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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

Re: if no response from Leslie, I'll bite... *LINK*

1. with his 'bi-raciality' he is a safe negro because of his being raised in a eurocentric environment with a eurocentric mindset.

is not the majority of africans that are raised in the diaspora raised in a urocentric environment?
outside of africa - ini are the minority, in respect to our 'environment' of course ones could be specific in how they define environment (household/friends/social networks etc) but as a whole the majority of those africans - be they 'bi-racial' or 'wholly' african, there 'environment' is euro.
2. in addition to his 'safeness', whites in power pedestal the lighter toned in order to perpetuate their agenda of colorism division as Leslie said is a continuation of the privileges granted to lighter folks. In other words, pedestaling lights in prestigious positions REINFORCE their hierarchal structure as implemented BY THEM upon black people.
this may or may not be true. what whites in power are you referencing....political power, business power, what power structure are you talking about specifically? please inform us of a few lighter black folks who are in a position of 'power' on the basis of their light skin?
The Black Caucus is not relevant because it is a Caucus and not presented with the leader on front street.
it may not be relevant to YOU. but it is relevant nonetheless. if we are talking about 'political- power' in the usa, then 'congressmen' have power to some degree - they have run for and gained 'elected' power on the 'streets' in predominately 'black' constituencies.
NOI on the other hand, DOES have a visual leader and founder Wallace Fard Muhammad was indeed light/mixed. Elijah Muhammad was also lighter and possessed more or less European features (compared to Garvey for instance). The same goes for Malcolm X and Farrakhan.
ok. i will concede that point - but who's legacy is the most enduring? hands down- it is that of the Most Rt. Hon Marcus Mosiah Garvey, who all of the above credit with being the cornerstone of their respective political ideologies as it relates to African nationalism.
As for African presidents, you have to realize that there is no a light-skin pool to pick a leader.
with all due raspect - I hope you realize how silly that sounds/reads. there are no bi-racial folks in africa...? on the contrary, african folks, just like euros and everyone else, engage in identity politics - sometimes for the good and not so good. people 'naturally' gravitate to leaders to whom they can identify. africans identify w/africans uro's to uro's and so forth.
the primary instances where political figures in africa are strikingly different in ethnicity, is when there was a coup/Apartheid/or leader installed by force.
However, you will notice that many Moslem leaders (Khadafi, King Hussein, Saddam Hussein, Anwar Sadat, Shah of Iran and others) were of the lighter shade of the shades of those nations.
with the exception of Khadafi (maybe) all those folks mentioned - look like the majority population in their respective country. unless you could prove otherwise, by identifying a majority ethnic group that differs in 'pigmentation' than the rulers mentioned - your opinion is merely speculation. shites/sunni arabs all have for the most part similar features.
Selassie I was of the lighter stock of his country's constituents.
Ethiopia has over 70 ethnic groups. The Oromo (Galla) about 40%; The Amhara and Tigrean about 32%...with various other ethnic groups rounding out the other 25-30%. So there again, factually the idea that "Selassie I was of the lighter stock of his country's constituents" is simply not correct.
"This can also be examined by the propping of WEB DuBois vs. Marcus Garvey".
One might also say that InI Africans 'propped' up the Rt. Hon. Garvey - depends on whose lens you are looking through, and the world view that one adheres to.
To be honest, I find your examples to be strawman arguments and invalid within the context of Leslie's article. It is not an indictment on light people. It is an analysis of one of the many mechanisms used by whites to manipulate blacks.
that may be your opinion - i did not suggest that Leslie's article was an indictment on anything or anyone. I simply dont agree with all of the points that she raised. I am of the opinion - that Black's have a mind, are free thinking, and have the mental capacities to form opinions based on their individual critical analysis of a situation and or individual. I do not unlike some others feel as if whites are all powerful. I trust the intellect of my African brothers and sisters.
My premise is that TYPICALLY when there is a figurehead to be pedestaled and when there is a spectrum of shades available and qualified (by whatever qualifications) the trend is to highlight (no pun intended) the lighter skinned of the stock.
If this is your premise - then you should be able to prove it with historical and contemporary data which has analyzed tangible situations where there are "spectrum of shades available and qualified (by whatever qualifications)..." until that is presented then your premise is nothing more than speculation guided by your personal opinion/world view. Since you and I both are from good ol Cleveland - how many light skin mayors have there been...? Or Congresspeople - Sister Stephanie Tubbs Jones (RIP) was a beautiful chocolate complexion.

I would think it would be easy to prove your point if it is in fact valid by providing some clear examples.

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For Oshun Auset
Sorry for the late response...
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give thankhs *NM*
Re: Sorry for the late response...
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