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Re: Power from robbery
In Response To: Re: Power from robbery ()

One of the greatest problem is that we as African people are not creating any great undustries for ourselves, based on the upliftment of our people and our own communities. So we as poor people work as Janitors and domestic to send our children to schools, and sometimes make large sacrifices to try to send them to colleges, while we are whithering away from hunger and starvation, only to really allow our childern to be mis-educated by the white man's asystem of education. Our children sometimes abondon us, and the community which nourished them to become educted people, once they get this Phd, or any other degrees in education, they become so swell headed, that they despise the community in which they were brought up, instead of using their education and skills to make the community which nourished them, much better than when they were born and brought up into it.

On the other hand, since we as African people, are not creating any great industries, to be able to employ our selves, and our own people in general, them we send our children to schools, to become producers and inventors, for the other races, and their pay is some time not much more than minimum wage. We must create our own industries, so that we can employ our own people, and pay them justly, as well as sharing some of the profits, from the total profit, with them at the end of the year, so that as our industries grow and prosper, our community and our people will also grow and prosper, in love peace and harmony. By the way, can you think of any of these politicians in this big wide world, be it Senators, Speakers of the Houses, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Mayors, City Council Members etc, who have, or will volunteer to reduce their salary, to the minimum wate of $5.75 per hour, or there about, as is prerscribed for the masses of working class people? Please anyone here who know of any, please inform us.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus

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