals as "guardians" of its "continuity with the gods and spirits that "dwell" in Southern Burkina Faso(Some¢¢ interview quoted in Murray and Roscoe 93)...”

As for homosexuality being against nature, the following:

In Bruce Bagemihl’s 572-page book, "Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality & Natural Diversity," nominated in 1999 for a Pulitzer Prize, contains 200 years of scientific observations of animal behavior in hundreds of species both in the wild & in captivity of homosexuality in animals from insects to reptiles, to birds to mammals, including the most intelligent species such as primates & dolphins.

The Bonobos, a species of small chimpanzees of Africa, are well known for their homosexual activities. Homosexuality serves the Bonobos in strengthening friend bonds, reducing stress and physical violence.

Pity, the observation skills of Africans who live in proximity to Bonobos and other homosexuality-practicing animals were not developed enough to have taken cue from nature itself on the naturalness of homosexuality and the social values of homosexuality which for such an overpopulated continent as Africa, homosexuality would be a non-life threatening form of birth control such as are abortions and infanticide.

The same lack of observation skills applies to Europeans who live in proximity to their own homosexuality-practicing farm animals and still insist on denying homosexuality's natural state and its social values.

There are many documented scientific observations in Bagemihl's book of animals engaging in homosexual acts in the wild even in the presence of abundant sexual partners of the opposite sex, therefore, homosexuality is a natural sexual  orientation in the animal kingdom which is not the result of cultural conditions such as sexual identification due to parental role models or lack thereof. If homosexuality in animals is not cultural, then, the only other option is that it is
genetic. Regardless, of all the spiritual trappings that some like to attribute to the human species which, I, too believe, and that these elevate humankind above the rest of mortal creation, humans are also members of the animal kingdom, mammals to be specific, and as such are subject to the
same laws of genetics.

Considering the vast amount of scientific documentation regarding the ubiquity of animal homosexuality, to claim that homosexuality is against nature is false.

Hotep Recredo peace

When you say human beings you have to be more specific. The world isn’t as it should be, if you say animals practice homosexuality or even SEX then you are, speaking modern day’s human being point of view? If you put to males in a cage for 30 years and expose them to sexual images constantly sooner or later you will label homosexual.

I have never seen an animal masturbating or fondling itself? I have never seen a male chimpanzee penetrating another male chimpanzee? How many times do animals mate in a season? Animals don’t have sex or don’t involve pleasure with mating.

The animals who we call human beings are now within their own cycle which they have created. When we have to compare human beings to animals we know there is something wrong with our spirits, our spirits was not suppose to be controlled by nature.

If the world is like this it is because of the people who are ruling it, if you are an afrikan I will ask you to look for knowledge from afrikans that is one thing our own people do not do. Stop getting second hand materials from the Europeans they have already troubled our minds enough. Afrikans know their own history and WAY OF LIFE the Europeans cannot even put into his or her mind that we never use to think about sex.

Our afrikan ancestors believed a man and a woman had their marriage arranged within the spiritual realm before they were born. The man and the woman in flesh would then marry to give birth so they can bring spirits who they were supposed to bring down to this earth.

We are just portals for new souls to come through to exist in this realm. When the man and woman are bonded in the spirit realm they also will know who is going to come through that portal.

Yenge muntu



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