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Author Topic: Afrikan religions  (Read 14638 times)
Posts: 25

« on: September 21, 2006, 12:29:28 AM »

I've been reading alot about Afrikan religions. All of them have different practices in them. And the conclusion I've came to is that all religions have man made rituals in them even if they have not been corrupted by the white man. So basically religion is what you percieve is to be the right way of living.
natural blacks
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Posts: 143

Blackheart Man

« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2006, 07:52:00 AM »

The Lion of Judah has prevailed
Haile Selassie I, Elect of God
King of Kings of Ethiopia

The temple of the most high begins with the human body, which houses our life, essence of our existence. Africans are in bondage today because they approach spirituality through Religion provided by foreign invaders and conquerors. We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations and rituals created by humans which were supposed to help people grow spiritually.

Due to human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive and a tool for power struggle. Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simply a way of life, pure and original as was given by the Most High. Spirituality is a network linking us to the Most High, the universe and each other. As the essence of our existence it embodies our culture, true identity, nationhood and destiny. A people without a nation they can really call their own is a people without a soul. Africa is our nation and is in spiritual and physical bondage because her leaders are turning to outside forces for solutions to African problems when everything Africa needs is within her. When African righteous people come together, the world will come together. This is our divine destiny.

Yanks & Ises. LOve & Joy. Rasta Live.

History has shown that it is the inaction of those who could’ve acted; the indifference of those who should’ve known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most that has made it possible for evil to triumph. - EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE I
Posts: 2

« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2006, 03:17:27 PM »

Greetings in the name of the Most High Jah Rastafari!

Ras Dr. Ikael Tafari says in his book, Rasta in Transition, the following (to paraphrase): "I started this book from the perspective that Rasta is the most important consciousness to arise in the twentieth century". Well, I would be hard-pressed to contest that statement.

What is most intriguing about Rasta in my opinion are the roots that are seldom claimed, ancient roots that predate even biblical times. Rasta is a consciousness that broadly speaking preaches the oneness of God and Man/Woman and the realisation of this through the power of meditation. An often unmentioned influence on Rasta was the presence of Sadhus in the Caribbean as indentured labourers in the early twentieth century. Sadhus, or "practitioners of yoga" or the "renunciates" as they are variably known in their native India, are a Hindu sect that grow dreadlocks, and live natural. They interpret the Most High through ganja just like Rasta today, and believe that God can be found within.

I don't like to place isms and skisms on Rasta but I don't think its a stretch to say that Rasta is a new gnostic consciousness. Gnostic means "to know". Christ was a gnostic who was rebelling against the corrupted Jewish oligarchy of the day, and although his story has been manipulated in the Bible to hide the true intent of his message (which removes the supremacy of the church), which was that Man is God. When asked by the people "who are you?" his response was simply, "I am". He knew. In fact, all of the founders of major religions knew, but somehow the message got twisted down through history when religion became a way for despots to control the masses. The whole concept of God is Man is presented by the fact that in almost all religions, God looks like the fella who wrote the book.

So, gnosticism has philosophical roots in ancient Africa and Asia, although is a concept that comes up independently in subsects of various religions. In Egypt in 3000 BC, Imhotep father of medicine constructed the Temple of Man over 5 centuries for the private worship of Egypt's royalty; and of course gnosticim including the gnostic cross, has origins here as well as Ethiopia that we know of. The thing about it back then though was that the knowledge of the gnostics was restricted to a select few, while the peasants worshipped the sun!

So the concept of God is Man Man is God is not new, but it has been cloaked in secrecy by pharoahs and greedy papal decrees that scare people into seeking external salvation and thereby fatten the coffers of the vatican. Worse, we Africans are at a disadvantage in coming to the realisation of the God in Self, because we have been subjected by Rome to centuries of absolutely false images of a Christ and a God that is pale-skinned with blonde hair. What folly! Liberation will never come to a mind that worships an entirely foreign and external deity. Black people must see that God is Black because God is I and I! What Rasta brings to the table is that this knowledge is for all people who will accept it and that I and I know that Jah is personified in an AFRICAN king HIM Haile Sellassie I and likewise I and I am a personification of the Most High in this divine and holy trinity. How? Because "I am".

Blessed love RastafarI
Full Member
Posts: 316

« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2006, 04:22:52 AM »

 the digons and the dahomyes and the yorubas have great knowledge of the universe and the stars, sellassie was an arab,please try to understand ur ancestral ways, yoruba cosmology, also read afrikan cosmology of the bantu kongo,tieing the knot, even some ethioipins agree that selassie was rutheless dictator,afrikan cosmology is older than ratstafrism and just ffor the record,spirituality is different than religion Beam Two Thumbs
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