In 1838, when there were much uprising against shackled slavery in England and other parts of the earth, England refuse to give total freedom from shackled slavery, to African people, claiming that African people who were shackled, were not ready for freedom, claiming that they did not know how to handle it. So instead of taking off the shackles totally of the people, they had what was called, the apprenticeship system in 1834, and then by 1838, they claimed that slavery was abolished, but thev was not true, since slavery was only polished to a very modern kind of slave trading activity. Pay attention to this, in order for the shackles were to be removed, from the hands and feet of African people, the British Government, paid the slave traders and owners, TWENTY MILLION STERLING POUNDS, to cover the loss of their investements, that is to say, that since they are going to set the slaves free, they would have to get back the money which they paid for each slave. So that twenty million pounds, were shared up mong those slavemasters, and not a single penny was given to a single African person, who were enslaved by those rascals. If holyness is being shared or givin away in the African community, let it be published and conceal it not, let us all share in it, give us all a chance to get a piece of it, do not decide for your people that they are not worthy, or not ready for holiness or blessings, whatever it may be, which is flowing from the Ark of the Covenant, let us all share in it. It is a reasonable thing to do.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus
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