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Rastafari Speaks

Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??

Greetings ,

Your response touches upon something I have been feeling for some time, THAT IS THAT THIS JUST A CYCLE. As you state "We are CLEARLY entering an age of global warming" But is just not that alone. I feel that the knowledge that has been used to suppress us may well be the remnants of a previous age, and the powers that be having obtained the remnants of that knowledge have been using it to build up their system to control us.

So the inflicted misery you refer is part of their great work of ages, that work is now entering a crucial stage because the refusal of the likes I and many others is now becoming the escalating probability of system failure that they have so arduously tried at all costs to avoid!

Seems like we may be heading to the end of another cycle and the start of another one which may well introduce the enlightened way we are suppose to live in this world!


Messages In This Thread

What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
correction: every 2,150 years or so. *NM*
Re: correction: every 2,150 years or so.
Re: correction: every 2,150 years or so.
Esoteric Agenda *LINK*
Re: Esoteric Agenda
Re: Esoteric Agenda
Re: Esoteric Agenda *LINK*
Re: Esoteric Agenda
Re: Esoteric Agenda
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: who/what is the 'system' *NM*
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
word/power *NM*
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Dinner Time *NM*
Re: Dinner Time
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
go figure, rastas FOR technology and politricks... *NM*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Thank you Auset! Iron sharpens Iron! *NM*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Lets use your boat analogy...
Re: Lets use your boat analogy...
Strawman vs Aquaman
Re: Strawman vs Aquaman *LINK*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick *LINK*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Then again...
The mother of invention...
Re: The mother of invention... *LINK*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick

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