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Author Topic: What do you think about multiracial children ?  (Read 129894 times)
Posts: 37


« Reply #60 on: February 28, 2005, 09:21:47 AM »

Greetings Jemba,

Ok, I agree with Maya, the analogy is incorrect.  Dogs and cats have totally two different genetic make-ups --- they are two different mammalian beings.  The race of a human is of the same mamalian group and species ( the correct analogy would be that of different breeds of dogs laying with one another --- which they do).  Further, if you want to use that arguement, there are mammalss and other organisms that do lay with ones that are not of their kind ( ie horse+donkey-mule).
Secondly, Mixing of the races was forbade by the Almighty because it would interrupt ones spirituality.  Ok, I understrand how that "was".  Because HE divided us so that we would be confused by one another ( we were too wicked to be as one ---- story of the tower of Babel); and people did no thave direct access to one another's culture, so marrying foreign peoples who effect one's spirituality. And the blood of the LORD's people had to be kept pure order to fulfill prophecy of the Savior etc.........But many interracial marriages ( that of my parents' included) are bonds between man and woman of the same faith.  Race is not necessarily a prerequisite for many religions these days, and it is certainly not for Christianity, and now even Judaism.  Furthermore, you can sho wme one race of people, and within them are many different faiths, so you just may marry someone of the same race, but still have different faiths.  And, in keeping with the idea of different faiths for different races, that means that there are different gods for differnt races?   Confused   So, my god is not for you, and yours is not for me (who's the god of the mixed race children?)?

Besides if I am Empress, and am of mixed race, and YAH has blessed me to rise and claim my position, you mean a Lion would not marry me just because of my mixed heritage?  Confused  What a blessing he will be missing out on then. Bcause, I do not know about your Almighty, but HE who is mine, the one of the patriarchs of the Hebrew Bible
(Old Testament), and the FATHER of those of the New Testament, belongs to everyone, because HE created all with HIS mighty and loving hand. And mixed or not, HE has raised me to do great and wonderous things through HIM.
So, rest assured that my Lion (the one that I patiently await for YAH to send to me; the very one that was set aoart for me and I for him since before conception), needs not worry about his spirituality being "tainted", but only elivated, nurtured, and respected for the Empress.  And if he wil be one that is worried about the mixing of the races, then he need not worry about that either because it is a child's father's blood that runs through the veins not the mother's.

Lastly, if you are against interracial marriages, then aren't you in some way against mixed children and peoples too?  Afterall, we are the product of the marriage.  I mean, if I am against the many sins, would it not be right to say that I am against the product of them (uneccessary death, oppression, heartache, corruption, pestalence, hate, greed, famin etc)  ie the sin of ignorance + the sin of slaying another = the sin of hate that slays and oppressess a people for generations to come.
I do not condemn anyone for their views, for that is not my place, and I am secure, "pure breed" or not, in who YAH has created me to be  --- ultimetly to fulfill a purpose in HIM and not in man.

ps please excuse all spelling and grammatical errors for I am preparing for my day, as well as typing.  

All Lion & King -- walk tall, stand firm
All Lioness & Empress -- be sweet in spirit, humble, gentle and wise  
All -- know thyself and your divine position in creation.
Misgana always & YAH Bless
Junior Member
Posts: 203


« Reply #61 on: February 28, 2005, 11:04:28 AM »

Everything in the universe is the almighty creation and our ancestors teach as the Almighty’s highest form of creation is the human being. But there are many forms of human on the planet earth contrary to what scientists may tell as, we all differ from one another. The Caucasians have different origin the Chinese have different origins and so do the Bantu.
When any of these species mix their seed they make a completely new species of human being. Our ancestors teach as mixing your seeds are not an option or choice; we could not interfere with the progression of another human be they chimes or Caucasian. If you look at the northern part of Africa you will see what mixing your genes can do. The Bantu race where nearly whipped out of existence not to long ago by the white civilisation. They used the mulatato race or half black and half white, to integrate their genes into our civilization. So the Bantu had to move from kemet and leave their old land to the hyksos. They migrated to the central Africa and begun a new civilisation, which was called THE KONGO EMPIRE

kongo meaning black. Let me tell you a story of thotmoses the 1.
When abraham and his tribewas sent to kemet by his god or deity Yahweh. They where welcomed by the peaceful and scientific Bantu people. Abraham and his wife sarah where received by the mani kongo or pharaoh of kemet, thotmoses the 1 after one year of waiting for consult. He granted them permission and promised them their own part of land. Abraham and his wife sarah where to stay at the mani or pharaohs royal chamber for 3 nights as it was a custom for leaders of nations to host over leaders of nation with a great deal of respect. One day thotmoses the mani kongo or pharaoh saw the woman Sarah, naked in her chambers. He was consumed with lust and they had sexual intercourse. Upon realising the great mistake he had made, the pharaoh thotmoses the 1 banished Abraham and Sarah and their to their new land as quick as possible. But he knew his fate was already sealed, every Bantu man and woman knew the punishment of sleeping with another woman or man not of your race was death. The pharaoh went into the temple of nsigi or osiris the lord of the duwah or death for a ceremony of cleansing, which lasted 3 days. He spoke to the ancestors and asked them for forgiveness and life within the flesh realm, because he had alot of knowledge to give to the next generation of children. Him being a reincarnation of a deity in flesh as all pharaohs or mani kongos are. The ancestors forgave him and extended his period of life in the earth realm. After coming out of the temple of osiris, the pharaoh thotmoses the 1, wrote a new law. From this day on instead of Bantu humans being circumcised at 12 for the rights of passage into man hood, every child would be circumcised at birth AMAN>meaning so let it be.
Because we have lost our ways after many years in the Europeans civilisation, we have forgotten how strict our own rules are. If you are mixed race and your mother was a black Bantu woman, then you are my distant cousin and of my race. If your father was Bantu and your mother European then you belong to the Europeans race. That is the laws of bukongo. Many will feel hurt and disturbed by the laws of our ancestors but they must realise that’s the conditions our ancestors lived by.

Think Clear BE Clear>>>>Always Analyze never Dismiss We all are here to learn>>>>> this earth is a BIG class Room
Posts: 37


« Reply #62 on: February 28, 2005, 02:06:05 PM »

Ok I see what you are saying and I know the story that you told.  However, give thanks for the additional information that you gave me about the Kongo and Bantu.

On the other hand,if you are going to go by medical terms and by Biblical terms, how is it that I, of mixed race, belong to the Caucasion race because my father is the one who is black?  I mean, seriously, if my skin is as bronze as it is, and my hair as kinky as it is, then ummmm I do not think that I am caucasion.  Furthermore, on a deeper level than superficial appearances, both medicinal and Biblical texts refer to the blood being passed on by the father and not the mother. Hence, the many restrictions in the Bible and in the Kebra of who can and cannot lay with whom in ones family.  I fyou map out all of the abominations of incest according to these texts, you will see that it is because of he blood that is passed through the father.  That is also why the Savior had to be conceived of the SPIRIT and not of man.  If he had his earthly father's blood, then the sins of his fathers would have been upon HIS shoulders ( the Almighty often passes down the wages of ones sins on to the generations that follow).    Anyhow, I guess this all depends on what faith you are of, and I respect the respect that you have for the ancestors.  I too find it sad that races of people have been literally earased by man's minipulation of mass intergration; however, that was by force and with alterior motives.  What if one wants to marry for love?  I believe that it is their, and the Almighty's, choice .  I have nothing against those who wish to keep their blood line "pure" if YAH has called them to do so ( as I do believe that one should be joined to the one who the Almighty has ordained for them), then that is their calling.  I just have a problem when ones says that ALL people should remain pure.  Mostly the biological differences of the races, as are the varying species of most other mammals and organisms are, are not due to the differences in the initail creation of mankind, but rather are due to adaptation differences.  Afterall, all man has their origin in Africa; or do you not believe that to be true?
I do have a couple more questions though:
1.  Was/are Bantu peoples of a matriarchal society or patriarchal?  I want to learn more.
2.  If you found and courted someone whom you wanted to marry, and later found out that they were indeed of mixed race what would you do?  Say, "Sorry, I love you and all, but you are of mixed race, so I must leave you."?  Or is it that you ask of a person's racial background upon first seeing and meeting them?

Bless! Clapping

All Lion & King -- walk tall, stand firm
All Lioness & Empress -- be sweet in spirit, humble, gentle and wise  
All -- know thyself and your divine position in creation.
Misgana always & YAH Bless
Junior Member
Posts: 203


« Reply #63 on: February 28, 2005, 06:51:55 PM »


I am from the BUKONGO ancient kongo society. In our social leaving we have three clans, NSANKU the priest hood clan, MPAMZU the scientist clan and NZINGHA the pharaohnic clan. These are our three great ancestors which all the Bantu hail from, NSANKU was our male ancestor and the colour which represents this priesthood clan is blue. MPANZU is a male ancestor and the colour which, represent this scientific clan is yellow. NZINGHA is our female ancestor and the colour which represents this pharaohnic clan is red. The colour blue is for love, the colour yellow is for wisdom and the colour red is for power. The three attributes of the highest AMAKONGO. Every pharaoh or mani kongo in our history hails from the clan of our great ancestor NZINGHA.
1.Scientists have found that every child contains a gene

which is given from the mother that the father cannot give. I don’t quite know how to spell its name but ill try anyway. The name of this gene is mishindra. In our social leaving the woman is the one who has rights to the children not the male.
2. I would honour and respect the laws and end the relationship if I was ever in that situation. Believe me our ancestors have codes that cannot be broken, we also have a marriage ceremony which unite two people to become as one if you ever broke the bondage with ought the permission of your partner, believe it or not you will die.

Think Clear BE Clear>>>>Always Analyze never Dismiss We all are here to learn>>>>> this earth is a BIG class Room
Posts: 37


« Reply #64 on: February 28, 2005, 07:42:50 PM »

I must say that at first I had mixed feelings about your posts, but with what you are teaching me, I no longer feel as though I would be "rejected".  Being humble in nature, I hav elooked beyond that and am enjoying your teachings.  Such culture and heritage just amazes me.  It is a passion of mine to learn about ancient societies and peoples, and who they are today.  This is no different; and forgive my ignorance on the subject; but something that seems so natural to you has become a new and enlightened thing to me.  I will save the info that you have shared with this community and will research and read further ( part of the joy of gaining wisdom is finding it yourself and not just having someone tell you).  Misgana!  Sunny

And pardon me if I offend, but even though I am of mixed races, due to my mom not being black, I still think of all peoples as being my peoples; but black people (all peoples from different tribes, creeds, and faiths --- even you) are the ones whom I shall hail and hold a special place in my heart until I am to trodd upon this earth no more and it is with my black people whom my spirit does connect.  Every day I awake and thank YAH that I am a woman whose skin is bronzed, and whose hair is beautifully kinky.

ps  I know this probably should have been directed as a personal message to you, but I am sre that someone will benefit from seeing how two people of opposing sides can come and learn and make peace with one another. Smile


All Lion & King -- walk tall, stand firm
All Lioness & Empress -- be sweet in spirit, humble, gentle and wise  
All -- know thyself and your divine position in creation.
Misgana always & YAH Bless
Junior Member
Posts: 203


« Reply #65 on: February 28, 2005, 08:27:25 PM »


We are not of opposite side, even if our souls may not be of the same heritage.
The most highs creations be they black or white or mixed, have a place and a deity to guide them within this realm. I love and respect all women because they are a creative spirit.
My master teacher Chief black eagle Ne Mpazu a Nzingha Ndombe the 2 teaches as to respect every living spirit on earth from trees to animals. And the laws of creation nsiku or maat, must be taught to all the human family on earth for natural law is the only laws that will keep this earth from going into self destruction.

Bless all women

Ps. The maat which is on the echant walls of Egypt is not the full version.

Think Clear BE Clear>>>>Always Analyze never Dismiss We all are here to learn>>>>> this earth is a BIG class Room
Posts: 37


« Reply #66 on: February 28, 2005, 09:04:34 PM »

At the risk of turning this forum into a personal one between you and I,  Grin 3  I would like to say that once again something I did not know.  I had no idea that the maat was not the full version.  
Misgana ... again
Idea 2

All Lion & King -- walk tall, stand firm
All Lioness & Empress -- be sweet in spirit, humble, gentle and wise  
All -- know thyself and your divine position in creation.
Misgana always & YAH Bless
Posts: 1


« Reply #67 on: March 05, 2005, 03:26:21 AM »

hello  and peace for all around.I have two gambian -finnish boys and i myself am a white finnish single-mother.We are facing racism every day here in Finland.When we visited in Gambia people there called my kids only beatiful witch they simply are.
« Reply #68 on: March 05, 2005, 03:39:28 PM »

Hey Karolyna ,
How are you managing with rascism and mental agression towards your children ? How you protect your children from rascist people ?
Could you give me advice ?
As I mentioned before , we are facing rascism everyday too .
Almost everyday we have rascist incidents .
« Reply #69 on: March 05, 2005, 03:42:34 PM »

 Sorry for my English . I should write  " racism " instead of
" rascism ".May
Full Member
Posts: 316

« Reply #70 on: May 15, 2006, 01:32:43 PM »

i am perplexed to see this lady come hre and cry that whites have been victim of holocaust,she isa fake azz jew,aka rheziku arayan,descedant of the indo europeans,so what,am i supposed to take my pant down for you master ,so you can whip me and put me in your place,the problem with muti racial chidren,they will be in shock,because when they grow up,they will be confused with eurocentric education,bering taught by white parents teaching dem to be ever subservient and obidient to their colonial masters,sorry@maya,i make no apologies for the what i say, because whites control the wealth of the world and keeps minorities subjagated and economically exploited,it is easy for jews to cry out holocaust,but more african people people died during the trans atlantic slave trade,they dont mention the fact,that jews owned slaves as well,
they falsify history and manipulate history for their own needs,israel was and isa part of africa and the state of israel was created in 1947,by amerikkka and britain.all the people you mentioned,the scandivanians,
the celts and what not were barbarians,the vikings were barbarians who raped their women ands after that killed them Angry
Posts: 2

« Reply #71 on: May 17, 2006, 05:49:41 AM »



Just to clarify. I am not a Jew. I am not crying for them. My English is not perfect, so sorry for misunderstanding. I do not really care what is hapenning to Jews right now. I am more concerned about Palestine. Sorry for being strightforward ...
All these things about Hebrew and Israel State you mentioned about , I know already, but thanks for your input to raise my consciousness.

You are not supposed to take your pant down for me. I do not have my own place to put you in. I wish I had...

As I mentioned, I am an Eastern European white woman with some Gypsy background.
Gypsy is not the same what "modern" Jew is.

My children will not go to school. They will be homeschooled.
They do not have only white parents. Their father is not white.

I am not going to teach them eurocentric staff.
I do not know, if you have ever been to Eastern Europe.
It is much different than Central and Western Europe, due to our long  isolation from the Western hemisphere.

My children will not live in Europe.

I feel I shouldn't have started this topic at all.If you wish, just delete it from this forum.

It was almost two yrs. ago

i am perplexed to see this lady come hre and cry that whites have been victim of holocaust,she isa fake azz jew,aka rheziku arayan,descedant of the indo europeans,so what,am i supposed to take my pant down for you master ,so you can whip me and put me in your place,the problem with muti racial chidren,they will be in shock,because when they grow up,they will be confused with eurocentric education,bering taught by white parents teaching dem to be ever subservient and obidient to their colonial masters,sorry@maya,i make no apologies for the what i say, because whites control the wealth of the world and keeps minorities subjagated and economically exploited,it is easy for jews to cry out holocaust,but more african people people died during the trans atlantic slave trade,they dont mention the fact,that jews owned slaves as well,
they falsify history and manipulate history for their own needs,israel was and isa part of africa and the state of israel was created in 1947,by amerikkka and britain.all the people you mentioned,the scandivanians,
the celts and what not were barbarians,the vikings were barbarians who raped their women ands after that killed them
Posts: 2

« Reply #72 on: May 17, 2006, 06:18:41 AM »

Alright, I went through some old posts of mine and I think I see what you ment.

I mentioned there that I am against gloryfing jews martydom without mentioning and teaching about other nations and ethinc groups holocaust and genocide, which is still going on.

What I mean by born with Aushwitz stigma...
Here, where I live , I can jump in the first bus on the street and arrived to Aushwitz and all those places after only half an hour trip. This is what I ment.
Eastern Europe is quite different.
All my life I hear about Aushwitz, Treblinka, Majdanek, some other camps, secret prisons built here by Natists during the Second World War , Communists after the Second World War etc. etc.
Right now we hear about CIA secret jails somewhere in my country. I guess, they are continuing their traditions.
As I stated, I am not a Jew and I have no intentions to cry for them before other nations INCLUDING MY OWN NATION.

AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 80

I am the living incarnation of my ancestors

« Reply #73 on: July 18, 2006, 10:49:22 AM »

Greetings. That depends on the reasons why you had those children. I say that because why you have or had children determins how you raise them. For instance: If you had those children because and only because of pure natural love you will likely raise them certain way. But if you had those children because you felt that a less dark skin was better (even one small thought of it) you will likely raise them one way. I have met many mixed children and too many of the I am sad to say are racist white-supremacist. The ones whom I have deterimed to be racist white-supremacist put down darker people constantly. I am not dark or light I am in the middle, I can pass for Dominican, but I know I am not I know I am KMT/Black. Because of this I have observed their behavior in great detail. So again I say It depends on why you have these children. 
Posts: 2

« Reply #74 on: August 25, 2007, 02:51:05 PM »

Every Black person in America has some other ethnic makeup in them, why the focus on one parent being a different race?? How about ppl who have grandparents who are of other races or both parents having varied racial backgrounds while claiming African heritage? A lot of so called biracial folks look less mixed than those who have two black parents so what will they call themselves? This is disturbing to me when I read because as far as I am concerned you are black period because this evil culture has deemed you as such. We as Africans did not make this seperation it was forced upon us so now we must deal with the reality of what we have and we can not make it disappear just by will alone. Unfortunately for me I am already married to a "white" man and in my journey did not come across these types of beliefs since I am a chrisian. What should I do now? I do not know but this is for sure my kids are black, and so am I and they are familiar with their roots and live in a mostly black environment for their own well being. I am not sure where i fit in or where I should be with regards to support groups or boards such as these, but i come to learn and listen mostly and will never debate to the point of hostility or ill will as it is not productive. Question for mr. exotic, why are you on this board? Is it to see what they are saying so that you can attack or is it to learn?
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