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Rastafari Speaks Archive 1

Re: (Ayinde) Reasonings
In Response To: Re: (Ayinde) Reasonings ()

Greetings Ayinde,
One thing that was bothering me was your response on the messenger. But after re-reading, I see where the message and the messenger are inter-twined.

Perhaps I erred in my premise by not clarifying that I was seeking extraction of truth from the Cosby verbage. So it was inflammatory to ask the "on point" question which admittedly took the whole seekings out of context.

No, the comments were not "on point". I should have asked "is there ANY truth within the statements". "On point" by its own term asks if the comments are "in harmony with ones viewpoints". I see my naivete now.

Can you point out if I at least began with a neutral open-ended stance?

What is bothering me is why is it not mandatory to dismiss one's personal biases and experiences which are variable in order to seek what is fixed (truth).

All in all, a learning experience of which I expect from this forum.

-always seeking

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(Ayinde) Reasonings
Re: (Ayinde) Reasonings
Re: (Ayinde) Reasonings
Re: (Ayinde) Reasonings
Re: (Ayinde) Reasonings
Re: (Ayinde) Reasonings
Re: (Ayinde) Reasonings

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