Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: Bantu_Kelani on July 13, 2004, 12:43:53 AM

Title: Word Warrior
Post by: Bantu_Kelani on July 13, 2004, 12:43:53 AM
I am a word warrior
Sorcerer of sonic sounds
who's infinitely bound to
the beauty of the Universe
which I bring to life through verse!

I am a word warrior
I use words as weapons
to combat ignorance, injustice,
negativity, and self-destruction
Each word is encoded with instructions
To annihilate regressive activity
Are instilled with peace and positivity
so that we discover our talents, gifts,
and abilities

I am a word warrior
I am at harmony with the heaven within
I meditate heavily so that my diction
becomes medicine

Once I focus and then begin
the Universe becomes the Sacredness
that seeps from my pen

I transcend time with reason and rhyme
to climb the divine at the same time
discovering the Sun’s shine
creating a revolution of thought line after line

Word Warrior
Traveler and unravel-er of our infinite
With tenacity I display grammatical mastery
My unlimited capacity to defy verbal gravity
is a gift naturally

Words Weapons Wisdom
Grammar Vernacular Diction
Language Dialogue Conversation
Lyrics Verses Poetical Demonstrations

I swing inside the softness of syllables
to become liquidly lyrical
My thought process is rhythmical
Within this one individual miracles
take place

I embrace the intelligence and elegance
of the Universe
Out of me its beauty bursts!

Word Warrior
Sorcerer of Sound
Creating Cosmic dialect unfound
Bound to beauty, passion and fire

I AM rhyme and reason
It is beyond desire!

Word Warrior

Christopher Donshale Sims/Universoul
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