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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

Re: loyal protectionist to the last...

You talk like a typical pseudo-educated black college alumnus. they trained you in offering all the ear-candy but no substance.
Good Comeback.
So you are transitioning to the continent, SO WHAT, as if you are going to make a positive difference. All someone as lost as you is going to do is implement the colonized biddings of your indoctrinated mind.
As if...? We shall see - but what I can say is this: I will in all likelihood do more than post Obama and WMS diatribes on the Internet, something you have mastered.
"Looky yall, I m going to africa, yippee".
Dont be a hater. lol
Their loss indeed. A brainwashed american negro coming in their midst with a supremacist mindset of "helping them" when it is YOU who needs the most help.
Black Supremacist Mindset.
You have proven on this board time and time again that you are the most americanized, dis-educated negro here.
Coming from the likes of YOU - I take that as a compliment.
You were INTENTIONALLY dis-educated in your crack infested high school and INTENTIONALLY dis-educated in your college.
Your funny. A "black man" who calls a predominately black high school, "Crack infested?"
The abolitionist who your college was named after was a sworn member of white society who was FOR abolition but was AGAINST competitive negros. The purpose for your "oldest black college in the US" was to make sure that you stayed a distant second to whites and stayed away from white coeds.
Now, you diss a predominately HBCU. A hater indeed.
And yall up there proud and uppity and thinking yous above somebody just like folk being proud of fatback pork.
The only thing I am above is the ground.
I do not talk down to people. I TALK DOWN TO YOU because of your false level of education. I talk light-years above you. They bamboozled you and whoever shelled out all that money for nothing.
My false level of education. Keep em rolling.
You thought you were smart, see. But actually you are embarrassing. You cannot buy logical intelligence. Sorry to disappoint you.
No dissapointment here - thanks for the concern though.
From what I can gather, you are one of many negros who turned to education to deflect their black inferiority psyche know, "I am somebody". But unfortunately there is no major for common sense.
Stick to the WMS/Semite storyline - cause you cant touch me, with your insults.
You are supposed to already have an inkling of it already. You cannot get a black identity from school, bud. Proof is in the pudding that your HBC is subpar. How come you ain't on here offering insight that us non-educated or white-school-educated never heard of? Why is it YOU who always look like an imbecile on simply black issues...I mean simple and you look like an alien who learned blackness from watching 'Good Times'.
I would be embarrassed to show someone your input and then let them know that you matriculated from a HBC. But then again, if they knew the real deal, they would say "no mystery".
Sho you right!

Bon voyage... welcome home...
BTW, for you to try and say that you did not campaign for Obama is an insult to any reader's intelligence. You did everything but...
Ok - here's one just for you...:

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