Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

GENERAL => GENERAL FORUM => Topic started by: lado on April 29, 2008, 06:51:41 AM

Post by: lado on April 29, 2008, 06:51:41 AM


The Restoration of The State of Lado

Lado People will Stand Firm to see that the Lado Sovereign Nation State is Restored with its Original Boundaries from 1887-1907, and the State of Lado is Recognized by the U.N. and the World Community For much too long the Oppressors have Occupied, Raped, and Erased the African History, but the Lado People are beginning to find and recognize their Rich Cultural Heritage as the Ancient Kingdom Created on the Remnants of the Old Egypt as early as 700 BC, when Lado was founded under the name "Ladoland" and on 9 May 847 AD when the Modern Lado was Established." The Days of Imperialism and Colonial Power are gone, and a New Age of Freedom and Independence is Emerging. So is therefore the Freedom of Lado.

The Powers who have held Command of the World for the last four hundred years, are losing their Hold of the World, and the African Nations want to Write their own History.

Success Stories Throughout Lado to Stop Big Business Plans

Success Stories throughout Lado now is such as the Lado initiative to stop Oil Drilling , the UK Indians ' Plans of Sugar Plantations and the Colonial and Corporate Plan to turn Lado into a Giant Pig and GMO Soya Beans Farming Area, which would have resulted in Widespread Pollution, have given the Lado People the Courage and the Determination to fight for what they Believe in.

Though Lado is kept in Stranglehold of Joint Illegal Occupation since 1947 : -

Since 1947 Lado - the "Lado Enclave" or "Equatoria" - which is situated in the Great Lakes Region in the Upper Nile Valley, has been kept in a Stranglehold by the European Powers Britain and Belgium who have joined in an Occupation of Lado. This Joint Illegal Occupation of Lado by Britain and Belgium in 1947 has made the State of Lado into two Cultural Sectors :

(a)  the French Speaking Lado to the West ( Belgian ), and

(b)   the English Speaking Lado to the East ( British ),

However  This Act of Occupation alone is not consistent with the Treaty of Berlin 26 February 1885, Articles 6, 12, 15, including 34. the British/Belgian Occupation of Lado was not translated into complete Colonial or Protectorate Status by Treaty signed by the Agofe of Lado . Which means the European Colonial Masters can not inherit Lado which therefore still exists as a Political Entity and as a Nation State of Lado. However, it is a Fact that the State of Lado is an Occupied Territory, first by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) on 26 May 1871, and by Belgium-Britain jointly from 15 May 1947."

By standing firm and demanding its Right to Exist and to be Recognized as a Sovereign Nation State by the International Community, Lado has stood out as a Beacon and an Example for the People all over Africa who will no longer tolerate Suppression and Enslavement in their own Homelands .

After four hundred years of Slavery ( during 1440-1840 ) , Degradation and Poverty, the African People were left in a State of Shock. And it is little wonder that they chose to lull themselves into Apathy in order just to try to Survive , creating the present Unrest in Africa as a sign that the African People are Awakening from their Sleep, and are taking charge of their own destinies .

Though African People are Ridding Themselves of their Ruling Elites......... :

What we are witnessing now is that the African People are ridding themselves of the Ruling Elite, who have Betrayed their People, and who have only been kept in Power with the massive Support of the Old Colonial Powers, mainly Britain, France and Belgium, who have and are contributing heavily with Military Expertise and Weaponry. And not least to the pockets and Foreign Bank Accounts of their African Leaders.

In this way, and by creating a Ruling Class chosen from a favoured group or a Tribe / Clan, who got Positions in Power, the former Slave Traders have managed to Divide and Rule and ensure that the African People are kept Enslaved in their own Homelands long since the lucrative Slave Trade was Abolished.

This Policy has led and leads still to needless Massacres and Bloodbaths and Tragedies as the one which happened in Rwanda, which are often referred to as Ethnic Cleansings . However, this covers over Atrocities and gross Human Rights Violations by Government Security Forces who are used to quell any sign of Resistance or Criticism against the Ruling Elite and through Brutal Force these Ruling Elites have managed to keep and still keep their Populations in a state of constant Fear and Obedient Silence .

To the Extent Ruling Elites have been Rigging and will continue so to rig Election Results .....

Up till now these Elites have even got away with the Rigging of Election Results, which have not only taken place in our neighbouring country Kenya, but also has been the Order of the Day in Ugandan Politics where the President still reigns Supreme with the Backing of Britain and Britain's Scandinavian Allies who will gladly Support Uganda to suit their own Interests .

Uganda has for many years been the ' Darling ' of the Anglo - American Powers and their Scandinavian Allies, who are Running and Controlling the Ugandan Administrative System, and in this way are in a position to use Colonial Uganda as a Stepping Stone to take over and usurp Lado's Natural Resources and Drive out the Inhabitants : The Lado People who have become Refugees and ' Displaced Persons ' in their own Homeland.

This situation has become Intolerable to the People of Lado, and they have started to take matters into their own Hands, and to Stand Up for their Rights and for what is rightfully theirs. Like their Neighbours in Northern Uganda, the Local Lado People have Bravely Protested and Fought the Ugandan Government, who had made a Deal for the Sale of Virgin Forest Land to a Canadian Lumber Company.

The Lado People successfully stopped the Devastation to their Natural Resources which would have Laid Waste valuable woodlands into Arid Desert of Big Business



Title: Re: LADO NEWS
Post by: nomo8 on May 02, 2008, 02:20:46 PM
If there is anything left of the non aligned movement, perhaps a motion to abandon all military alliance function in the U.N. and throw all the weight in UNEP and ag and water self reliance reparation funding , an institution therefore that is not "united" globally through military alliances spawned from the usual supsects, but a cultural and environmental restoration and conservation act for humanity in an advisory and assistance model only,  no foreign troops and no supranational military alliance under the rubrick of a "new world order"

????  The UN could still function as a forum instilling values of sovereignty and diversity assuring the survival of our species rather than global Wal Mart and Praetorian Gaurd assuring another 100 years war in the 21'st century.   Perhaps Lado key log and its history, among others, is a focal point for that kind of a discussion and action taken, given the particulars of the various resolutions and status originally granted as you've described in the UN and the broken promises and treaties that have not been successfully eliminated from human consciosness by the usual suspects

Someone had written of the value of poets in politicks, so I recalled James Brown, the poet of funk and posted it.  The cops and the IRS were all over the man ever since he wrote about being black and proud.