Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: Kateb_nuri on April 23, 2006, 06:04:41 PM

Title: The Siafu Ant
Post by: Kateb_nuri on April 23, 2006, 06:04:41 PM

The Siafu Ant


Lay not on the ground
The Siafu ant is roaming around
And on the flesh it shall feast if you’re moving.
That which is not in motion is never a threat
So the Siafu never goes after the motionless
Only it that moves along with time is where it dines
In my words see not the Siafu as an insect see it as forces trying to keep you from moving along, and ahead of time

Siafu a hunter of the night, and a hider of the day
Only fire can keep Siafu away
So the illusion of being still is what the mind assumes will be safe, but pain, and death comes as time passes away while you sit there glued to the ground
How sad that an aggressive situation has you locked, and bound. The Siafu looks peaceful, but it would fool you a shape shifter it is .It loves to take form of both woman, and man as it travels thru the jungle, and desert sands.