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Author Topic: Sex and Race  (Read 11833 times)
Posts: 1531

« on: July 01, 2003, 01:01:28 AM »

Sex and Race: I
Why White and Black Mix in Spite of Opposition
by J. A. Rogers

Sex and Race: II
A History of White, Negro, and Indian Miscegenation
in the Two Americas: The New World
by J. A. Rogers

ABSTRACT from Reviewer: Haseeb AZ United States
In this first volume The notion that 'racial' purity is a good thing has been and continues to be taught and encouraged in society. Although many (particularly whites) may consider it rediculous and even paranoid to think this, it is nevertheless true. After reading J.A. Rogers Sex and Race books, I've become acutely aware of how racially conscious people are particularly when it comes to sex. The gist of this book is that although many people (particularly whites) have aversions toward interracial marriages, they continue and will continue to have interracial offspring of every kind imaginable. When there were laws against interracial marriages and great turbulance between whites and blacks, interracial unions were going on regardless. Today, there are less overt suggestions that blacks and whites should not marry one another. For example TV ads, movies, and TV programs very rarely show blacks and whites together in loving relationships and if they do they make a point that there is something odd or unusual about it. Another thing which is done is to only use actors and actresses who appear to be very 'pure racially'. The people we see in the movies do not acurately reflect what people look like in society.

The book really points out how rediculous notions of racial purity are. It is biased towards blacks however, so anyone who reads this needs to keep an open mind and think about what is being said. If one is offended at the suggestion that such and such a great person commonly accepted as white may have black blood then you must examine your racial sensitivities.

In this second volume, Roger's focuses on the new world and shows that the inhabitants of the americas are far from being pure racially. As discussed in the previous volume, race mixing with blacks took place all over Europe. In the new world however, whites not only mixed with blacks but also with the indigenous peoples of the americas including the caribbean. Also, there is good reason to believe that some of the indigenous peoples of the americas were already somewhat mixed before the europeans arrived. The one thing which I really like about J.A. Rogers books is the fact that he is not afraid to confront certain issues which are embarrasing to most whites even today.

Did you ever wonder why some black people from the caribbean and south and central america don't like being called black? Some will say because they aren't black, they are Spanish or Brazilian. Based on historical evidence Roger's points out that the blacks of the caribbean and south and central america are just as "black" as the blacks in america. It's just that some of them may look different because race mixing took place in different degrees in different areas.

Unfortuantely, the issue of race mixing is a very touchy issue, so a lot that is in books like this cannot be talked about without angering people unless you're in some sort of "radical" black group. Regardless of what country someone is from, they don't like being told that they are of black african ancestry. Most "non-whites" will say they simply don't care and are irritated by the topic.

Sex and Race: II
A History of White, Negro, and Indian Miscegenation
in the Two Americas: The New World
by J. A. Rogers

Sex and Race: I
Why White and Black Mix in Spite of Opposition
by J. A. Rogers
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