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AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« on: October 09, 2010, 06:06:27 AM »

US President Barack Obama Signs a Congress    Decision for Military Intervention in Lado, Central Africa...
US President Barack Obama has signed a Decision from Congress to send Troops to South-Western Lado in the District of Ituri. To confuse matters , the Ituri District is mistakenly shown on the map as  part of DR Congo.
The desire to Control and Govern the mineral rich ancient Kingdom of Lado in Central Africa is not new. In 1871 a US led Invasion Force of US Troops and Coalition Armies from the European Colonial Powers was sent into Lado by US General and President Ulysses S. Grant.
Decades of fighting to drive out the Insurgents ended in 1947 with a Joint Occupation of Lado by Britain and Belgium. But the Lado People's struggle for Freedom has never ended.
This Illegal Occupation is still in force though it is a clear Violation of UN Resolution 1514 of  14 December 1960 and UN Charter Article 1 and 73, and the Lado Issue is a " hot potato "  in the  UN Security Council where particularly the Permanent Members US and Britain are Opposing  the Lado Issue of Independence from being Debated and Voted on in the UN General Assembly.
Lado Wiped Off the Map

Although the original Borders of Lado from 745 A.D. are still Intact, the Occupiers Disguised  the Existence of Lado by Wiping the name off the Map. This cover-up to hide Lado has added  to the confusion and made it easier for the Occupiers to carry out Massacres and Ethnic Cleansing  against the Lado People who mainly belong to the Sudanic population group.
Lado has been disguised by varying names such as "The Lado Enclave" and "Equatoria Province  of Egypt" (during the Ottoman Empire), and since 1947 all traces of the name "Lado" have disappeared.
The British and Belgian Occupiers split up Lado to be administered by its neighbours: Uganda (Eastern Lado),  Sudan (Northern Lado) and DR Congo (South-Western Lado).
Sudanic Peoples of Lado the Target of Ethnic Cleansing since 1700

The Lado People consist of 29 Tribes who mainly belong to the Sudanic population group  (Lugbari, Madi and Kakwa), and they have been the Target of Ethnic Cleansing since the  "Sixty Year War" which started in year 1700.
The War was prompted by Insurgents belonging to the Nilotic population group who mainly  populate the countries which are today known as Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda.  ----  note ---   " The Insurgents from the Nilotic Clans (Acholi, Lango and Luo) had their eyes fixed on Lado  Territories in the West Nile District where the Capital of Lado Arua is located.
Note :   The Agofe " King "  is the Head of the Lado Provisional Government who has been pressing for  Independence and Sovereignty for forty years, and it was the King's great-great grandfather  Onzima I who led the War against the Nilotic Troops.
Rape Use / Used as a Weapon of War till todate

The Nilotic soldiers, who mainly belonged to the Luo Tribe, used the age-old weapon of raping  women on their way through Lado. This Weapon of Oppression is very much a specialty today,  and is particularly practised by Army Troops from Uganda and Rwanda in the Ituri area of Lado  with the main city of Bunia. It is this area which is mistakenly referred to as " DR Congo ".
The many hundred Sudanic Rape Victims from the "Sixty Year War" three hundred years ago  had become pregnant with the Luo soldiers. Their babies of mixed race, with both Sudanic and  Nilotic Blood, known as "Alur", had their destiny sealed by the Nilotic leaders who ordered their  soldiers to kill the babies .
However, the Lado Army managed to save the majority of the children, and a Sanctuary for the children and their mothers was placed west of Lake Albert with the main city of Mahagi.  The descendents of the Luo ( Nilotic ) soldiers are still living in this area under special  Protection by the Lado State.
Sinister Plan to Exterminate Sudanics

In 1760 a Peace Treaty ("River Odrua Agreement") was signed thanks to King Kabarega  of the Unyoro Kingdom ("Bunyoro" in Western Uganda east of Lake Albert ) who acted  as an Intermediary to end the War.
The bad blood between the Sudanic and Nilotic Peoples did not end with the  "Sixty Year War" because the Luo Desire for more  " Lebensraum " never stilled .

Two hundred years later, in the late 1960's, a Sinister Plan to Exterminate the Sudanic Peoples of Lado was drawn up. The Objective was to take Lado Land  in the district of the West Nile.
The Secret Plan, known as " The Lango Masterplan " of 1967, was made by the  Ugandan Government under President Milton Obote and was to be carried out with the backing of Britain and the US.
President Obote, himself a Luo, had given orders to set the Plan in motion in January 1971. He had timed the Operation to coincide with his visit to a British Commonwealth  Conference in Singapore so that the outside world and the press could not accuse him of having blood on his hands.
Phony Coup Backfired on the Agressors

The Phony Coup , as the Purge was later described, was implemented on 24 January 1971 by the Ugandan Army. The Army had Isolated the Sudanic Officers, and the Sudanic Soldiers had been Disarmed and locked up in their barracks.
They were Trapped like  '" Sitting Ducks  " in the Lubiri Barracks outside the Ugandan  Capital Kampala. The job to finish off the soldiers of Sudanic origin was to be a simple '"walk-over ", but it ended as a total Fiasco for the Ugandan Army. The Plan backfired thanks to two brave Sudanic Soldiers, and the Luo Soldiers fell into their own trap.
While all this was taking place in Uganda, THE AGOFE ( King )  ONZIMA II , was in Paris to complete his  Ph.D. in Law and Economics at the Sorbonne University - unaware of the imminent  Slaughter of his people.
Ugandan Ambassador Threatened with Killing Sudanic Soldiers

A good friend to the AGOFE( King of Lado ) Mr. John Mpuga, who was the Secretary-General of the Inter-African  Coffee Organisation in Paris, had been approached by the Ugandan Ambassador who asked  him to invite him to a dinner at his home .
When the  " AGOFE of LADO "   arrived at his friend's home on Sunday 24 January 1971, Uganda's Ambassador  Mr. Barungi wanted him to sign an Agreement to abandon the West Nile District so it would  become a part of Uganda.  THE AGOFE  refused, his  "miserable, good for nothing people" would be  butchered without mercy.
THE AGOFE refused blankly and left the dinner party, and when he  returned to his lodgings in Paris,  calls came through from his people in Uganda informing him of the situation for the Sudanic soldiers in Ugandan Army .
What was to be a Bloody Massacre (Bloody Sunday) against the Sudanic Soldiers turned out to be a Disaster for the Ugandan Army. Sergeant Musa Yega, was among the few  Sudanic Soldiers who had avoided being locked up in the barracks. He now took  charge as Commander of the fight against President Obote's National Army.
Tank Driver Rammed His Tank into Weapons Arsenal

Assistant Sergeant and Tank Driver Jackson Asiki (from the Kakwa Tribe) rammed his tank  into the weapons arsenal, and in a short time they had armed the Sudanics from Kampala  who had been alerted and arrived at the barracks. The whole operation was run by a Sergeant, a Tank Driver and a Corporal, Longino Ofuruko,  who was Tank Chief in the Ugandan Army".
The Sudanics waited for the Luo Soldiers to come through the gate after which they were to finish the job of killing the Sudanic Soldiers inside the barracks. They sensed no danger as the Sudanic Soldiers tricked them by pretending to be Luo and speaking the Luo language. Once inside the grounds, the Luo Soldiers were Attacked and Defeated, and the Coup  was over in twenty-four hours.
Ugandan Army Tricked by Ten-Year-Old boy

One of the gimmicks which tricked the Luo Soldiers to storm the barrack gate was the wild shooting from the Command Post on the Kololo Hill. It was Amin's ten-year-old son who had been placed there with a machine gun, but the Luo Soldiers thought it was Amin himself .
However, Amin, who was Chief of Staff in the Ugandan Army, was not even at the barracks. He had left Kampala earlier sensing that something was in the making and not wanting to be part of it.
When Obote's Forces had been Defeated, the Sudanic Lieutenant-Colonel Ernest Obitre Gama  of the Lugbari Tribe was asked to take Power as President of Uganda. He refused, and the next  in rank was Major-General and Chief of Staff Idi Amin Dada from the Kakwa Tribe. Amin could  not refuse, and this is how Amin became President of Uganda on 25 January 1971.  Period .
The story of what really happened and what led to the rise of Amin as President of Uganda,  has now been told for the first time. Look it up here and read it for youself now
President Obama Revives " The Lango Masterplan "

It is thought provoking that exactly thirty-nine years later, in January 2010, US President  Barack Obama ( himself of Luo background ) signs a Congress Decision for Military  Intervention in DR Congo, i.e. in the Lado Territory Ituri.
By his signature President Obama revives " The Lango Masterplan " of Ethnic Cleansing of the Sudanic Peoples living in the Lado Territories in Central Africa, the Great Lakes  District and the Nile-Congo Watershed.
Five Million Lado People Killed in Last Fifteen Years

It is no secret that more than five million Lado People (Sudanic Peoples) have been killed in  the Lado Territories during the past fifteen years, and that hundreds of Sudanic Women  and Children are constantly being Raped by Ravaging Troops from Uganda and Rwanda  under US and British Command under the blind eyes of the UN Peacekeeping Troops.
Adding to this the Lado People are being Killed and Driven from their Land by Forces  from the SPLA ( Sudanic People's Liberation Army ) and ULRA ( Uganda Lord Resistence Army  ) who take Lado Children as Child Soldiers.
It is no secret that both the SPLA and  ULRA  are heavily Sponsored by the US, and that the Plan is to Annex the Northern part of Lado, with the main city Juba, into Sudan - and into a brand  new state which will be known as "Southern Sudan".
Lado People Refuse to give up Fight for Independence and Sovereignty

President Obama has no Intention of coming to the Rescue of the Lado People or to  Stop the Killing and Raping of Lado People .

His Objective is for the US to Control Lado, Central Africa, through the neighbouring states ( UGANDA , DR CONGO  and  SUDAN ) . This will enable the US to get Access to the vast Natural Resources belonging to the Lado People.
But even against the Mightiest Powers of the World, Lado People will stand firm and  Refuse to give up their Fight for Independence and Sovereignty and to end the Illegal Foreign Occupation of Lado Land.
If President Obama pursues the US Strategy to take over Lado, he will have so much Blood  of Lado People on his Hands that it will never wash off, and he will still not be able to kill us all.
Lado will, at the end, become an Independent Sovereign State of Lado.


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