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Author Topic: White Rasta Reasoning  (Read 134378 times)
Posts: 14

« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2009, 01:52:49 PM »

Ahhh you got me with a tough question right away. I really am not sure about reparations. I'm pretty sure that money can't make up for an entire history of colonization and repression. I think it might be a nice gesture, but to me it feels like someone is saying "Sorry about all of that, here is some money".  I think I would rather see "the powers that be" rewrite the history books to reflect what actually happened in history. To me knowledge and truth is far more important than money.

In my country, Canada, the government recently gave money to many aboriginal people. The money was given to Natives who had been abused and ill treated at the many "residential schools" that were set up by the racist governments of the past.
In the past Natives were taken from their parents, and placed in schools with white teachers, not allowed to speak their own native tongue or learn about their native heritage. They were abused sexually, mentally, and physically at these residential schools.  Many of the people who were forced to attend these schools are no longer alive. Many of the people who recieved this money from the government are quite old now. I believe they recieved something like $10,000 dollars (canadian  Undecided)   Does this make up for what happened? Not for me.
Junior Member
Posts: 134

« Reply #31 on: February 11, 2009, 04:32:07 PM »

Your response is much appreciated.

It appears from your previous response that you do not agree with how these oppressive governments have handled the problems they have created...

I believe they recieved something like $10,000 dollars (canadian  Undecided)   Does this make up for what happened? Not for me.

In your opinion, what do you suppose these European/Euro-America/White governments SHOULD have been doing to correct the gross historical inequities they have placed upon non-white nations the world over? Do you see this as ever happening? Why?

Posts: 14

« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2009, 03:28:41 AM »

I don't see it happening at the moment. The people in power here don't seem to care about anyone, especially minorities. They have little respect for the french speaking part of this country, and completely ignore the problems of the Native people. Every now and then they will pretend to care, but they don't put much effort into it. Lots of Native people here live on reserves, land they were "given" by the white europeans who came here and claimed everything. There were documents signed in some cases, and agreements of different kinds made. Last I read there were hundreds of land claim disputes still stuck in the court system. Disputes that can date back a long time. In some cases natives were even moved off of the land that was "reserved" for them, moved farther north or moved to land with poor hunting and soil. There are plenty of cases of resources being mined or taken from Native land without any compensation, or an insultingly small ammount of compensation given to the Native people who own it. 
 I personally think things like this need to be corrected before trying to mend the mistrust brought on by generations of supression, and cultural genocide. There are Native reserves here in Canada that have living conditions similar to "third world" countries. For a country that likes to think so highly of its reputation I found it pretty embarassing to learn what goes on here.   I've encountered some extreme discrimination against Native people here from some students and teachers. I lived in a larger city for a while and there was a reserve just outside of town, there were was a busload or two of students who came from the reserve. I remember people had names they would call the bus, and plenty of names for the students. It shocked me when some of the fairly normal people I had been hanging out with suddenly started making racist comments and jokes at their own native friend. Not even some kind of small joke, but just completely stupid and ignorant remarks. I noticed teachers stopping my native friend more than other students in the hall or even just in front of the school, and it happened too often to be just coincidence.

  I don't think people are born with this kind of stupidity or intolerance. It has to be learned somewhere, from parents I guess.  I think it's most important to keep trying to educate young people. If you can turn a kid into an intolerant biggot you can turn one into an open minded and tolerant person too.  For some kids it can be something so simple that makes them realise the stupidity of hating people based on race. This may sound corny, but I'm gonna quote the white rapper Eminem here:
"Spoke to a generation of angry teenagers
Whom if it wasn't for rap to bridge the gap
Maybe raised to be racist"

I can say that is completely true. I've known kids with racist parents who have grown up to be great people. People who have broken the chain of pointless hate that can get passed down generations. I've never bothered to ask one of my friends racist parents why they hate whoever they hate. The answer wouldn't make sense anyways.

Basically I think any historical inequities need to be corrected as best as possible, but I'm always more concerned with the Present. Educating the young is a great way to improve the future, but improving the present requires a lot more work.  Discrimination for the most part has become more hidden. It is often economic discrimination, we have some kind of Class System it would seem, and most often minorities mysteriously fill up the low end of the system. Things like hurricane Katrina SHOULD prove to everyone that racism and classism exists and flourishes still today. I don't expect people would have been stuck on rooftops for days if it was somewhere else that had flooded. Some people even claim the levies were damaged intentionally. Bring in the water and wipe out the black, poor, and french. A completely evil plan if that is true. I don't think it would be the first time in history such a thing has been done. I remember reading about some roman emperor who burned down part of a city to make space for whatever the hell he wanted to build.
Hon Joshua I
Posts: 6

« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2009, 08:28:35 AM »

Blessed Love. To the one, 'Eric D' i would like to say check yourself and correct yourself my Lord. When a one come on a site that is obviously intended for African voices to speak about and to reason on African affairs and issues one mustn't expect to be able to bring in some 'euro-centric' kind of reasoning, and then you direspect and speak against Black Supremacy , saying it is an 'untruth'. Maybe you don't understand the true meaning of Black Supremacy , it is nothing like so-called white supremacy. Black Supremacy really mean the Head of obedience whom are steadfast. From Black all nations come, one Head over all, a white woman couldn't bring a black son or daughter, the Black Mother of Creation bring forth all nations. Some bredren could be seen as a little harsh in their word sound towards you, yet that just highlight the seriousness of the thing and if a one call the I a 'cracker' well that is the smallest of issues right here. My Lord, Afrikan Rebel, i can overstand the I's point of view towards europeans/ caucasians, yet i want to remind the I that there are some caucasian man who are righteous in this time and that can be redeemed. Even in Rastafari , a caucasian man will be accepted if he have clean hands and a pure heart, like the man say; better a white man with the mind of a Black man than a Black man with the mind of a white, the I know. There is only one way to salvation, that is with clean hands and a pure heart. Freedom Redemption Repatriation, says the Man of Right, the Black Christ in flesh King Emmanuel 7th Adonie I God Jah Rastafari
Posts: 12

« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2009, 10:43:11 AM »

Didn't Marcus Garvey say -"Envy not the ways of the oppressor and choose none of their ways?
Didn't Selassie state that until the color of a persons skin have no significance to the color of his eye
then peace becomes a fleeting illusion to pursued and never be attained? if that is true then I have to say that some of the
contributors in this reasoning are absolute hypocrites.

I don't even know where they get the authority to say that they are talking on the behalf of the Head Creator and worse still
The nonsense that they spew is nonsense based in the main on their own distorted and misinformed views! I know for sure that
John Brown did more for Black People in his day than Thabo M'beki for instance. Sylvia Pankhurst certainly did more for Black people
than Robert Mugabe! It seems like the haters are just taking the opportunity to lash out at anyone they assume is connected to slavery!

Lets be real here, It wasn't Black people alone who suffered via slavery (even though it could be argued they suffered the hardest way) There was many nations and individuals who profited out of slavery! To the ones who lashing out at Erik, what about the black collaborators who sold their brethren into slavery in the first place? The colonialists could not have done what they they did without the help of their black friends.

Indeed if you read history there was a huge underclass of white people in the industrial cities of Europe and America who were living in abject poverty. So it is not the the individual that the angry ones should be lashing out against, it ought to the system. I always thought that when a Heartical Ras is burning a fire on the system (ROME/BABYLON) they ain't suppose to have an individual in mind it's the system that should be getting burned!

Right now I more concerned with what Black Robert Mugabe is doing to his people, than what happened a couple hundred years ago.

Lets Keep it Real, Divide and Conquer cannot work!

Posts: 14

« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2009, 04:05:16 PM »

Even in Rastafari , a caucasian man will be accepted if he have clean hands and a pure heart, like the man say; better a white man with the mind of a Black man than a Black man with the mind of a white, the I know. There is only one way to salvation, that is with clean hands and a pure heart.

Thanks for these words. I am a young white male, with a shaved head. Many people look at me and for some reason believe I am one of those "skin heads". Those fools who are mostly from the southern states of America that promote hatred and garbage.  I find myself having to prove to people that I am not one of those idiots.
Junior Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #36 on: February 13, 2009, 06:39:45 AM »

Would like some cheese with that “whine” Erik D? All you’ve been doing is whining and complaining, and saying it’s not your ancestors and yadi yadi yadi…***yawn***
But it seems you took heed to my request….you can’t handle the heat/fiyah in this African village, then leave! Thank you.
There’s one you do not overstand here…and that is we have been discussing white priviledge in this white supremist system.

Give thanks Tracey for that source.

Hoping that every white person goes through it to overstand what is mainly being discussed. WHITE PRIVILEDGE. And not which countries were most cruel to black people, regardless of whether blacks sold blacks out to whites/arabs.
Erik D.
Posts: 36

« Reply #37 on: February 13, 2009, 10:13:04 AM »

Would like some cheese with that “whine” Erik D? All you’ve been doing is whining and complaining, and saying it’s not your ancestors and yadi yadi yadi…***yawn***

Now I can see why most white people don't want to waste their time here.

But it seems you took heed to my request….you can’t handle the heat/fiyah in this African village, then leave! Thank you.
There’s one you do not overstand here…and that is we have been discussing white priviledge in this white supremist system.

You mean like in Zimbabwe and South Africa where white farmers are being murdered and driven off their own land, causing no crops to be grown, and the people (black and white) to be reduced to near starvation?

I wish I could be so priveleged like those white people.

Give thanks Tracey for that source.

Yes, thank you Tracy.  The next time I'm looking around for a quarter to make a phone call, or some non-existent food to eat, I'll be sure to think of Tracy and her magnanimousness.  I always find it's better to eat politically correct diatribe than actual food.

Hoping that every white person goes through it to overstand what is mainly being discussed. WHITE PRIVILEDGE. And not which countries were most cruel to black people, regardless of whether blacks sold blacks out to whites/arabs.

Have you considered locating and suing those black tribal chieftains and their descendants who profited from selling your ancestors?
Posts: 14

« Reply #38 on: February 13, 2009, 10:27:53 AM »

It may be true that whites STILL have "built in" priviledge in most societies around the world, I find it difficult to accept personally. Probably because I'm white, but not one of the priviledged ones.  I like to believe Canada is at least slightly less racist and discriminatory than other places, but that may not be true.

I still can't remember how I found this forum but I will continue to read and soak up every bit of knowledge I can here. This place is a wealth of information from a slightly different perspective than I am use to.

Eric D, wow, excellent post man! Brilliant! Wow that was wonderful! Did you study diplomacy under Atilla the Hun? You have such an amazing way of writing that manages to make everyone dislike you at the same time!  I suggest you leave this place Eric, or stop posting and just read.
Erik D.
Posts: 36

« Reply #39 on: February 13, 2009, 11:13:42 AM »

When these local rastas who reneged on a business deal with me put my property back the way it belongs, then we can move forward in a civil manner.
Junior Member
Posts: 134

« Reply #40 on: February 13, 2009, 01:06:52 PM »

dude... are you high?
Junior Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #41 on: February 16, 2009, 05:58:18 AM »

I know silence is sometimes golden, but not in the case of Erik.

You mean like in Zimbabwe and South Africa where white farmers are being murdered and driven off their own land, causing no crops to be grown, and the people (black and white) to be reduced to near starvation?

I wish I could be so priveleged like those white people.

yep, he must be smoking your own socks.

You may want to rethink your statement here, considering how the whites got their so-called in Africa.  Huh Huh Huh remember colonialism man. The viloence that was used to gain this "land".

Personally, being from SA, the government had every right to do the land redistribution. The whites took it by force, why cant blacks do the same. Why do you expect us to turn the other cheek? For the sake of peace. No way. Whites used violence to get what they wanted, i say blacks have to do the same to beat them at their own game.

i dont like the fact that blacks go hungry, but this is Africa for Africans. It's none of your (Europe's or white americas) business to forcefully help. Mugabe has his reasons why he does the things he, and I respect him for that.

Whites have no idea of how African affairs work, even the ones in Africa. We instill our values, culture, morals and tradition in everthing we do. Which is opposite to how white govern. i wish black leaders could understand this and go back to our ways, but it's unfortunate that they ruled by greed like white leaders. Mental slavery must go.

Erik, i hope one day you learn to humble yourself and stop being so arrogant and ignorant. Racism is so instilled in your psyche, you can't even control it. I dont blame you. It's the society we live in.

if you feel you are wasting your time, then are you still writing back. You're only going to give yourself heart palpitations. Save yourself the drama if you cannot handle this. Honestly and I'm not being ugly. truth hurts, adn thus the reason why you write what you do. I bet you have turned red now.

But on a serious tip, humble yourself to hear the black child's cry. See things from our eyes. after all, you are in our home and what you're doing is disrespectful. It's like belittling a man in front of his woman or children.

AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #42 on: February 16, 2009, 11:16:02 AM »

peace and hotep,


Until White Supremacy which is the greatest injustice in the known universe  has been replaced with Justice, aren't all people who have been classified as 'white' .........

aren't all White People.......Suspect Racist /White Supremacist.

as long as the system of White Supremacy is established, maintained, expanded and REFINED what is the litmus test for a "good" White Person.

Malcolm was wary of 'white liberals' and asked for the 'john browns' to step up and do their own thing 'withe' out non'white' people.

this is why you struck a nerve 'withe' Whiteness by suggesting:

The most effective way for a white person to halt this corrupt, perverse European-made system is not to grow rasta locks and integrate with the power-LESS and oppressed non-white peoples of the world, but instead, to infiltrate and integrate with the power-FULL and oppressive white people, and effect positive change by undermining and collapsing their system of exploitation from within. You are the only ones capable of doing this.

In essence, you'd be doing a far greater service to the oppressed peoples of this planet if you use your white privilege to collapse the system from the inside.

Direct Violence (physical and/or economic Death) and Indirect Violence (Deception) are the means of perpectuating the system of White Supremacist.

the children of White People are well aware of how to end the System.

therefore/meanwhile...... they are continually fed SOMA and/or encouraged to be LOTUS EATERS.

only to be sent to ini forums as obamic distractions but not salvation.

is there any "salve" for the eyes of the oedipal chile ?

searching here and there for more narcotic 'salves' for their souls......

pretending to settle for hapi salves.

freedomisahapisalve Lips Sealed
Junior Member
Posts: 134

« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2009, 01:35:49 PM »

Hotep seshatasefekht7,

You are on point and on time as usual!

It is absolutely necessary for us then, to develop effective a counter-racist code in our language that will enable us to solidify our suspicion, and 'out' these impostors within our midst.

Keep the faith, God.
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #44 on: February 16, 2009, 09:43:59 PM »




To present material, in book form, which can be used as a basic guide for those individuals non-white persons who are the Victims of Racism (Victims of White Supremacy), and who may wish to think, speak, and/or act to eliminate Racism (White Supremacy), and do so, not as a "formalized group", but as individual persons.


[This means that an individual non-white person who is the victim of Racism can pick, choose, and support through individual thought, speech, and/or action, only those parts of the book which he or she, as an individual person "sees fit" to support, through his or her individual thought, speech, and/or action].


To present material, in book form, which can be used as a start for a "complete" code of thought, speech, and/or action for Victims of Racism [non-white people], which when promoted by an effective number of individual Victims of Racism, will result in a "collective" effect against Racism.


To present material, in book form, which may serve as a basic guide and/or general format for the making of other books which can serve as a compliment, and/or supplement, to the "codified", and/or systematic concept of eliminating Racism (White Supremacy) through the thought, speech, and/or action of individual persons, by their own will, at a time and place of their own choosing.


To help any and all persons to know and/or understand truth, and to use truth in such manner as to produce justice and correctness at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity.


To explain the necessity of eliminating functional Racism before attempting to make other major changes in the socio-material activities of the other people of known universe, and to function as a general guide toward doing so.


This is not a book to be used to promote dislike or hatred for white people.


This is not a book to be used to encourage animosity toward white people or to be used to promote a dislike for white people because of their "whiteness", and/or because they appear to be "White" to the eye/mind of the onlooker.


This is not a book to be used to embarrass, belittle, nit-pick, poke fun at, or otherwise show "disrespect" for any people, be they "White", "Brown", "Red", "Yellow", "Blond", "Brunette", etc .


This book is not designed to be used to basically oppose any people except those persons racially classified as "White"-- and only those persons so classified, who are responsible for establishing, maintaining, expanding, and/or refining the practice of White Supremacy (Racism), in any one or more areas of activity, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and/or war.


This book, when used correctly used, will help to promote thought, speech, and/or action, specifically designed to help reveal truth, promote justice, and promote correctness.


The ultimate purpose of this book and/or any of it's parts is to help produce "peace".


Excerpt from the United-Independent Compensatory Codebook

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