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Rastafari Speaks

Lust for gold *LINK*

What up peeps... Hi sis Judah, ain't cyber-met you before. Used to post on here all the time, now only very occasionally when time permits... just wanted to briefly respond to your statement "the lust for gold runs through all civilizations"... maybe all WESTERN "civilizations" but not all civilizations. All over West Africa, the Caribbean, South America, gold was nothing but a pretty decorative substance that people didn't really think anything of other than as simply that - a pretty decorative substance. Depending on the civilization in question there may or may not have been other metaphorical "golds" that were lusted over, but I would argue that for a significant percentage of IanI indigenous ancestors, there was not even that metaphorical "gold". Not all peoples have spent their time going around trying to conquer and subjugate others, it's just that the ones that HAVE done so re-create the conquered societies in their image and hence replicate their system like a virus across the world. But there HAVE been other ways of life, and the dominance of the gold-lusters will not last forever.
Have not had a chance to read the article in full yet, so will prob. forward with some comments when I have.
Respect Peace and Love my people... JAH guide and I-tect

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Ben Affleck,Rwanda&Corporate Sustained Catastrophe *NM* *LINK*
Re: Ben Affleck,Rwanda&Corporate Sustained Catastr
Thank you 360 *NM*
Re: Ben Affleck,Rwanda&Corporate Sustained Catastr
Lust for gold *LINK*
Re: Lust for gold
Re: Lust for gold
Re: Lust for gold
Re: Lust for gold
Re: Lust for gold *LINK*
Re: Lust for gold
Re: Lust for gold
Re: Lust for gold
Re: Lust for gold
Re: Lust for gold
thanks 360, very informative piece! *NM*
Re: Ben Affleck,Rwanda&Corporate Sustained Catastr
Re: Ben Affleck,Rwanda&Corporate Sustained Catastr
Re: Ben Affleck,Rwanda&Corporate Sustained Catastr

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