Does God exists

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Wonderful statement natural blacks.

God is man idealized.
LeRoi Jones, Home:Social Essays,1966

Bennu Ausar:
"What would be your conclusion if you traveled to a distant uninhabited planet and found a stack of bricks, exactly alike in size and weight, some set up according to a geometric series, while another group was arranged to make the letters of the alphabet? Would you not conclude that some intelligent being got there before you and was responsible for the arrangement?"  -- 'Not Out of Greece', Ra Un Nefer Amen

This quote by Ra Un Nefer Amen is relevant because it provides a convenient entry point into an age old debate that too often relys on flawed thinking that passes for science. Science does indeed prove the existence of God. First of all, the word "science" comes from the latin 'scire' which means "to know". Further, the word "religion" is a compound word made up of 're' (meaning 'back' or 'again') and 'ligion' which comes from the latin 'ligare' (meaning "to tie" or "bind"), but it also associated with the Greek 'legein' (meaning 'legal', 'law', or "that which is 'logical'"). So, "religion", which literally means "to bind back" (to God) is also, based on the etymology of the word, indicating that it is logical, meaning that it is not opposed to science. This is why there is no separation of science and religion in traditional African religions.

As far as the quote above is concerned, it shows that science does indeed prove the existence of God! Let's examine it closely... most scientists accept the idea that the creation of the universe began from a so-called "big bang", i.e., certain gases exploded under specific conditions which initiated the process of the elements forming. Thses eventually came together by random chance to form molecules and eventually life. This life would over time exhibit intelligence and ultimately evolve into the diversity of living organisms we know in the world today. This theory is a weak attempt at expaining the beginnings of the universe at best. No self-respecting scientist should seriously consider it given the fact that it raises more questions than it answers. E.g., 1) Where did the gases come from that were "big-banged"? Given these random chance events, why aren't scientists finding evidence of life on other planets, other galaxies, etc.? The answer is simple, life did not begin from some random event called the "big-bang". Life did not develop intelligence, but rather the Intelligence ordered and devloped life! From the smallest known quantity to the most developed mental and physical specimen or the most complex galaxy and universe, an Intelligence we call God created it. And that God created it according to strict scientific and mathematical principles. We see evidence of that "stack of bricks" mentioned by Ra Un Nefer Amen when we look at the periodic table of elements. Get out your high school and college Chemistry books and it is there before your very eyes. You can see that though each element is different, each follow a specific pattern. So much so, that scientists have been able to predict elements not yet discovered. Not only that, the distribution of elements in the chart follow the same pattern as the distribution of ions within each element. This strict organization of the atoms is evidence that an Intelligence was at the beginning of creation and that it was not just some random chance event. We also see these and other patterns manifested and repeated throughout nature, i.e., the Fibonacci number series continously comes up when examining nature. If the Earth moved only slightly toward or away from the Sun, all life would be destroyed. The same is true for the Moon. So the entire creation is arranged to support our existence. Alter the balance that exists if you dare and the accept your fate.

Wonderful reasoning.
But where is she?

Bennu Ausar:
If i am understanding the question correctly, then God is present everywhere. Thus, omni-present. The one Supreme Being that is the source of all, is at the core of every atom. It exercised It's Will and differentiated It's Consciousness into a myriad of forms that comes in and as the world. Thus, the source of unity and interdependence in the world.

In the ancient khametic text, The Book of Knowing the Creations of Ra, it states: "I am he who came into being in the form of the infinite power of manifestation (Khepera). I became the creator of what came into being. After my coming into being, many were the things which came into being, coming forth from my mouth. Not existed heaven, not existed earth, not had been created the things of the earth, and creeping things in that place. I raised them out of Nu, from the state of inactivity. Not found I a place to stand wherein. I radiated words of power with my will. I laid a foundation in the law (Maat)...  I was alone, for not had I spit out Shu [Yang], not had I emitted Tefnut [Yin]. Not existed another who worked with me. I made a foundation by means of my will, and there came into being the multitude of things..."

We see God moving everyday. It's just that in the present technological age of movie special effects and so forth, we expect to see people walking on water or turning water into wine. Look for God the next time an ant or a bee crosses your path. In the intracate design of a flower petal or the birth of a newborn infant. God is everywhere, including within each of us. But we must awaken to the fact that we cannot manifest the greatness of God on earth until we elevate our consciousness to allow God to come into the world thru us. We must climb the Tree of Life and recognize that which is our true Self.


Depends on your definition of God.
I know JAH is real.


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