Exodus Story of Bible = Egyptian astro-mythology


Gerald Massey states that the ORIGIN of the EXODUS story of the Hebrews is actually a story of astrology, something played out in the heavens above and TRANSFERRED to a supposed "historical" event known as the Exodus out of Egypt:

"Souls were the offspring of Ra the holy spirit in the eschatology; and here we may possibly delve down to one of the tap-roots of the legendary “Exodus.” The stars were looked on as a race of beings having souls of light that emanated from the sun. To these the solar race, as human beings, were affiliated by means of the totemic types, which included the crocodile of Sebek, the beast of Bes, the hawk of Horus, the scarabeus of Kheper. Hence it is said by the god Ra to the righteous in Amenta, “You yourselves are tears of mine eye in your person of superior men. I have shed abroad my seed for you” (Book of Hades, 5th division, D). These were the seed of Ra, who, as figured, were born like a tear from his eye, as a mode of effluence, and being solar they were the superior race of men, the Ruti, or men par excellence. Under the name of Khabsu in Egyptian the stars are synonymous with souls. These in their nightly rising from Amenta were the images of souls becoming glorified. They came forth in their thousands and tens of thousands from the lower Egypt of the astronomical mythos, the earliest exodus being stellar. Thus we can realise the leader Shu, who stands upon the height of heaven, rod in hand, and who was imaged in the constellation Kepheus as the Regulus or law-giver at the pole.(MOSES!!!!)

In the “Destruction of Mankind” the stars are said to be “the multitudes which live in the nocturnal sky.” In this under-world Taht, the moon-god, is called the luminary of Ra “in the inferior heaven,” and in the deep region where he “inscribes the inhabitants” and it is said to him, “Thou art the keeper of those who do evil, whom my heart abhors” (Pl. C., lines 65-70). Taht was the reckoner of the stars here called the inhabitants of the nocturnal heaven, or sky of Amenta, whose names or numbers were inscribed by him, possibly as six hundred stars, which number was extended by the Jewish Kabalists to their six hundred thousand souls in Guph. Be this as it may, here are the souls in Amenta represented by stars as inhabitants of the underworld. And in the new creation by Atum-Ra, god of the nocturnal sun, they are spoken of as “these multitudes of men.” Ra orders that his heaven shall be depicted as a field of rest, and there arose the elysian fields or paradise of plenty on Mount Hetep. In this new heaven, says Ra, “I establish as inhabitants all the beings which are suspended in the sky, the stars! said by the majesty of Ra (to Nut), I assemble there the multitudes that they may celebrate [Page 631] thee, and there arose the multitudes.” These multitudes as stars had been the inhabitants in the deep region of the inferior sky. Ra having been “lifted up” as god alone in this new heaven of the astronomical mythos, the stars that were in the lower are to be assembled and grouped together in the upper heaven. This is followed by the stellar exodus from “lower Egypt and the desert of Amenta” under the leadership of Shu-Anhur, the uplifter of the sky together with its inhabitants, the stars, called the children of Nut, or heaven. It is said by Ra “my own son Shu, take with thee my daughter Nut, and be the guardian of the multitudes which live in the nocturnal sky,” or the sky in the lower Egypt of Amenta; “put them on thy head and be their fosterer,” or sustainer. (Pl. B, line 42.) Then, as said in the hymn to the god Shu, “Uplifted is the sky which he maintains with his two arms” as “king of Upper and Lower Egypt” in his new character of Shu-si-Ra, who, in the solar mythos, had become the son of Ra. In the Ritual, ch. 110, heaven is described as the mansion of Shu, “the mansion of his stars,” which was nightly renewed as “the beautiful creation which he raiseth up.”

We have now delved down to an origin for the Egyptian exodus in the stellar mythos. Shu was the uplifter of the sky under his name of Anhur with his rod. As raiser of the firmament he uplifts the starry host or multitude of beings known as the offspring of Nut, or later, the seed of Ra, or later still, the children of Ra. These were previously the dwellers in the lower Egypt of the mythos who are to be set free from this realm of darkness and gathered together in the land of light, the starry heaven of Nut on high. Their deliverer was Shu-Anhur, the leader up to Heaven, with his rod, as “repeller of the dragon coming out of the abyss.” (p. 2, lines 5 and 6.) This exodus belongs to the rendering in the mythology, and underlies the Peri-em-hru or coming forth to day according to the Book of the Dead, in which the mythos has become the mould of the eschatology. The resurrection of souls has taken the place of the stars in the stellar, and of the sun in the solar mythos. The exodus was now the coming forth of the Manes from “Egypt and the desert” as localities in the mysteries of Amenta. This was then made geographical and practical by literalization in that exodus of the Israelites from the land of the Pharaohs which has hitherto passed as biblical history."


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