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Rastafari Speaks

Trinidad Rastas Advocate for Reparations and Ganja *LINK* *PIC*

On Sunday 23rd February, 2014, in Trinidad the local Rastafari organization, the All Mansions of Rastafari, held a rally to advocate for reparations, repatriation and the legalization of marijuana. Rastas from around Trinidad and Tobago gathered in Woodfood Square, in the heart of the capital city Port of Spain, to forward their cause. The rally started with a motorcade to the square where the programme began.

Red, gold and green banners and flags were prominent throughout the square as the Bobo Shantis took to the stage with their drumming and chanting to signal the formal start of the programme. After this opening, chairman of the All Mansions of Rastafari, Trini Levi, welcomed those gathered and reminded them that Rastas have been at the forefront of the reparations movement and are presently working on the Trinidad Reparations Committee. He asserted that reparations must go hand in hand with repatriation for those so willing. Connecting the movement for repatriation and reparations to issues of social justice, he asserted that despite the discrimination that Rasta children face to go to school, Rastafarians are still making an impact in society.

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