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Author Topic: New look at your Karmic Numbers  (Read 9522 times)
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Posts: 2063

« on: June 12, 2004, 01:51:14 AM »

New look at your Karmic Numbers
By Joseph Ghabi

Karma, where do we start? Some of us like to use it as an excuse to avoid doing any proper work on ourselves. The word karma has just become part of our vocabulary and we blame everything in our lives on Karma. For many of us hearing the word Karma can be compared to having a curse placed on us. Chill out please! There is nothing to be scared of here! Karma is part of our evolution.

Let's go back to the start for a moment here. Do we all agree that we are souls in a human shape/body and are visiting this planet we call earth, and it's not just for the fun of it? In the universe we live in, this plane is the hardest to be in. We hope to get the most out of it, in terms of our evolution, for the simple reason that we need to deal with all of the emotions we have on a daily basis (anger, frustration, pettiness, hate to name a few) and that these are actually beneficial to us. They will help bring us a wider understanding of ourselves, and the world around us. With this in hand we are left with no other choice than to try and handle our lives properly. Otherwise we are coming back either to repay our debt for what we abused, or are just plain trying to go through it again to understand our mission on this plane at this moment in time. What a genius word, this word we call Karma is.

Karma deals with the law of cause and effect. Everything that happens to us (effect) has had a previous cause. The evolution of karmic law means that we can be masters of our own destiny. Your karmic lessons in life reflect the qualities that you either lack, or are weak in, and that are hindering your success. They indicate experiences or obligations that you have avoided, or were not even aware of, from which you managed to escape in some past life. They now crop up in your present life as obstacles to your success, unless you make a conscious effort to conquer them.

Karma is a good thing for us as humans. Karma is brought to us from our soul but is not in any way, shape or form a punishment or curse inflected on us. Unless, of course, we have abused our power in one of our previous lifetimes. It is the time, at this very moment, to see what the effect is from our long previous lifetime abuses. We are here to experiment with the experience of our previous wrongdoing. But still it is our choice, not our punishment, to come to understand our previous wrongdoing(s). As an example: Suppose you were a president of a country and you abused your power for personal gain by having many souls massacred as a result of your actions, or you are a CEO of a company previously making money on the shoulders of your employees and abusing their rights for your own gain, or you were working in a company abusing the environment. You will be here now at the time of that destruction (or the effect), for the "cause" you brought while working in that company.

We do have to see the effect of our wrongdoing and we have no choice in the matter. We have to understand, see and feel our wrong doing in the first place to be able to realize our causes. For some, they believe that they are here now and won’t see any of the destruction later, as long as they are filling up their pockets with all the money they can and let others worry about it. They are wrong. We come to this plane naked and we leave it naked. What you have done in-between are only experiences and lessons. God has nothing to do with this, and it is our soul interest to have harmony and success at the end. By the end of our mission, when you go back to spirit, all that you have on this plane does not exist on the other side and it is one of the reasons that a soul would like to obtain it's perfection.

How can we be aware of our individual Karma then?

In Numerology we discussed Intensity charts and we had calculated it. Let me remind you how it went.

Write down your full name that you use at the moment. Use the chart below to determine the number that corresponds to the letters in your name. For example, check the table at the end of the article:

J u l i a n Ray Robert
13 3 91 5 917 962592

His intensity number or missing numbers from his name:

Intensity Table:

Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Your available Numbers 2 2 2 0 2 1 1 0 4

As we can see immediately from this chart, Julian has two missing numbers from his name, 4 and 8. These are the Karmic numbers that he has to deal with in his lifetime.

The effect of how strong these Karmic numbers are on his life depends on the existence of any of these numbers being part of the main numbers of his numerology chart. This is what will determine whether these numbers are a karmic experience or a karmic lesson.

For some, you may have one missing number, no missing numbers, or four missing ones. It will NOT make one person more favorable in this lifetime. As you can see, I said in this lifetime. We are individuals living between a mass of people that are determined to bring the experiences to each other and allow each other to go through the hardship or ease of that experience or lesson.

We have a habit of saying: "Why is it always happening to me?" We should ask ourselves the question differently. What is it in me that is not allowing me to understand my experiences and lessons in my life, and have my patterns stopped?

Our experiences are ours, and only ours, and not other people’s problems (even if they are part of the experience they cannot be blamed). They are here in your life because you allowed them to be, and you asked them to be with you in order to understand your experience. They are doing you a favor by being with you. In fact the other people around are usually reflections of our selves. They are mirrors of our selves.

How many of us have taken our experience and exaggerated it for nothing. Making it bigger than it should be. Unfortunately sometimes we get an incorrect understanding of our life experiences and lessons. IT IS NOT ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE OR LESSON - BUT MORE ABOUT HOW WE DEAL WITH IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. TRY TO UNDERSTAND IT AND SEE WHAT IT HAS BROUGHT TO YOUR LIFE. BLESS YOURSELF AND THE OTHER PEOPLE INVOLVED AND GIVE THEM LOVE AND FORGIVENESS AND MOVE ON IN YOUR LIFE. Isn't that simple? So why are you complicating your life? Only you make the choice to stay where you are, or decide to change and make the decision to move on with your life.

What's in fashion these days is to curse other people who are involved in our situation? What is fashionable these days is to hold onto anger, jealousy and envy? Is it fashionable these days to blame everyone else except yourself? When you seem to be going that route why not try and take a small moment out of your busy schedule to reflect on what is considered fashionable to you, and how much does it improve your life anyway? Are you still in place holding on to all your PAST experiences? Holding on to the anger, the frustration, the blame, and the rage? And for what? - Nothing in reality. You are the only one who pays the price and allows your life to stagnate. You keep turning over the same old experiences and prevent anything from moving ahead or changing in your life. Then you'll find yourself saying "Why are these things only happening to me?". You may consult someone and they'll tell you that you are "cursed" or that you have been psychically attacked. Then what you do; seek others to take away the curse from you and think that everything will be all right.

Hold on a moment. Stop and take a deep breath and listen to yourself for a minute. You have no curse on you if you do NOT allow it to be part of you. Go back to your early experiences and start looking at your patterns and write them down. See if you had handled it differently whether it would have taken you down the same path. Re-evaluate your life again and allow humility to be part of you, and your life, for a change and accept it. Do not blame yourself or other people. Do not allow your pride or your ego to be in control of your life. Allow love to be part of your vibration. Allow the "new you" to immerge. Change your social circle. Change your attitude about yourself. Remember you are worth it, regardless of the experiences and lessons in your life! You have a purpose, even if you do not see it yet. How can you see it when your heart is filled with anger and jealousy? Your eyes are closed and not allowing any new light in. You have a responsibility towards yourself and no one else is to blame here. You come first in your life. Everyone else will just have to wait. Just remember that!

Yes, it is not just your karma in life, but the way you have handled your life in the first place. Just think about it!

Karma is the cause and effect of our past experiences. If you have been raped at a young age and have been traumatized for your entire life and feel that it shouldn't be this way, remember your soul wanted that experience in your life. Maybe you did the same thing to that person in a previous life and you are meant to now experience it for yourself, and feel the effect it can have on you and your soul. When it is over we should have learned how to move on in our life.

I am not sympathetic to many people reading this article. The ones who like to hear only their own way. But is having it your way really working for you? I don't think so, because you are still in the same place twenty years later, standing still and living in the past. The people you seek will tell you what you like to hear, but still nothing changes in your life. We need to be reminded of our reality for a change, and be honest about it. Is the number 13 a bad or good number? Is it bad or good because you were told it is, or is it because you feel, or believe, it to be that way? Our experiences and lessons are just that - experiences and lessons presented to us in order for us to understand them. Until we realize this point nothing will change in our life. That is the foundation that grounds you, the something for you to start with.

Next time, we will look at the different karmic numbers, one by one, and the simple way we can try to understand them and what they can mean to us.


We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
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