Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: naturalness on August 04, 2003, 05:15:20 PM

Title: 3 years in the making
Post by: naturalness on August 04, 2003, 05:15:20 PM
Jah blessed him into my life
like HE blesses one with sight.
Very pleasing to my eyes and
soft to the touch,
My heart opened and longed for so much
from him
but he would not let me in.
It takes time, I thought.
So, I waited and anticipated.
Give, give, give.
Yet nothing was reciprocated.
Unrelenting, I kept him by my side
Hoping for the day he would let me in
to him.
Too late, thought Jah.
So, HE took him away....
Scolded him, then molded him
into my rightful King.
‘Cause Lord knows I wasn’t about to give up on him!
It took 3 years and now he is back.
Ready and willing...
To open his heart and give love to me
The right way and in every way.