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Author Topic: Mary Magdalene the "Bride of Chirst"?  (Read 52070 times)
Senior Member
Posts: 605

« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2005, 11:45:32 AM »

I know a man from my country I want say no names, who is a VANDA high priest but at the same time he is a Christian priest. He explained to me that our people would not accept him healing them in the name of our ancestors or in with AFRIKAN SCIENCE voodoo or nkisi so he shows and he could not practice vanda without his own people fighting him in the name of Christ so he uses the bible as a cover to slowly break the GHOSTSPELL and to heal the sick and to give them messages from the ancestors.

That's good he uses it this way, but I think he is in the severe minority of folks who use the Bible in this manner.

The dominant use of the Helio Biblio and X-tianity seem to be to control, oppress, enslave spiritually, mentally, and physically, as well as to exploit(pimp the people).

Forward to a united Africa!
Posts: 82

« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2007, 05:00:23 AM »

The wedding of Yashu’a Bar Maryam (aka Jesus son of Mary) took place in Cana in Galilee. The reception was in Bethany at Yashua’s own house. The reason why it was not recorded was because the Essenes vowed celibacy. It would’ve been a travesty to hear that one of their own had defected and married other that with the approval of the Rabb – the head of the order – for the sole purpose of reproduction.

Bethany is where he lived with Martha, Lazarus, and his wife Mary Magdalene after the wedding. When he defected from the Essene’s village, Lazarus, his student, took him in. This was many years before he knew that he would marry Lazarus’ sister.

Posts: 6

« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2010, 02:59:40 PM »

Greetings to one and all in the name of H.I.M
If Jah burnt down Sodom and Gomorrah (it is in the Ible) and he gave Adam a companion (eve). Then it is clear that Jah intend for Man and Wombman to fulfill the beauty of his plan. Even Ras Tafari had his Empress crowned when he was coronated. Now if Christ is the Son of the most high then would he not keep the statutes of his father? Remember, he only started manifesting the holy works at the age of 33 (according to what we know at present) So why would he not have his Empress?

Many main strem religions like Catholic for example do not allow their "priests" to marry nor their "nuns". So what purpose do they have? and are they not still practising the ways of Sodom and Gomorrah?

I n I believe that Mary Magdalene was his companion and spouse. How many times has Jah told Israel to be fruitful and multiply in the old testament even before the coming of Christ?

Blesed love and inity to one and all
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