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Rastafari Speaks

Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick


Yeah no doubt that there was an intention behind deploying the internet - the development of it by DARPA should send alarm bells ringing, but it doesn't for many people. What I am saying is that I don't think that they can contain the pandora's box that has opened in the realms of the communication that can and has occurred through the internet although that might have been the intent. They don't control all avenues of potential and I really think we have to realize that and meditate on that as we see how control mechanisms have been implemented. I think it is important to be aware but at the same time we have to balance that with a realization that the system is not omnipotent and does not have it all figured out.

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What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
correction: every 2,150 years or so. *NM*
Re: correction: every 2,150 years or so.
Re: correction: every 2,150 years or so.
Esoteric Agenda *LINK*
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Re: Esoteric Agenda *LINK*
Re: Esoteric Agenda
Re: Esoteric Agenda
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: who/what is the 'system' *NM*
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
word/power *NM*
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Dinner Time *NM*
Re: Dinner Time
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
go figure, rastas FOR technology and politricks... *NM*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Thank you Auset! Iron sharpens Iron! *NM*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Lets use your boat analogy...
Re: Lets use your boat analogy...
Strawman vs Aquaman
Re: Strawman vs Aquaman *LINK*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick *LINK*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Then again...
The mother of invention...
Re: The mother of invention... *LINK*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick

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