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+  Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum
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Author Topic: What is ZION to you?  (Read 23543 times)
« on: May 26, 2005, 09:54:23 AM »


I would like to reason about Zion.  I would like to know what your opinion of Zion is.  Do you think that it is heaven; do you think that it is in Afrika and that Afrika is Zion.  Just a subject to reason about.  Thanks bredren and sistren.

Posts: 27


« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2005, 03:17:51 AM »

Peace Ras Kemo

To most Rases that INI has got the opportunity to read from, and the very few that INI has got the privelage to listen, and reason with face to face; Zion is not a pie in the sky---a fantasy lala-land that our christian and muslim brethren tend to belief it to be.

Most including myself, belief it to be Ithiopia/Afrika. It's the only place on earth that has the potencial still at yet, to offer not just the Blackman, but the whole of humanity a new beginning from the current fast paced acceleration down the path of ultimate destruction.

It's hard for most Afrikans however to belief this. Because those that have self-appointed themselves to govern all of this earth in a dictorial way, are forever pre-occupied with painting INI-Zion as a black hell-hole.

But the Rasta and Pan-Afrikan conscious minds here and else where, have taken it as our duty to venture into this so called 'hell' (some physically, others mentally and spiritually) on earth and proclaim it INI-Zion. Because we have come to the conclusion, after so many years of mis-education and indoctrination,that we prefer a heaven right here on earth that we help build with our own hands, to the one that just 'happens' from the skies.

Peace N Love
Ras Eliyah
Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2006, 09:34:30 AM »

MT.ZION IS MT. KILIMANJARO IN AFRICA.it is the highest point in africa. the mt.zions that the israelis in mid. east talk about are just hills that cannot be called mounts. africans were told by the missionaries that they die and go to heaven yet heaven is here with us in africa. they wanted africans to die so as to leave behind all the riches in africa for them. if their is heaven, WHY DID THEY HAVE TO PUT PIPES ALL OVER POPES BODY TO MAKE HIM LIVE FOR A FEW MORE SECONDS?HE SHOULD HAVE JUST DIED AND WENT TO HEAVEN THAT THEY PROMISE US SINCE HE IS A HOLLY FATHER.
natural blacks
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Posts: 143

Blackheart Man

« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2006, 09:44:13 PM »

zion to i is a state of mind still. it's not necessary for me to be in any particular country or geographical region to feel the spiritual fullfilment to be achieved in zion. although there are times when i imagine living within a community based on unconditional love, respect and tolerance.


History has shown that it is the inaction of those who could’ve acted; the indifference of those who should’ve known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most that has made it possible for evil to triumph. - EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE I
Posts: 8

« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2006, 02:23:20 AM »

To the Father and the to Son and to the holy One of Iration-Blessings to all
 Zion has many different meaning depending on what part of the journey I travel.  Currently, some are travelling on the physical road to Zion- meaning Ake-bu-lan /Africa or the known World at that time which was the Ethiopian Empire.  Then you have the Mental Zion which would entail African principles,African icons or hieroglyphs, ideas and concepts that perpetuate a Xenophilic world.  An then you have the Spiritual Zion- This is where the individual has fully committed himself to the upliftment and the revival of the Natural world - not just Africa but the World. Love for the world and its people.
Where ever you travel  blessing coming and going...
Posts: 13

« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2006, 12:10:04 PM »

Greetings everyone in the name of the Most High JAH. INI woudl like to begin by asking brethren to read the Kebra Nagast and see where Zion has been taken to. The Ark of convernant was called Zion and it was taken away from Israel to Ethiopia by the priest that came with the queen of Sheba.Therefore Ethiopian /African/ Cush /Abysinia /Zion that is where we long to be. INI can't live in the sky........what that?
However Zion is not just physical , it goes with the spiritual for you never get to Zion with  a carnal mind. Bless my brethren
Posts: 1

« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2006, 12:57:54 PM »

Iman would like to ask you all bredren about such a point as what is Middle East ISRAEL today in context of what is Zion. Do you think the only Israel is Ithiopia?

Because when I think of such things I can't forget about Israel which is on Middle East. Cause for me this is land of Jesus Christ, this is land of prophets, this IS land of Jerusalem. Do you recognise Middle East Israel as Holy Land? Or do you think it is a false land and the only one Israel is in Africa? This is still quite a question for me....

P. S. Sorry for poor language.

P. P. S. Respect from a russian dread Smiley 
Ras KoJah Simba
Posts: 1

« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2006, 10:56:31 PM »

Greetings In The Name Of The Most High JAH Rastafari Selassie I. To InI Zion is a special place in I head.Everyone have their belief or opinion,but the mind is where all creation come from. We all have the power to create what we want. In I mind is where I hold the key to Zion. Zion is no mystical illusion it is as real as you think it is.  PEACE AND LOVE RASTAFARI
Habte Selassie
Posts: 2

Jah Rastafari I is the Almighty

« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2006, 09:08:31 AM »

greetings in the name of jah Rastafari the almighty   elect of god 

zion : zion is in Ithiopia  zion is come from israel to ithiopia

holy land ithiopia   mama africa

jah bless you all

greetings in the name of His Imperial Majesty Imperor Haile Selassie I King of Kings Lord of Lords Conquering Lion from the Tribe of Judah elect of god true light of the world revolution Selassie I Rastafari

Jah bless you
stay clean
Habte Selassie
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