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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

They push it and push it and push it and push it a

I should be rasing her up to do what exactly? Fight this beast? Because that is all that I need right now. I need fighters to take on this devil. Now if you know a few good women that are not afraid to get their hands dirty, then sign em up.................

The black woman is doing just fine. We need to focus on the black man, and how to better himself. Black men want to put everybody else equal to them, as if they need any assistance. The black man is in last place in every major category that actualy MEANS something, and we are still running around more concerened about everyone but the black man. I don't get it.

And here is the funy thing, even those devils know that the man is above the woman in terms of being the head. She does not fight him to take his place when it is time to go to war, except for the few G.I. Jane feminist. The white woman sends her man off to battle.

But Black men always look for some alternate way to avoid true confrontation, and always seem to avoid any real revolution that can free him from this crisis.

You want to be honest for a second? When you put the black woman as your equal, do you really think she see herself as your equal? She smiles and thankyou, yet in her head, she know that she far excell more than you do in every major category on this earth! So what exactly can you offer her? If anything she should be reaching down to give you a hand to lift you up where she is!

C'mon black man, where is your pride?

All I am saying is that we must focus on the BM before we look to focus on anyone else. Everyones else is awwwwright.

As far as the nourtuing is concerened, since that is the case, then why do you want them to stop nourturing, and pick up guns to overtake your role as the protector?

If the woman is equal, then why do we as men feel the need to save her from a behind kicking when some stud decides to go upside her head?

Because she is not equal with us!

Why do we hold the door open for them, and hold their hands when they step off of trains?

Because they are not equal with us.

We as black people seem to be the only ones who do not know the role of the man and woman. Yet all the other ethnicities do. Yet if we are so smart on how the roles should be, then why are so many of our families dysfunctional, and teems getting pregnant at a rapid rate? Not to mention the rising AIDS cases, no fathers in the home, rates of incarceration rising, illiteracy rates climbing, gangwarfare rising, homosexuality, effeminate men, and all manner of dysfunctional society just happens to roost in our communities and homes.

And you think all of this is by accident?


Thank the feminist movement bro! They drop their philosophy in the black community via the churches, and they push it and push it, and push it, and push it, until you believe that madness that they spew from the pulpits and colleges. Their founder was a former member of the CIA.

But like I stated earlier. People always mention the role of the mother as nourturing, and her giving life, yet the role in society becomes blured when it comes to the man being the head.

Do you find that the lease bit contradictory?

And all I stated, was that you came out of your father's loins and went up in your mom. So all life starts with the father.

That's just basic truth my brother.

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it may not be 'scriptural'...
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I'll check it out *NM*
thank you
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PS respond bearing in mind that...
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I can't thank you enough
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