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Author Topic: Belief  (Read 32276 times)
Posts: 4


« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2005, 04:11:25 AM »

Greetings and love,
You really believe that every race has a collective Karma? Could you explain this concept for me? I find it very hard to swallow, surely race plays no part in determining whether you are a good or bad person: only Jah knows our hearts. 'Not every black man is my brother, not every white man is my enemy' Maybe I'm getting the wrong end of the stick here so could you elaborate?

Senior Member
Posts: 610


« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2005, 05:04:58 AM »

We can call it collective karma or not, but the issue is that whites are born into a situation where we receive privilege based solely on our skin tone and directly benefit from centuries of injustice done to non-white peoples with no end in sight.

To respond simply that "JAH sees no color" is not adequate if we are concerned at all with the situation as it stands now in the world, and not if we are interested in our own spiritual development.

Aligning with a movement initiated by black people in behalf of black identity and black self-definition in the face of vicious racism, and then scolding blacks for bringing up the uncomfortable issue of race, is pretty silly. I don't care what race or ethnicity, anybody who embraces "Rasta" has to engage with race and history. Claiming "One Love" is just naive empty words otherwise, and in fact serves to delay the necessary process whites have to undergo to reclaim their humanity in the face of continuing holocaust.

And how do we know what "JAH" sees or not anyway? How is it possible that the force which set into being all that is would not "see" what humans see?

Junior Member
Posts: 203


« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2005, 07:22:55 AM »

Bless sister
To Queen Jerusalem

Just like human life is created so are our souls, the energy was already there but it just needed to be given is its own personality or history or experiences. We each have our own souls like a floppy disk with our own records of the past, our souls also have genders there are female and male souls. If you was born black or a Nubian the first time you came to this earth then you are a Nubian soul and those who where born with you will also be on the same group file, or group as you are and you are given rules to follow as an individual soul and as a group. So when you are breaking the law as an individual you gain your own individual karma its recorded into the individuals file. When your group breaks the laws as a group it is registered into the group file.
When your race is conquering and murdering and stilling from other group and everyone is taking part by condoning the law breaking the whole group file must repay their debts by karma.


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