Whites go out of their way to avoid talking about Race

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It's an overarching propaganda stream that affects everyone, regardless of ethnicity or race.  The propaganda stream was started some time ago and now we are seeing the results, as you described in your experience, fear to speak based on new political correctness.  Obama is like C. Rice, a manifestation of this stream of propaganda, an individual chosen and manipulated by powerful forces to demonstrate that race and gender are irrelevent in terms of mind control.  It is shocking the support Obama is getting internationally and especially in Africa.  Obama consistently supports an Orwellian police state, ratcheting up the "war on terror", attacking Packistan, staying in Iraq to have a Nixonian "peace with honor" type conclusion, no real change in the establishment of permanent military bases there, AFRICOM (bribe to corrupt African leadership) , blind support of zionism, in short, continuing without any change we can beleive in.  Even there is Orwellian MK verbeage "change we can believe in", special emphasis on "beleive", no critical thinking involved.  So the issue of race, I would suggest has been turned on its head , as anything can if the language and perception of the observer is manipulated precisely toward this end and that is what we have been seeing, a monstrous development of Orwellian mind f****k, seen depressingly in the cheering crowds of Kenya, who will be sorely dissappointed one suspects when the thrust of American policy and that of its allies descends fully upon them, policies decided on long before another extortable puppet of low character takes the helm of the presidency of the USA.

What an irony, to make it seem even more befuddling, Africans are shown as exhuberant in their enthusiasm and "hope" via an election of a foreign head of state becuase and apparently only because he looks like them superficially???   I feel some empathy and pity for Mr. Obama and also great trepidation upon reviewing some of his speeches and general demeano.r If you painted him white and made him into a box and this box spoke exactly as he has and the box's friends and associates were all the same, it had a ciggarrette sticking out of the box, what would people say about this box?   Hasn't anyone learned the lesson of "packaging" of the president?  Someone on high is laughing at us - so this is what you want, eh? OK here it is, now tell me once again how important it is that we have a "person of color" in positions of authority in the USA (Collin Powell, etc). N8

'Tis indeed true that Africans at home are more enthusiatic than anything else.
Quote from: nomo8 on November 05, 2008, 08:48:00 AM

What an irony, to make it seem even more befuddling, Africans are shown as exhuberant in their enthusiasm and "hope" via an election of a foreign head of state becuase and apparently only because he looks like them superficially??? 

That's exactly what is happening here at home. People get offended when you seem unsupportive of Obama because he's black. And I mean from all races, everyone believes he'll be there for black people. Look at what happened with us Azania (SA). When the ANC was voted into power, we thought WOW, a black president ruling white people...puhleeeaaazzz...

Black are still denied opportunities. Except those that give into eurocentric values/morals. ???

Quote from: Erik D. on November 04, 2008, 12:14:22 PM

So, now when black or hispanic people mention racism, the first thing many white people think is "oh, this must be to get a job, promotion or some other advantage over me", and so they get even more worried.

Too true.



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