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Author Topic: Louis Farrakhan on Ayiti (Haiti) and Wyclef  (Read 12422 times)
Iniko Ujaama
Posts: 541

« on: August 09, 2010, 07:45:56 AM »

Minister Farrakhan's Prophetic Warning to Wyclef Jean on Leading Haiti

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan uses his prophetic foresight and wisdom to warn Wyclef Jean not to get caught up and be used in the political process in Haiti. This clip was recorded on February 28, 2010 at the annual Saviours' Day convention put on by the Nation of Islam. On August 4th, 2010, Wyclef Jean announced that he would be running for President of Haiti.
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Posts: 417


« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2010, 04:42:18 PM »

I have to say Farrakhan makes some good points here - although I am not someone who likes or respects him, I find myself in agreement with much of what he says here. I suspect that Wyclef is just nodding for nodding's sake, though.
The criticisms I do have of the speech are: he is contrasting Malcolm X and MLK as if neither of them modified their positions or tactics at all since 1963 - towards the end of his life MLK was quite openly radical and critical of the entire U.S. system and of capitalism as a whole - and at the time of his death Malcolm was preparing to bury all hatchets with MLK's movement and try to work together with it, for example by proposing to send his "troops" to protect the marches from racist thugs (which people like Deacons for Defence were already doing anyway, despite the non-violent rhetoric of the movement, which was more of a strategy than an unachangeable principle.)
Of course it would be too much to expect Farrakhan to bring up his own role in helping to create an atmosphere conducive to MLK's assassination ("he is worthy of death").
It's good to see Farrakhan bringing up the colourism issue as well - although the late great John Henrik Clarke would've pointed out the times when Farrakhan himself has promoted light-skin over dark-skin, even suggesting that dark-skin Africans are ugly (google John Henrik Clarke and you should be able to find the video where he brings this up - at some point if I have time I'll try to find the link).
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