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Author Topic: PSYCHIC WARFARE  (Read 10200 times)
Full Member
Posts: 316

« on: December 24, 2006, 02:41:02 PM »

thi is the rule of engament of psychic warfare, lemme know what yall think family! Two Thumbs R05. The Rules of Psychic Warfare.
This document does assume that the reader wants to work for the good of Man, that he wants to keep his sanity, does not wish to have a strait jacket and does not wish to become a drug addict.

Psychic Warfare and the Law.

    * There are no man made rules.
    * Anyone wishing to indulge in psychic warfare must have expertise in psychic self defence. Your enemies will undoubtedly try to knock you down and put you in your place.
    * Psychic warfare is not subject to the Geneva Convention.
    * In countries where there is a Witchcraft or Blasphemy Act, the first thing one has to defend oneself against is the Law.
    * In countries that have intelligence agencies (most), it is necessary to defend oneself against those agencies, or if one is a member of one then to defend oneself against rival agencies.
    * When foreign intelligence agencies are antagonistic to one's friends and allies, one must defend against them.
    * Mail tappers must do so in telepathic silence, otherwise they give themselves away. If they are not sufficiently responsible for their actions, they will let out telepathic howls of rage or distress.
    * It is near impossible to prove in a court of law what an enemy did. It is equally near impossible for the enemy to prove that you beat him up.
    * Secret Service organisations do not like biting people who can bite back.

Remote Viewing and Remote Psychotherapy.

    * Sending responsibility and enlightenment to an enemy is a weapon of war. This is Remote Psychotherapy.
    * The only law which applies is the Law of Karma.
    * To avoid the Law of Karma taking negative effect one oneself, it is necessary to follow the following rules.
          o Take full responsibility for one's actions at all times.
          o Do not do to others what one is not prepared to do to oneself.
          o Do not command others to do what one is not prepared to do oneself.
          o Only take action against those who send telepathic malice or seek to control you or your friends and allies in a negative fashion. There are more of these than one might think.
          o Under the Laws of Karma, it is all right for others to do to you, what you have done to other people, or would like to do to them in the future. Cancel out this Karmic weakness with personal responsibility.
    * Sending responsibility and enlightenment to anyone sending one malice does terrible things to them. It causes them to retrieve their soul from which ever satan, devil, intelligence agency, religion or organisation they have sold their soul to. This in turn causes the enemy to have to face up to and take responsibility for his actions. Sending responsibility and enlightenment can not harm his body or spirit, but will reorganise his mind which is a parasite anyway.
    * In any psychic battle between 2 people, the greatest responsibility taker usually wins.
    * Responsibility is far more important than enlightenment and spirituality, regardless of what gurus may say.
    * Responsibility cannot override logic. There is less logic around than people think.
    * Responsibility can override cabalistic and masonic magic, bio-mind magic and that of the ex-KGB.
    * Anyone remote viewing a higher responsibility taker than themselves must come in peace and go in peace. Any other attitude will be taken as a black magic attack and invoke retaliation.
    * Before anyone can do anything against one's interests, they must justify that action. If one removes the malice of a person, one will remove the justifications regardless of whether they are a burglar or a judge, and make them incapable of performing that action.
    * Malice works in chains. Be prepared to be charitable to enemies. Use intuition to see who is riding their back, and who is riding the back of the second party, etc.
    * When anyone projects telepathic malice at anyone else, they lower their defences. This allows the target, if he is a greater responsibility taker, to get in underneath to neutralise the malice. This also allows a bit of remote viewing of the enemy and his friends at the same time.
    * Never worry about the fate of an enemy. If he was great enough to be able to send telepathic malice at you, then he should be great enough to repair the damage you have caused. He will become more responsible and enlightened in the process.
    * Every organisation, intelligence agency and religion is made up of individual people.
    * In any battle, the only excuse for stopping in the middle is to repair one's own responsibility level. Otherwise hold your water and carry on regardless of what the enemy may throw at you.
    * When expecting trouble, link into as many allies and friendly intelligence agencies as possible to share the load. &quote;My enemy's enemy is my friend until tomorrow morning&quote;.
    * Re-evaluate who are allies and who are enemies every day. Always support the lesser of 2 evils.
    * A little understanding of the enemy or target can save a lot of hard work. Try to understand the way he thinks and his objectives.
    * For useful background reading, try the book The Prince by Machiavelli. There is a link on this site.
    * Following the above rules cannot hurt either a body or a spirit. It is minds which get reorganised and anyway these are parasites.

Remote Influencing.

    * The short answer to this is do not, as active operators in this field need psychiatric attention after 12 months due the Laws of Karma.
    * Repair one's own personal responsibility after any attempt at remote influencing. The hard way is only way of finding what one can get away with.
    * Sending telepathic messages stating the obvious, like "You have been found out", should be OK.
    * Asking questions of the target and getting replies should be OK.
    * One is more likely to be recognised by the target if one uses remote influencing. If the target recognises any thought implanted as being of alien origin, he will retaliate.
    * The only way of bypassing the Laws of Karma is to repair one's own personal responsibility after each attempt.

The Spirit World.

    * There is one very good reason for using positive remote psychotherapy. Guardian Angels (Spirit) will regard your activity a beneficial in getting rid of parasites (minds). They will come back for more. This is regardless of how much brains, bodies and their bosses detest your activity.
    * In a telepathic society (as most ETs), everyone knows what everyone else is thinking and going to do. Thus there can be no crime, but very little free will either. Once one gets on the Telepathic Net, one has to fight for free will.
    * In cases of alleged poltergeists, look for a human epicentre first.
    * When dealing with pure spirit entities, the battle is far more intense and far shorter. Spirit entities do not have a brain to give them inertia. They are likely to thank you for dealing with their parasites. Suspect unfinished business.
    * ETs are somewhere between humans and spirits in the intensity and duration of battle.
    * The greatest responsibility taker around is usually assigned the title of God on the Telepathic Net.
    * One hazard is that human targets may decide that you are a God worth worshipping, which is a form of vampirism. If worshippers appear, then use Worshippers or Vampires as the next target.
    * The God of Psychic Warfare to release man from his chains, is the Viking God Thor.
    * If everyone works for the benefit of man, there can be no losers.

Viking Remote Viewing, Psychic Self-Defence, Extra Terrestrials and UFOs.

© Edmund Meadows, as part of the Viking Spiritual Remote Viewing (first Internet edition), ISBN No 0 9524450 50, July 2001.
© Edmund Meadows, as part of Viking Remote Viewing (Fifth Internet edition). ISBN No 0 9524450 42, May 1999.
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