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AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« on: March 12, 2011, 02:14:54 PM »



To begin wih and in the first place I am writing  , I am using the Offiicial name of the STATE OF LADO , the State of Lado  I am talking about is bordered by Sudan to the North , by  Ethiopia and Kenya to the North - East , by Uganda to the East , by Zaire / Congo to the West and by the Central Africa Republic to the North -  West . And the name Lado is the correct Identity of the people of Lado . Take a look at the Map of Lado ( IN THE PART OF THE HISTORIC MAP OF LADO IN AFRICA  )  long since established on the World Maps :
The following are the Regions of Lado :
1 .  ITURI REGION   -   ( Bordered by the Zaire / Congo to the West )
2 .  NILE REGION   -     (  Bordered by Uganda to the East )
3.   TORIT REGION  -    ( Bordered by Sudan , Ethiopia , Kenya , and Uganda
to the North - East )
4.   UELE REGION   -    ( Bordered by Zaire / Congo and Central African
Republic / CAR to the North - West )
5 .  YEI REGION   -       ( Bordered by Sudan and Central African Republic /
CAR to the North and North - West )
The Colonial Writings refer to Lado by different names as it suits their purposes and time : Equatoria , Lado Enclave, West Nile , Haut Nil , etc---- etc --- . The Turco - Egyptian Colonialists called it : The Equatoria Province of Egypt , The British ( at one time ) called it Lado Enclave , while the Belgians called it : Haut Nil . And now , the Foreign Occupying Administrations give different names to Lado as to what they wish to get after the Partition of Lado . An Objective , the Lado Political Authorities are fighting for tooth and Nail .
Lack of Information on Lado  ---
It is not true that there is no Information on / about Lado but the damn true fact is that , it seems , most of the African people and especially the African Politicians  , or the Educated  African , do not notice anything unless it appears on  BBC or American Radio / Television ( T V )  . Unfortunately Lado Politics is not being done through the BBC or the CNN , for a number of reasons which I am not going to discuss here in this essay on Lado . But still I can say the Lado People are using their time , brains , and sacrifice as much as they can of their resources for Lado . It cannot be done by sitting and waiting for somebody to give them Money to be an Independent and Sovereign State . Many of us Africans who are seen , or regard ourselves as Politicians or Scolars or Elites should have kept open eyes , open ears , open minds to look back into the past on the question of Lado . So we lack information of Lado because few only care about Lado and for the rest Lado is not important as they don't receive Money . Yet these many people know that this Region in the Heart of Africa  - Lado  ( known Equatoria ) has a Political Conflict unsolved since the Juba Conference in 1947 .
Lado information has already been forwarded even to the African Countries who are surrounding Lado  that , the Political Solution to the question of Lado , is the getting of Independence of Lado from Belgium and Britain . And this is being done and better to do it through peaceful ( Political ) Negotiations to avoid any more Bloodshed. And even all Liberation Movements and their Armies in Africa have been informed that Lado would like to reach such  Political solution in her Region ( Lado ) through peaceful means  .
The LADO Political Strategy  :
In order to grasp the Lado Political System , a quick glances at the Political Stepping Stones to Lado's present difficulties on the Nile - Watershed of Africa is Required .
The Sudan  ( Here I am refering to the Sudan State )  as an Issue over Lado :
 a )  In 1927 , the British Governor General of Sudan recommended that , in order to occupy and colonise the Africans / Peoples of Lado , such as the Sudanic people of Lado , their Political Leaders ( the Agofe , the Opi - Drikulu  , the Opi , Chiefs and Families ) have to be killed or exterminated .
b )  And Indeed , the British Governments took this policy seriously and practised it in the State of Lado . This in return for Lado slowed down the struggle for the Independence of Lado since 1947 . The Lado Political Authorities Concerned , have all the time to make sure that , they are not exterminated .  Why not ?  various methods of work has to be done to minimise the chances of getting easily assassinated . If a ruling Agofe dies there is already another prepared to take over for the defence of Lado .
c)   In 1947 , Juba Conference was held , which was chaired by the Chief Secretary of Anglo - Egyptian Sudan  (  North Sudan , South Sudan ) and the State of Lado  ( Lado Enclave / Haut Nil ) . The Juba Conference of 1947 , was to determine the case of the Independence of Lado , of which , what you now call  Equatoria is a part , by the Cairo Agreement of 19 January 1899 and the Agreement of 13 December 1906 . By then , this part was not occupied by Britain . It was clear that Lado was to be Independent and Sovereign State . Lado was not and Lado is not a part of North or South or called Southern Sudan .
However , in  the same year of April 1947 , the issue of Lado was then raised at the United Nations / UN  for the Independence of Lado . Belgium and Britain became the two Joint Administering Countries of Lado . But they never prepared Lado ( Article 73 of UN ) to be an  independent and Sovereign State . Instead , on 14 April 1948 , the Prime Minister  of Lado Colonel Anacleto Atobua who was being prepared as an Agofe , was assassinated by the British Authorities ; by that time of ( the Labour Government of the Rt .
Hon . Clemente Richard Atlee , British Prime Minister ) . 
TORIT Massacres of 1955 :
On 1 January 1956 , Angolo - Egyptian Sudan got Independence under the name of Sudan , from Britain . But all the preparations for the Independence of Lado was stopped by the British Authorities ; and the British hurried to give the Independence of Anglo -Egyptian Sudan after the Torit Massacres of August 1955 . and thereby ignored the fact that , there were / are Four States in that Nile Valley Basin Region : LADO , SOUTH SUDAN , NORTH SUDAN , AND EGYPT .
While the People of South Sudan did not object to the inclusion of its Land and People to North Sudan , the people of Lado ( Equatoria ) protested and this was clearly demonstrated by the Liberation War the Lado people of Torit Region ,Yeyi Region and Rholi  Region  fought . This war was Nicknamed as the ANYANYA War from 1955 - 1972 . It was a War of Lado Liberation under Rev . Fr  Saturnino Lokure ( Luhure ) , who was assassinated on 7 June 1967 . Major General Joseph Lagu of Madi Tribe ( Lado )  took over as he was the Military Officer in charge to take over .
The Kokora Policy :
President General Jaafar of Sudan of Sudan by then , after the Peace Ageement of 27 March 1972 signed in Addis Ababa , in Ethiopia between the Ladoans of Equatoria Region and Sudan Government, introduced the Policy of trying to solve Lado Affairs and Sudan in the Region in a such away , the Lado Region of Equatoria was finally to be seperated from that of South Sudan . This is what is locally termed as " Kokora Policy " .
The New Boundary followed the Colonial Boundaries between Lado and Southern Sudan , Cairo Agreement of January 1899. And so from to that  , the Ladoans who signed the Addis Ababa Agreement of 27 March 1972 with the Government of Sudan were taking , one step at a time . inorder , to reach the State of the Lado Political Authority when the issue of Lado could reach a Final Solution to the Independence of Lado . So , what is called East and West Equatoria is ( North Lado ) .
Meanwhile , in the Nile Region ( which in Uganda is called West Nile ) , which Britain had laid down the Border between Lado and Uganda in 1907 , was fighting the British Colonialism for the Independence of Lado . And it was this Nile Region of Lado here that if Britain got the Signature of Lado Representative, the AGOFE of Lado , then Lado would have been Killed as a Political Entity . In ITURI Region and Uele Region, under the D.R Congo / Zaire Administration   (  Belgium )   the Simba Liberation fought for the Independence of Lado .
But as every body knows in Lado , The AGOFE of Lado , refused to sign any Agreement with the British Authorities that the Nile Region ( West Nile and Madi ) was to become , British East Africa or Protectorate of Uganda . So , just before the Independence of Uganda on 12 September 1962 The Agofe of Lado ( John Bart Agami Onzima II ) , was arrested and quickly Sentenced to 7 Years of imprisonment , and imprisoned in Luzira Prison at Kampala in Uganda , for not Signing the Annexation Treaty or Document .
Lado Political Authorities :
The Lado Political Authorities , since 1947 , worked together with the Liberation Groups of ( Ituri - Uele  - Torit - Rholi - Yeyi ) of Lado ( Equatoria ) ; based in the Nile Region of Lado . One of the Political Leaders of Lado  ( North Lado )  , Rev. Father Saturnino Lokure who by the time was in South Lado ( Nile Region of Lado ) was Killed in Uganda by the Uganda Army , when he and some of his Assistants went to collect Medical Supplies for the Refugees and Diplaced Ladoans from Yeyi ,Torit , Rholi ( Equatoria ) . This was in the Catholic Mission of Laco in Acholi , Uganda . All Yei , Torit , Rholi Politicians know that very well . And they are able to figure out Why ?  It falls within the Governor General Sir John Maffey Policy or Reccomendation of 1927 . Uganda and other British Commonwealth Countries are still under British Sovereignty ( AUTHORITY ) . They help Carry out  UK Policy .
On 25 January 1971 , Major General Idi Amin Dada a Kakua - Kuku and of Lado Origin , became the President of Uganda , The AGOFE of Lado returned from Exile in France , and hoped to work with Uganda gradually , and to reach a Political Solution on the Issue of Lado . But things did not work that way , although by 1973 , He managed to Confirm the Boundary  Agreement between Lado and Uganda 0f 1907 ( fixed by Sir Wiston S . Churchill ) , by the Agreement of 31 May 1973 ; the Nile Conference held in Kampala , Uganda . This Boundary Agreement is between the Jonam and Madi of Lado and the Acholi of Uganda . It is River Ayugi which is the dividing Natural Feature . But Again the AGOFE's Life was threatened , so He left Lado in 1994 to continue life in Exile as before since 1962 . He is a Political Refugee for nearly 50 Years as a Stateless Refugee  of Lado .
 On 11 April 1979 ,General Idi Amin Dada was overthrown and the Amin Regime in Uganda was over - thrown . The Ladoans of Sudanic Origin were chased and Massacared with Impunity in Uganda , and , even , in Nile Region of Lado itself , ( known in Uganda as West Nile ) ,  over 350 , 000 People of Lado were Massacred / Perished . It was Recognised by Uganda that , Ladoans are Foreigners in Uganda . Ugandans are / were Right . Because Ladoans' Country Lado is not yet Independent as a Political Entity . Truely in this War of 1979 ,this time , the Nile Region Ladoans ran to Yeyi  - Torit - Rholi  - Uele  - Ituri   Regions of Lado . By 1986 about 500,000 Sudanic of Lado were Killed . And also in 1983 SPLM was founded
 In the same Year , 9 May 1979 , The Sudanic Refugee Organisation  / SRO  was formed by the AGOFE and the Chiefs of Lado to Protect the People of Lado and the Land of Lado . And the Provisional Government of Lado was formed on 7 March 1987 on the date , AGOFE of Lado , Karanga Ayingani Ajua who was assassinated by the Britain ( Turkey and Egypt on 7 March 1887 .
Between 1985 and 1987 to the present time Ladoans have been working hard to prevent Britain using SPLM / SPLA Chairman of Sudan  under Colonel John Garang and Uganda under President Yoweri Museveni . In fact President Yoweri Museveni and Colonel John Garang reached a Secreet Agreement over Lado , with the Support of Britain and United State of America , USA . 
That is why Britain and USA are very Keen on the Issue of an Independent South Sudan , hoping that, they will make it destroy Lado and prevent the Equatoria Region to be a part of of Lado . The Religion Factor of MOSLEM / CHRISTIAN is a Cover- up for destroying the State of Lado . The Ladoans do not know how the African Politicians / Elites see and understand the Sudan SPLM / SPLA  wars which are meant to fight the North Sudan Government of Khartum , are always fought in Equatoria  ( Lado )  .
The Villages destroyed are those in Equatoria , the Leaders of Equatoria get Assassinated or Killed such as Mr . Joseph Oduho , when at SPLM / SPLA Meetings . To the the People of Lado  ( Ladoans )  , the Dinka - Nuer - Shiluk Regions of Southern Sudan Country People  are being used by Britain to help them to destroy Lado as a State . They are also busy working on to Control all so called Elites of Equatoria  ( Lado ) to work for them to inclulde the Region ( Equaoria / Lado ) as part of South or so called Christian Southern Sudan Country to become Independent .  Lado says Big NO and no to this Britain's Plans being supported by United States of America , ( USA )  . They are using the United Nations  ( UN ) as the Institute to implement their Plans . To Creat the Southern / or South Sudan as a Country . But every body knows there was one time a Country in the Nile Basin called South Sudan State Country and indeed  seperate from North Sudan State Country  and  State Country  of Lado .  ( Ref : The Map of Africa  1895 )
Another witty People along side working to destroy Lado , if Ladoans may be wrong are the many people working in Churches , are being used to help Britain to Kill Lado  . Especially such People are being paid special attention and treatment in the terms of ( Money , Property and Honour ) under the British Proptection and Governments . USA leads here too when it comes to the Creating Issue of the Independence Issue of Southern Sudan .
Well , Ladoans know for themselves and they do understand how difficult it is for one to Risk and Sacrifice so much inorder to work for Lado . No Independence and Sovereignty come easily anyway  .
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2011, 02:30:26 PM »


1 . 1  :   This Communication on the Question of Lado ( Africa ) is to inform the Republic of Uganda ( Africa ) , the State of Lado is still an Occupied Territory by Belgium - Britain , and not yet an Independent Sovereign State . The People of Lado are struggling  for the  Independence and Sovereignty of Lado since 1947 . Taking all the Issues into  accout , the State of  Lado should have been Independent and Sovereign State ( Country ) since 1960 . But Britain blocked the Independence of Lado which was to be on 9 May 1960 . And Britain has been Blocking the Independence of Lado and Sovereignty since 1960 till todate ( 3000 A.D ) , in Viaolation of the Articles 1 and 73 of the Charter of the United Nations of 26 June 1945 , and Articles 6 , 12 and 15 of Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885 , inclulding All Relevant Instruments of International Law .
1 . 2  :   This Communication on the Question of Lado ( Decolonisation ) is to give a chance to clear up some of the Misinformation , and Disinformation that has been spread out and about Lado , and still it is being Spread out about Lado in Relation to what the Political Authorities of Lado ( The Green Bureau of Lado and the Government of Lado ) are doing to bring about the Decolonisation of Lado . The Political History of Lado has been Falsely presented. As a result of this , The Uganda Authorities even Believe it . And the People of Uganda Believe it . The  Truth is that , the Nile  Region ( known in Uganda as West Nile ) is not a part of the Territoy of Uganda at all . Lado was an Occupied Territory of the Ottoman Empire by the Turco - Egyptian Firman of 1 April 1869 . The Borders betwen Lado - and Sudan - Congo - Uganda were fixed by Turkey , Briain , Russia , Italy , France , and Egypt , and Ethiopia gradualy frm 1887 o 1907 . These Colonial Boundaries were  Established according to the Berlin General Act ( Berlin Treaty ) of 26 February 1885 , following the Berlin Congress from 15 November 1884 to 25 February 1885 .
 1 . 3  :   The Communication on the Question of Lado ( Decolonistion ) is to Clarify to the People of Uganda , through their Parliament that , Lado has NEVER  been a Colony or Protctorate of Britain , or of any European Country . ( Let No European especially Britain go on deceiving people and let there be every Right for any of these European Countries to come up and Challenge Lado on the Legal Issues on this Critical Issue / or  Matter on Lado Independence and Sovereignty ( NDUVUNDUVU )  . That is why Lado has Requested the United Nations , UN  to act and thereby to open the Debate issue for the Decolonistion of Lado ) . However , Lado and all the Countries of Europe  all know that , Lado  has been an Occupied Territory from time to time since 1871 . The Lado Political Leaders never Signed off the Lado Sovereignty or Sovereign Status of Lado to a Foreign Country . And especially Britain is aware of that , although , Britain would like to behave as if / though Lado has been a British Colonial Territory . That is not True . It is not Technically Correct .  In the case  of the Partition of Africa , Berlin Treaty of 26 Februry 1885 is the Legal Instrument followed , and is till followed for African Affiairs , inclulding the Paris Conference Resolution of 3 August 1875 , which was followed by the Berlin Congress from 15 November 1884 to 25 February 1885  till todate ( 3000 A.D ) . The Authority of Agofe is Protected by Article 6 of Berlin Treaty .
1 . 4 :   The Territory of th State of Lado is Located as on the World Maps of Lado drawn so before the First World War . The State of Lado Consists of ( 6 ) Regions , all named by Use of Lado River Names : These Regions of Lado are as follows :
6 )     YEI REGION OF LADO :       ( CAPITAL :  JUBA )
A brief look at the Political History as to how Uganda became a Nation/ Country under the Control of Britain .
  1 . 5 :  This Communication hereby is to inform you that , Uganda became a British Colonial Possession ( British Protectorate ) on 1 April 1894 . After the Different Kingdoms , Nations , and / or Tribes were forced to Sign at different times by their Respective Leaders ( Kings , Crown Princes , Chiefs , or Regents ) to transfer their Sovereignty to the British Queen , to be under the British Sovereignty , regardless of the circumstances under which they signed ( by free will or were forced to sign  ) . It is still a Treaty Law , which is binding to the Parties .
    a )  Uganda Kingdom signed these Treaties or Agreements with Britain on 26 December 1890 , on 30 March 1892 , on 17 June 1892 , on 29 May 1893, and Officially Uganda Kingdom was Occupied on 1 April 1893 and Proclaimed a Protectorate on 1 April 1894 , on 10 March 1900 and finally on 18 October 1955 , following Namirembe Constitution Conference 1955 .
    b )  Nkore Kingdom ( known today as Ankole ) signed Agreements or Treaties with the British Authorities as follows : on 1 July 1891 , on 25 October 1894 , on 25 October 1901 , and 30 August 1960 , following the Wild Constitutional Committee of 1959 .
    c )  Toro Kingdom signed Agreements with Britain on 18 August 1891 and 26 June 1901 , and in 1903 . The King of Toro is known as the Omukama .
    d )   Usoga Kingdom signed the Agreements on 25 March 1890 and Administrative Arrangements in 1895 .
Therefore , all of them became One Nation under the Colonial Title British Protectorate ( Colony ) on 3 July 1896 . This was Confirmed by the British Order -  in - Council 1908 .
     e )   Koki Kingdom  was defeated by Britain and Uganda Kingdom combined . Then Koki Kingdom was annexed to the Uganda Kingdom in 1897 . Thus Koki Kingdom became a Province of Uganda and lost its National Identity as the Kingdom of Koki until today . 
     f )    Mpororo Kingdom was broken into two : one Part given to Ankole Kingdom and the other Part remained as Kigezi District , together with other Non - Kiga Tribes such as the Bafumbira People . The Majority of the People of Kigezi are the Bakiga People .
 1 . 6 :     By the British Order - in - Council of 1908 , all the / these different Kingdoms who made seperate Agreements with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , became one Political Entity under the name Uganda . The Name Uganda is the Kingdom of Uganda , meaning the Land of the Ganda People ( BAGANDA ) . Whereas and while Unyoro Kingdom remained an Occupied Territory after its Military Defeat by Britain in 1896 . The Uganda Kingdom became known as the Buganda Kingdom , a Political Entity under the British Protectorate inclulding Ugisu , which later came to be known as Bugisu , following the Uganda Kingdom Agreement with Britain of 10 March 1900 ( signed by Uganda Regents ) . By Article 6 of Uganda Agreement 1900 , Britain overrules.
       g )   The Acholi , after the War of Lamogi , became Part of Uganda by the Agreement of 1912 , since the Boundary between Lado and North - West of Uganda was established in 1907 , the Anglo - Russian Agreement of 31 August 1907 and Lado and North Uganda was established in 1914 , and the Lake Rudolf Province was transfered from Uganda Protectorate to Kenya Colony , and Mombasa - Coast Protectorate in 1926 .
        h )   Unyoro Kingdom resisted British Occupation until 1923 ( where King Kabarega died in 1923 ) . Unyoro Kingdom became a Part of the State of Uganda ( British Uganda Protectorate ) by the Unyoro - British Agreement on 23 October 1933 , which was renewed by the Unyoro Agreement of 3 September 1955 . During the Namirembe Conference of 1955 , under the Chairman of Professor Sir Keith Hancock and then the Wild Constitutional Committee of 1959 .
        i )     The Other Parts of the British Uganda Protectorate since 1 April 1894 ( approved by the British Parliament on 27 August 1894 ) such as Teso , Lango , Kumam , and so forth became part of the State of Uganda in 1937 .
        j )      Karamoja , however , remained an Occupied Territory of Britain under Special Arrangement until 1962 . The People  ( from Lado ) do not know if the ( Karamoja People )  have ever had an Agreement with Britain to be a Part of the British Uganda Protectorate ( 1908 ) .
        k )     The State ( Kingdom /  " KAARI " ) of Lado  has been  a Seperate Political Entity since 1839 . It was occupied by the Ottoman Empire ( Turkey ) through Egypt on 26 May 1871 by the Turco Egyptian Firman ( Decree ) of 1 April 1869 and the Turco - Egyptian Firman of 13 February 1841
ISSUE II  :    Uganda as a Political Entity , 1908 :
2 . 1  :   All the points ( Agreements ) mentioned above , is  to emphasize the fact that , the Modern Uganda as Political Entitybecame into being in 1908 , by the British Order - in - Council 1908 ( Uganda ) .  An Order - in - Council is a Legal Document ,or a Decree , made under the Signature of the King or Queen , by the Privy Council with the Queen or King as the Chairman . This is the General Principle which applies to the Kingdoms . And the Judicial Committeee is the Highest Court of Appeal  ( in the British Empire ) now in the British Commonwealth .
2 . 2  :   It is therefore , very important to note and to know that , the State of Lado never signed or made an Agreement with Britain to become a Part of the British Uganda Protectorate . In fact , that was the reason why His Majesty ( H.M ) Agofe of Lado refused  that , Lado should be a Part of a British East African Federation , which was a Federation of British Colonial Territories in East Africa , it would mean that Lado was consenting to be a British Colony under the British Sovereignty . So Lado rejected the East
African Federation in 1953 .
2 . 3  :  Therefore , Lado rejected the Idea of joining the East African . And when the King of Uganda ( Buganda  rejected it too , he was deported on 30 November 1953 to England . He had no Right to refuse what Britain had decided according to Articles 6 and 15 of the Uganda Agreement of 10 March 1900 , in which Uganda Kingdom must obey Britain , and side with British Authorities in case of a Conflict with Africans and / or African Tribes or African Nations .
2 . 4  :   As Lado is not and has not and does not want to lose her Sovereignty / Sovereign Status ( NDUVUNDUVU ) to Britain or any other Foreign Country , the  Colonisation of Lado shall not be done under the British or the British Commonwealth Association or a British Commonwealth Country .
2 . 5  :   Since 1947 , Britain blocked any Process for the Decolonisation of Lado . And when in May 1960 , Britain blocked the independence of Lado , the British Government had planned to find Ways and Means to Colonise the State of Lado using her Position as a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council and the British Commonwealth Member Countries , such as Uganda , Kenya with the whole British Commonwealth  ( Refer to Document of 1926 and West Minister Statute 1931 ) . 
2 . 6  :   However , there is no need to drag the People of Uganda in or through the Long Political History of Lado and Legal History of Lado , how long Lado defended the State of Lado since 1839 . But a short Essential Information about Lado is thought to be necessary for the Uganda People . The State of Lado is Situated on the Nile - Congo Water Shade Region in Equatoria Central Africa . The State of Lado is the KAARI ( STATE )  of Lado . A State can be a Kingdom or a Republic . While the Form of Government can be a Unitary , or a Confederation , or a Federation depending on the Constitutional Background of the Peoples and Tribes that make the State . Both Writen and Unwriten .
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2011, 02:32:25 PM »


3 . 1  :   The State / or KAARI  of Lado ( Nile - Congo Watershade Region ) is still and , not yet an Independent State ( Country ) . Lado is an Occupied Territory by Britain and Belgium since 1947 . This means that Britain and Belgium are the Administrating Countries of the State of Lado . And Lado is a Non - Self Governing Territory , according to Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 . Therefore Lado has the Right to Territorial Self - determination and to be Decolonised and be Independent and Sovereign Nation State  ( Country ) . That is why Lado Demands its Independence .
3 . 2  :   The British Policy on Lado is that , Lado should be Killed as a Nation State in World Politics ( International Law , International Politics , International Diplomacy , and International Relations ) . The People of Lado do not know why Britain ( Inclulding Her Majest's Government ) does not want Lado to Exist  as an Independent , Sovereign State  ( Country ) on this Earth  . The People of Lado ( Ladoans ) are not going to do a guess work here . That is for the British Politicians and Statesmen to give you an answer here . But the People of Lado are sick to death and tired of it . Lado hopes the British People try to understand that .
3 . 3  :   However , the People of Lado , under their Successive Leaders ( Agofe , and the Chiefs and Politicians ) , have resisted and rejected to be Colonised by any Foreign Powers , inclulding Britain since 1839 till todate . Simply stated , no Country , or  European Country has effectively ( Legally ) colonised the State of Lado . And more so , the State of Lado has not been colonised . And the State of Lado does not want to be colonised. It is a Fact that the State of Lado has been Occupied by different Colonial Powers from time to time since 1871 . But the People of Lado defended the Independence and the Sovereignity of Lado till todate ( 3000 A,D ) . So you may refer to the Terms such as Occupied or Non - Self Governing Territories or Colonial , or Protectorate . Each has a different meaning in Politics . It is important to note that we should know each of these Terms and as well understand each of its implications to a State or a Nation  ( Country ) and its People .
3 . 4  :    As Legally stated , no European Country , Colonial Power colonised Lado , then the Countries surrounding Lado ( Sudan , Uganda , Congo / Zaire  , Ethiopia , Central African Republic / CAR , and Kenya ) did not inherit the Territoy of the State of  Lado to be under their Administrations . The Territory of the State of Lado is a Seperate Political Entity since 1815  through to 1885 , till todate ( 3000  A.D ) . Lado did not become a Colonial Possession of the European Colonial Powers / Masters in Africa , as Britain for Uganda , Kenya , and Sudan , as Belgian for Congo / Zaire , and as France for the Central African Republc / CAR . There is a big difference between Dominions , Colonies , Protectorates ,  and Occupied Territories . And Lado is an Occupied Territory . That is Correct , or that is right according to Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 . That is Why Lado Demands the Independence / or DRIWALA of  Lado .
3 . 5  :    Till todate ( 3000 A.D ) Lado is a Seperate Political Entity ( State ) , just like other Countries surrounding Lado ( Sudan , Congo / Zaire , Uganda , CRA , Kenya and Ethiopia ) . The only difference is that , the State of Lado is not yet an Independent Sovereign State . It is still an Occupied Territory by Belgium and Britain since 1947 . In short , the Occupied Territory of Lado is a Non - Self Governing Territory . The People of Lado demand the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignthy of Lado.  And the People of Lado are working hard for the Independence of Lado in accordance to the Articles 1 , 51 , and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 and Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885 inclulding the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 ( XV ) of 14 December 1960 .
3 . 6 :    The Concern of the People of Lado is to inform the People of Uganda and the Countries in Africa  that , the Lado People Demand for the Independence and the Declaration for the Independence and Soverignty of Lado is not against Uganda , or against any of the Countries of Africa or even against any of the Countries of the World . The People of Lado are struggling for the Territorial Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado as a Sovereign Nation State  ( Political Entity ) . Even the EUROPEAN COUNTRIES , who had come to Colonise the African Countries in 1840 - 1940 , and the African Peoples know very well that Lado has to be Independent Sovereign State according to the Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885 and the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 ., plus the OAU ( Organisation of African Unit ) Charter of 25 May 1963  , inclulding the  Relevant Resolutions of United Nations and International Law .
3 . 7 :     Almost , all the African  countries are now Independent Nations since 1940 , or are being prepared to be Independent Nations by the UN AND OAU , and Others . Why not the State of Lado ?  Britain does not allow the State of Lado to be put on the UN  list of Non - Self  Governing Territories . What does Britain have against the State of Lado  ( People , Land / Territory of Lado , Government , the Sovereign and Natural Resources ) . The State of Lado is not even a Part of the British East Africa , or Colonial Territory . So it must be just a BRITISH POLITICAL HATRED AND POLITICAL DISCRIMINATION TO DOMINATE LADO , TO CONTROL LADO AND TO EXPLOIT THE PEOPLE OF LADO . And be that , the Lado People Reject in every possible way on this Earth . Lado people SHALL NOT Want to be Slaves of other Nations on Earth . Lado shall continue to fight / struggle for her Territory Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado  ( Africa ) . So , that Lado People can creat Wealth and Happiness .
3 . 8 :     The Lado Political Authorities  ( The Agofe of Lado and the Government of Lado ) have already sent to the Concerned Countries and Institutions , the Lado Demand and Ultimatum for the Nation Independence and Sovereignty of Lado as a Sovereign State by the Year 3000 and thereafter . This is in accordance to the UN General Assembly Resolution 43 / 47 of 22 November 1988 . Indeed it has nothing to do with Lado ( Sudanic People , Nilotic People , and Hamitic People ) consisting of 29 Tribes  wanting to fight ( Lado ) Neighbours ;  especially in the pretext  Uganda or anybody else . However if anybody / or anyone wants to Colonise the State of Lado , for sure , the People of Lado will fight for their Rights to / for Territory Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado in Nile - Congo Watershade Region of Equatorial Central Africa and the Nile Valley Basin and the Great Western Rift Valley .
3 . 9  :  It is with Regrete and Great Concern that , the Political Athourities of Lado , and the People of Lado , have noted that , the Government of Uganda especially is very Agressive and Militarily Provocative against the State of Lado ( People / Population , Land / Territory , Government / Organ  , the Sovereign , and Natural Resources ) . The People of Lado , under their Political Leadership ( Agofe ) want Good Future Relations with all the Lado Neighbours ( Sudan , Congo , Uganda , Kenya , Ethiopia , and Central African Republic  / CAR ) . LADO WANTS the Independence of Lado and Sovereignty  ( Nile - Congo Watershade Region ) in Equatoria Central Africa . This is the ( Lado ) Objective and Demand to Britain - Belgium , who are the Administering Countries of the State of Lado .

 3 . 10  :   Lado wants Security , Peace , and Stability in her Country . And the Political Authorities of Lado Believe that , even Uganda and the Other African Countries want Peace and Security in their Countries too .  Truely , and the Politicians of every Country should work for Peace , Security , and Stability . For without Peace , and Political Stability , there is No Economic and Social Development and / or Progress . Without Peace there is no Security . ( Look what is happening to all the surrounding Countries to Lado today / and how will they be , in  tommorrow 's time comings  ? ) . The people of Lado need Peace and Security as a Nation State .
4 . 1  :    This Communication on the Question of Lado is to present to the People of Uganda ( Africa ) ; as Britain is using Uganda as a Major Stepping foot Stone to destroy Lado and those friends of Uganda in a Summarised Form , so that , it is easy to digest it by anyone who cares to read it . The People of Lado ( Africa ) want Peace and Security . They want Freedom and Liberty .
4 . 2  :    The Demand for the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado , since 1947 , is a Right of the People of Lado as a Political Entity since 847 A.D  through 1507 to 3000 A.D ( Refer to Lado  KAARI  history ) .It is in accordance to the International Law , International Politics , International Diplomacy , and to International Relations , International Customs , inclulding the General Principles , and Internation Practises , the People of Lado want to determine their own Life and Destiny here on Earth . 
4 . 3  :    The Basis for the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado are plain , and indeed  , very clear for any People , and / or Country , who believes in the Maintainance of International Peace and Security and Justice . This Demand for Independence of Lado is also , in accordance to Articles 1 and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 . And also Articles 6 and 15 of the Berlin Treaty of February 1885 . The People of Lado Love Peace , and they need Peace , Security , and Justice , and Stability :  But Let No one have an illusione or think that , those ( wonderful ) Human Concept of Society apply only to Countries that are under the British Sovereignty . They apply to all Countries of the World , and All Peoples of the World . That is what All Leaders of the World should Strive to Maintain, internally and externally : Peace and Security and Justice . 
4 . 4  :    The Desire of the People of Lado is to bring about the Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado , through , or by , Peaceful Means . And this Lado Desire is in Conformity with the United Nations Charter of 26 June 1945 and the Relevant UN General Assembly Resolutions ; and the Organisation of African Unity / OAU Charter of 25 May 1963 ; the Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885 ; and the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights of 21 June 1981 .
4 . 5  :    The Lado Authorities ( The Agofe of Lado and the Government of Lado and Laodan Elites  in General ) know that for the UN to do anything , in any Country , the Process is very Slow . And at times , the Issue and / or the Process is deliberatley strangled by the some World / UN Powers . Especially , if the Issue , or the Conflict , has to do with some Black African Countries and Peoples . And of course , for Lado, it is worst as the State of Lado is Hated by Britain . Britain seems to loath the People of Lado and the Fact that Lado can exist as a Sovereign , in the Middle / Heart of the Continent of Africa without  Britain , or British Commonwealth  /  Empire . That is unfortunate Political View which Britain holds on Lado since her  ( UK ) Colonial Days . But Lado continues to struggle for her Independence and Sovereignty as a Nation State , and to build on Lado Peoples Values and Systems within the International System . The People of Lado do not want the Colonialism over Lado , directly or indirectly . No and no . The People of Lado want the Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado .
4 . 6  :    Futhermore , the Demand of Lado People for the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado is not a Joke. Neither  is it a Fun or for Fun . It is not a Threat to Uganda , or to any of the Countries neighbouring to the State of Lado, as far as the State of Lado is concerned . All Lado needs from her Neighbours :  Uganda , Congo / Zaire , Sudan , Kenya , Ethiopia , and etc ----  is Good Relations , which is a Moral and Political Support for Lado . And the best would be for All to come to a Conference on Lado . A Conference on Lado Peace Process to find Lasting Solutions to Lado 's Problems and Conflicts according to Lado 's Vital Interests . Not according to what the British Government would wish , inorder to Protect her Interests .  At least , for once , Let Africans find Solutions , and / or reach Agreements that are not Recommended from outside of our Countries and Peoples and Continent . The People ( Ladoans ) need their Dignity and Respect as the People of Lado and as a Political Entity of Lado . Lado People do not want to be Slaves of Other Peoples on Earth  , or  anywhere else . The African People have been enslaved from 1440 to 1840 A.D already . And no more .
4 . 7  :   The Position of LADO  is that , Lado has to be an Independent and Sovereign State ( KAARI ) of Lado  as soon as possible in this World Community Countries . Any other Issues , Problems , Conflicts which might be arising in course of time , must be sloved through Peaceful Negotations . Any Issue regarding Borders should be done by an International Boundary Commission / IBC . There is no need to fight over over the Border Issue / or Matter .
5 .1  :   The Political Leaders of Lado are aware that , UN Records of solving serious African Conflicts originating ( Mainly ) from European Colonial Connections have been minimal and indeed very poor , unless it is in the the Interest and advantage of one of the UN Permanent Members of the Security Council . However , the State of Lado still has hope in the United Nations  / UN to do something for the Lado People to bring about the Decolonisation Process of Lado through Peaceful Negotiations , Mediation , Arbitration , Conciliation , and Adjucation .  There is no other Institution yet to replace the UN . So the UN is better than nothing . The State of Lado believes in the Fact that , Peace never comes out of Military Power / Conquest alone . Military Force / Power creat Fear , Distrust , Future Wars . Above all , Military Power serves as a Colonial Instrument and / of Destruction , and for control of others . So there  is no Economic Development , or Social Progress , when involved in Wars .
5 . 2  :   The State of Lado does not want War with any Country , or anybody, because Wars are very Destructive Instruments to a Society . And Wars bring about so many Negative Elements into a Country that does promote any Welbeing of the Society . Lado People try their best to avoid Wars . That is why the Ladoans ( Lado People ) are asking the People of Uganda and other African People and elsewhere to know that .  It is not that the People of Lado Fear Death . Not at all . Lado needs Peace and Security . Lado wants the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado .
5 . 3 :     It is Britain and Belgium , who are Responsible for the Occupation of Lado . The African Countries and their Armies , who are used to Kill the People of Lado and thereby to Occupy the Land of Lado for Britain and her Allies , have no Right and no Responsiblity over the Question of the Independence of Lado . This is because Britain has the Sovereignty Right over them ( Commonwealth Countries )  :  that is to say , Uganda and Kenya , or any other British Commonwealth Country . Whom should Lado fight ? Her African Neighbours ?  Or  Britain ?  Or Belgium ? The Lado People do not want to fight any Country . They need only the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado . That is all and Clear . They do not want War but the Independence , Intergrity , and Sovereignty  ( Nduvunduvu ) of Lado .
5 . 4  :   Lado also wants the International Community to do Justice to the People of Lado. The UN , or the International Community , owes Lado Justice . Even if the People of the State of Lado are Black Africans , whom most European Countries and Governments and their People do not like on this Earth , except as Slaves on this Earth , in Africa , the Lado People Deserve International Protection and Justice to be done to them . The People of Lado are Human Beings like the British People are  ( same  Human Values ) . And the People of Lado are like the other Africans ( be White , Black  , Red or of any other Colour to say least in the Continent of Africa ) , who are under British Empire / or Commonwealth . The People of Lado should not be denied their Political Rights . The People of Lado have the same Values and Dignity like any other other Human Beings . Therefore, they need their Right to Independence of Lado and Sovereignt of Lado as a Political Entity . They shall still remain Africans , and Friends . The People of Lado shall mantain , a Policy of Neutrality , Unity , Integrity , Independence , and Sovereignty of Lado .
5 . 5 :   The People of the State of Lado , under the Political Authority of Lado , long to live in Stabilty , Peace , and Security . They want to enjoy Political Stability , which is the Key to Economic - Civic Developement and Social Progress , as a People and as a Political Entity ( Nation State / Country ) . This is why the People of Lado Demand the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado . The People of Lado insist that , that the Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado , should be done by Peaceful Means or Negotiations . This is ( Ladoans ) Desire . This is what they want : Freedom
5 . 6 :    The Lado Political Authority recognise the Need to mantain Peaceful Relations with other Nation States . This is the Basis for International Peace , Security , and Justice . This is why the Lado Foreign Policy is Unique . The Ladoans prefer to strive to use Peaceful Negotiations to solve Conflicts between Lado and other Countries . The Lado People believe in Peaceful Negotiated Agreements to reach Lasting Political Solutions . And they believe , Lasting Political Solutions can be produced through Diplomatic Negotiations , not by Military Might or Killings alone . The Diplomatic Relation is needed .
5 . 7 :     The Political Authority know , and indeed , are convinced that the Use of Military Force / Power to reach a Political Solution , only postpones the Conflicts . Such make Wars are Recurring events . Thus blocking any Economic Development and Social Progress . Lado still continues to beg her Neighbours for a Negotiated Political Solutions and Agreements rather than the Useof Military Force , and Manipulated Colonial Policy driven or directed Solutions by Remote Control . Lado wants Peace , Security
, Justice which means Stability and Prosperity in Lado .
5 . 8 :      The Lado Political Authority is Unhappy , or disheartened , for Africa as long as African Leaders see the Use of Force as the Easy Option in both Internal and External Politics . Then Africa is Doomed . The Africans must all work to change that / it . The African Leaders , have to develope Diplomatic Skills based on Knoweldge and Wisdom to achieve Peace and Protection of  their Vital Interests . Peace is  made and Mantained by Genuine and Negotiated Agreements ( Treaties ) between Nations / Countries ,
or the People Concerned / Concerned People . Let Africans begin to practise this : Justice and Law .
5 . 9 :      Therefore it is on behalf of the Green Bureau of Lado / GRB , and on behalf of the Government of Lado ( The Provisional Government of Lado / LPG ) and on behalf of the People of the State of Lado  ( Lado Population of about 10 million ) , Lado appeals to the People of Uganda and the Government of Uganda to build Good Relations with People of the State of Lado , and the Government of Lado , and Sovereign of Lado . The Choice is that of the Government of Uganda and the People of Uganda . Lado People demand the Independence , Territorial Integrity of Lado .
5 . 10 :     The Diplomacy , or Peaceful Negotiations , is the best way out . The Lado Political Authorities are ready to meet the Uganda Political Authorities to negotiate on any Issues / Problems that will arise during the Decolonisation Process ,  ( this same Request  applies / or is extended also to all the Neighbouring State - Countries to Lado ) . Good Relations are very important to build and mantain Confidence betwwen Lado and Uganda . Indeed ,  Lado and Uganda  have a lot of Issues that require Serious Talking
/ Talks in order to build Good ( Future ) Relations betwwen the two Nations . The State ( Kingdom of Lado  and the Republic of Uganda will always be Neighbours , sharing Common Borders / Frontiers . Wars are never good for Peaceful Co - Existence between or among Nations and Nation States . Lado needs Peace and Security. That is ,  there is Need for Good Relations between Lado and Uganda , Sudan , Congo , Kenya  etc--- etc --- .
5 . 11 :    While the State of Lado does not believe in Wars as Means of reaching Political Solutions , the People of Lado will not sit  - by , or down and only mourn , when Peoples of other Countries are Killing the People of Lado with Impunity . So often , with the blessing of the International Community , meaning Anglo . Saxons and Anglo - American Authorites . And seeing Foreigners dancing on the Dead Bodies of Lado People , and burning the Deads of Lado just hurts .
NOTA BENE  :   The View that the Berlin Treaty is now a History , no longer applicable is not true . Let the African Leaders and Academicians and Intellectuals wake up and see the Woods for the Trees in the Internationl Politics , International Relations , International Law , International Diplomacy and the International Customs , and International Principles and International Practises . The People of Lado are prepared to negotiate with their Neighbours , with their Opponents , with their Enemies , whether they wish Lado Well or Bad . Lado has the Responsibility and Duty to Protect her People of Lado ( Africa ) . The People of Lado consists of Four Ethnic  - Linguistic Communities as follows :  The LUU  People , The LUI People , The LUO People , and The LUE People . They make a Population to about 10 Million souls ( 7 Million in Lado and 3 Million in Exile ) at this time I am writing now .  They form the State of ( Central Africa ) with its present Capital at   ARUA - ARU . Modern Lado was founded in 847 A.D , although Lado People have been established in the Nile Valley Basin since 3000 B.C . However , the Struggle for Independence from Egypt started in 1090 B.C to 700 B.C . The War of Lado Independence took place between 749 B.C to 700 B.C . 
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