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U.S.A.: Condi Rice: Christian-Zionist Pit Bull
By Kurt Nimmo,
Most of us remember when Senator Joe McCarthy declared the State Department was infested with commies and singled out the Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, as "a pompous diplomat in striped pants." As it turns out, McCarthy's list consisted not only of commies, but also fascists, alcoholics, and sexual deviants. As the journalist and radio host Drew Pearson noted at the time, only three people on McCarthy's list were State Department officials and none had been members of the American Communist Party. Regardless, on 20th February, 1950, McCarthy made a speech in the Senate describing State Department officials as "card-carrying communists" and "loyalty risks." It was the beginning of the end of McCarthy's incendiary career.
If McCarthy was alive today and declared not only the State Department but the entire government to be infested with Zionists instead of Communists, he would be spot on, although he would suffer the same ultimate fate (McCarthy was censured and lost chairmanship of the Government Committee on Operations of the Senate).
U.S.A.: Is Condi Rice President Bush's Pet Negro?
By Mark P. Fancher,
One African cultural attribute that lives on in this country’s Black community is the unlimited willingness of the village to attempt to defend and protect its own. Back in 1984, personalities as diverse as Vanessa Williams and Louis Farrakhan became targets of the larger society for wildly different reasons. Williams, as the first Black Miss America, was dethroned because explicit nude photographs of her were made public. Farrakhan was universally attacked because of allegations of anti-Semitism. Notwithstanding the controversies, America’s Africans opened their arms and embraced these celebrities, providing them with enough love and support for each to re-group and move on to face new challenges.
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