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Topic: ESSENCE OF MAAT (Read 44108 times)
Posts: 1788
May 22, 2003, 11:54:21 AM »
MAAT Maat, pronounced Ma-aut is one of the highly celebrated dieties or neteru of ancient Khamit. Lakshmi is how she is known in ancient India, Chokmah says the Orisha. On the TOL she corresponds to the fourth sphere. She is also the highest expression that we can achieve with our human mind. From the spheres three and above, you've got to work even harder to achieve those qualities. That's where God's power begins to come in. But one has to transcend the earth-bound influences completely in order to attain this power. Neter is so wonderful, that It wouldn't grant you full access unless you live truth consistently. So Maat is Truth, or Divine Law or the Law of Neter, since we're no longer using the term Divine. What do we say Truth is? You see everyone claims they have THE TRUTH. People go about killing each other in the name of truth. But they base that truth on having information, having facts. You read a good book and you go off telling your best friend "This is The Truth". You've been hoaxed. Thinking that reading about God is knowing God; read the Qu'ran, the Bible, the Gita, the Metu Neter and charge at others. Truth has nothing to do with the grasping of information. Let's define truth then. Truth is the expression of the interdependence and mutual relationship between things as affixed to the whole. That's a mouthful right? Let's give examples. 1. We have here a mechanical engine that we're building. In this engine, we have different parts, each dealing with a specific function. And each of these parts also consists of about 10 to 20 parts as well. Now even though each part may seem to be separate and apart, they all serve the functioning of the whole engine. If I neglect one part, failing to see how it's role in the optimal functioning of the machine, then sooner or later the machine is going to break down way before it's time. So Maat deals with optimal functioning. It is the understanding of the form and function of things as affixed by nature. 2. Let's relate Maat to the ecosystem. Now everyone knows that the Afrikan woman, the American Indian woman, the Chinese woman were close to nature. Right? My person is going to fish, to catch some dinner. This river has cascadu, wabbeen, carite, and all the favourite river fish. En route to the river, just prior to the bountiful spot, there's a marsh of reeds that I find to be very pesky. So one day I decided to pull out all the weeds. Big mistake! About a week or so later, I realise that there's no game, and I have no dinner to put on my table. A little bird comes up to me and says, "Idiot you are! The reeds provided food for the little fishes and tadpoles, and the big fishes which you so delightfully preyed upon, fed on the little fishes." My person failed to see the natural connection between things. Lacked a sense of understanding of the whole; that interdependence and interrelationship of things. And this is where the European man has faultered, badly! He wants to dominate nature, dominate other people. That's another correspondence to Maat - your oneness with man. Because Maat is also unifying these things that may seem to be separate and apart. She's a unifier. It is in this understanding of Divine Law that has been instilled and shaped the society of Afrika, the Tao of China, the Dravidians, the Aborigines, etc. Many of us we hear law and we think of something being enforced brutally - soldiers, guns, etc. No, that's how the white man legislates you. There are numerous examples that can be given to show the lack of holistic thinking in the administrators of present-day society. Maat is optimal functioning under God's law, or the design which God has meant something to be. A lot of people say you shouldn't do this and shouldn't do that, etc. They don't do something because probably the Catholic, Protestant Church says you shouldn't do it, the State says you shouldn't do it, the Qu'ran, the Bible, the Metu Neter, the Seshem Tuat, etc says you shouldn't do it. That is Dogma. They tell you this is good and that is bad, etc. You have to take your reasoning beyond that - to a higher level. Maat requires you to be advanced in your thinking. She governs holistic approach - not looking at the separate parts. She is order thinking - cosmological thinking. Cos means order. Caos, lack or absence of order. Understanding how each thing or event fits into the scheme of the whole. People who can do this usually follow career paths in higher law, banking systems, finances, economics, theologians, bishops, cardinals, upper echelon priest/esses, fortune hunters, judges, thoeretical scientists, managers, etc. Maat's thinking is synthesis. Unifying things through the use of abstract analogies. She can be very philosophical. You more find people that theorize well among older people. At least late 30's, 40's or 50's. Therefore, how do you defer to elders? - that's Maat. She governs people who are therefore experienced. Maat is experience. Again, that is why I express that Truth is not about being honest or having facts - she's about knowing. And experience, as the greatest teacher, validates that knowing. The Maat approach to truth involves weighing issues, hence let's look at the deity. Maat's master symbol is the scale. On one side, she has a heart and the other a feather. That's your heart. You see, great is the wisdom of the ancestors when symbols of high psychological meaning are coded there for us. This weighing of the heart ceremony is called the judgement. Judgement in the halls of Maati - the two halls of truth. Now, when you go to some religions, they emphasise and instill a fear within their devotees about The Judgement. They see judgement as an event which takes place after death. Yes, that's correct, but to the initiate in Khamit, they knew that judgement was from moment to moment, day to day. The living of truth has to be consistent to the initiate. It wasn't good enough for the mere acknowledgement of God in ancient Khamit, the just believe and you'd be saved ideology. Salvation came through the moment by moment living of truth at the crossroads. Was your heart light when you did so and so? Let's give an example. Supposedly, my person would be tested every time Miss Lookgood is in my presence. The temptation would come yes. Let's say, I do resist the temptation and say, "Whew, that was a real big one dere." I pat my back because I was able to resist this particular temptation. I go home and in my little private world, I'm still harbouring thoughts about how she looked so fine and I had a golden opportunity and regret is in the midst. Did my person really transcend this conditioning? I'm afraid not. Why? Cause my heart is still heavy. When truth is lived, the heart is light. There's no regret, no gut feeling. Do you see the genius in the symbolism? Do I resist the temptation for fear of being caught? My person hasn't transcended the conditioning. The Ausarian way is application folks. African spirituality is about application, not about believing. I was once speaking to a devout Christian brother and he was saying that the Bible says you must give and ten thousand-fold would be given unto you. I told him, "Well in Africa we said to give seeking nothing in return." For his giving he has applied a condition of expecting ten thousand-fold. Many people do good with the expectation of a place in heaven or some other reward. They've placed a condition. It's based on a promise. What's the premise of that promise?! Why don't you give, or do good, because it is your nature? It is natural to you. Why must there be a condition to your giving? You give out of the understanding that we are one. Whatever I do for you I do for myself. This isn't a poetic saying, this is reality folks. I am not saying to give blindly either. See where there is a genuine need, give. In a relationship, that love is reciprocal. Many marriages do not get to the love of Maat. In a marriage, conditions are laid down, or you have expectations. You say, "I'll give my heart to you if you meditate everyday." That's a condition that you've put forward to that person. I'll marry you if you intend to commit to your health, to the upliftment of your race and your people, to the development of your spirit, etc. Do you function on a communal level? Maat is community and co-operation. Do you have ideas that spirituality is about staying at home, go into trance, possess, bring down some ancestors, etc? Everyone is familiar with the African sayings 'It takes a community to raise a child' right? 'I am because we are'. The African man and woman who were stripped of their culture, have they lost sight and meaning to these wise sayings? Come together and pool your resources. Synthesis - the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Meaning that when you come together with other men and women to do communal projects, the benefits gained would be greater than if you tried to do it on your own. But you've come to not trust each other now. "That Black man dey he's Trinidadian and you know how dem does tief" "They don't call dem Trickidadian for nutt'n." Sebek is the opposite of Maat. Sebek says to do it quickly, cheaply and in the shortest time. He cuts corners. That's ok. But Maat tells you to do this in the most ethical way possible. Do I short-change my workers for the sake of my profits? In terms of rituals, how do you nourish Maat. Maat's day is Thursday, which in astrology corresponds to Jupiter. Her hours of the day are between 6am to 9am. Her colours are blue and white. The temperament of Maat is hot and moist. Cause you got to carry some fire within you to live truth. The mantra or hekau to Maat is Aum Shrim Hrim Klim. Certain foods and herbs would assist in withdrawing those Maat qualities. Avocadoes, thuja, almonds, figs, carob, grapes. You nourish this part of your being by examining your beliefs and throwing away those that are not based on experience. Maat is optimistic and expansive, unlike a Sekert personally type which can be depressed. She's a higher right-brained experience. Maat is the feminine and the masculine counterpart is called Maa. Maa means to see. Another correspondence of Maa, is to measure. Can a person objectively measure the events that are taking place in her/his life? The answer is yes. Through the TOL. So Maat asks us to examine those ideas that were concocted how many years ago that are not based on truth - the Interdependence & Inter-relationship of things. Where we chose not to be one with others. Can we give, not just for the sake of giving, but where there is a need, and with a light heart? This is what in our scriptures is called Men Ab em Aungkh em Maat. Stability of heart in living truth. So let's begin to place our feathers beloved people. Peace
BY Sa Sutcha Sba
Full Member
Posts: 117
RastafariSpeaks .com
Reply #1 on:
May 22, 2003, 01:22:51 PM »
Thanks for this divne Jewel.
Jah Bless,
Ras Joe
Service Member
Posts: 2063
Reply #2 on:
May 22, 2003, 01:48:15 PM »
Thanks Thank you for dropping that piece of knowledge here KingTyehimba, INFORMATION is never too much!!
We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Posts: 41
RastafariSpeaks .com
Reply #3 on:
May 22, 2003, 04:55:04 PM »
and many thanks for the reasoning. Praise to the african wisdom, the wellspring of that which is good, and righteous.
love and life
Junior Member
Posts: 240
RastafariSpeaks .com
Reply #4 on:
May 22, 2003, 05:43:47 PM »
YES I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE THANKS FOR THE POST!!!!!!!!!
In the Spirit of MA'AT,
Posts: 1788
Reply #5 on:
May 27, 2003, 09:29:03 PM »
A good brethren of mine wrote the piece. I see the concept of MAAT as being very applicable to the global struggle that we face. Despite how many idrens overlook Kemet as a source of inspiration and information i consider it very beneficial to myself as an AFrikan trying to make sense of this seemingly nonsensical world
Posts: 8
RastafariSpeaks .com
Reply #6 on:
May 29, 2003, 08:00:47 AM »
InI just read the first post here...and InI agree wit deh words pon deh board.....
InI cubs tend and Africentric School where they have built the curriculum around the principles of Ma'at......it has worked out very well for all deh cubs in deh school......
Sis Lioness
Ras Mandingo
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Posts: 460
Reply #7 on:
May 29, 2003, 01:20:45 PM »
Yes, Wholism/Holism is a must!!!!
Give thanks for the inspired Ites Ras
The knowledge that the whole/hole universe is governed by lwas, that it's not a chaos, is fundamental and essential to Oneness, the feeling of beeing part of a bigger thing, connected to the whole/hole universe/iniverse. The laws of the universe governs everything, includin us, inside and outside.
Not knowing this is suffering from ignorance and fear for not overstanding the reason of beeing provisorilly here learning and developing Self and then moving on to higher hights to fullfill the services.
Blessed reasoning,
So uplifting beeing here!!!
Learning, learning, observing, observing, listening, listening, reasoning, reasoning, meditating, meditating (measuring and comparing!!!!!!!!
Wisdom, Knowledge, Strenght & Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Junior Member
Posts: 240
RastafariSpeaks .com
Reply #8 on:
May 29, 2003, 07:36:27 PM »
Universal ethical principle of ancient Egyptian religion, denoting 'justice', 'order', 'truth'. Maat was connected to the entire existence of the universe, and was not limited to ethics for human beings alone. Understanding of how the world functioned and how it had been created, as it was presented in the many different orientations inside ancient Egyptian religion, was vital to understanding maat. Maat was the perfect order, toward which man should strive.
The central protector of maat was the Pharaoh, and maat was a principle that even gods had to obey. Maat is here to be understood as a material element, as he hear that gods 'live on maat'. Maat is something that could be offered to a god, and is a recurring motif in Egyptian temples. Maat is presented as a goddess with an ostrich feather on the head. By adhering Pharaoh, who was the incarnation of the god Horus, man was in accordance with the nature. What Pharaoh did and said, was theoretically beyond the understanding of normal human beings, and to be understood as revelations. By giving up freedom, man could achieve peace with the universal powers and the gods. Inhabitants not adhering the principle of maat, broke all laws of the ancient Egyptian society. Enemies in war were considered to be enemies of maat. This ethical principle was personified through the goddess, Maat. She was defined as the world order as this had been established upon the creation of the world. There was actual cults of Maat, as early as in the 5th dynasty (25th century BC). Few cults were big, but there is much evidence for her being revered for centuries.
Maat Meaning:
Ma'at (G/R Mayet) - "Truth" Both the concept and the Name of Netjer associated with truth, justice, order, and "that which is right." Kemetic society hinged completely upon the furtherance of Ma'at, Who was considered to be the first emanation of Tem/Ra, and depicted as a woman with wings (concept of The Angle by Europeans) or alternately a woman with Her symbol, a single white ostrich feather, bound to Her head. Ma'at in antiquity was patroness of judges, magistrates and all court officials; the phrase "priest of Ma'at" in inscriptions can be understood as a euphemism for "judge." Ma'at's feather symbol is weighed against the heart of the deceased in the Hall of Judgment after death, a place which is also known as the Hall of Ma'ati, Or Double Truth ("double" in Kemetic implying something more serious or intense than a "single" something, much as we use the terms "extra" or "advanced" or in the English language).
Also Ma'at represented the Female principal of balance to man. This balance was manifested in the man woman relationship which was "Holy." The "Holy" family was the foundation, called the Greek word names "Trinity (Osirus = Asar= Father, Isis = Aset = Mother, Horus =Heru = Son). The Europeans then tried to learn this knowledge in understanding it in the aspects of the later religion of the Coptic Orthodox Christianity called Coptic or Ethicoptic Christianity. They took the female spirit aspect of the "Holy Family" out of the Trinity and called it (Father, Son & Holy Ghost.)
Posts: 24
RastafariSpeaks .com
Reply #9 on:
September 14, 2003, 07:51:27 PM »
This indeed is an excellent and fabulous piece of knowledge. Just hope that many can simply the reasoning. Keep it coming though...Peace...
Love Always, All Ways, RainMan
The True Reigning of Man-I Call You Forth
Iniko Ujaama
Posts: 541
Reply #10 on:
July 08, 2007, 07:07:19 PM »
Just wanted to seek Clarification on certain things and Give thanks for the reasoning
Quote from: Tyehimba on May 22, 2003, 11:54:21 AM
MAAT Maat, pronounced Ma-aut is one of the highly celebrated dieties or neteru of ancient Khamit. Lakshmi is how she is known in ancient India, Chokmah says the Orisha. On the TOL she corresponds to the fourth sphere.
This a very valuable reasoning for me. I was wondering what exactly is the TOL. And the various spheres. it sounds similar to something which I read in a book called "The fourth Way" by P.D. Ouspensky on a certain method of self-consciousness development.
In terms of rituals, how do you nourish Maat. Maat's day is Thursday, which in astrology corresponds to Jupiter. Her hours of the day are between 6am to 9am. Her colours are blue and white. The temperament of Maat is hot and moist. Cause you got to carry some fire within you to live truth. The mantra or hekau to Maat is Aum Shrim Hrim Klim. Certain foods and herbs would assist in withdrawing those Maat qualities. Avocadoes, thuja, almonds, figs, carob, grapes. You nourish this part of your being by examining your beliefs and throwing away those that are not based on experience.
Another point of clarification i wanted to seek is about the above. Regarding the days, hours colours, mantras and foods pertaining to Maat. what is the principles or value behind the ritual. I ask this for a number of reasons. I hvae always been interested in the evolution of the significance of days chosen for certain things such as the seventh day sabbath...that it was not abitrarily chosen and there may be some vaue in its history. Also i remember reading an article on Blackherbals.com which gave corresponding foods and body parts which went with certain Orisha which made some sense as certain food are beneficial to certain body parts and body systems and functions. Finally, daniel reid in his book "The tao of health sex and Longevity" sought to show therapeutic value of the mantra Aum or Om.
Anyways Sa Sucha, Tyehimba and the others who have contributed to this reasoning. Give thanks for the reasoning and blessed love.
Iniko Ujaama
Bennu Ausar
Posts: 17
Reply #11 on:
August 25, 2007, 06:49:15 PM »
Quote from: Iniko Ujaama on July 08, 2007, 07:07:19 PM
Just wanted to seek Clarification on certain things and Give thanks for the reasoning
Quote from: Tyehimba on May 22, 2003, 11:54:21 AM
MAAT Maat, pronounced Ma-aut is one of the highly celebrated dieties or neteru of ancient Khamit. Lakshmi is how she is known in ancient India, Chokmah says the Orisha. On the TOL she corresponds to the fourth sphere.
This a very valuable reasoning for me. I was wondering what exactly is the TOL. And the various spheres. it sounds similar to something which I read in a book called "The fourth Way" by P.D. Ouspensky on a certain method of self-consciousness development.
In terms of rituals, how do you nourish Maat. Maat's day is Thursday, which in astrology corresponds to Jupiter. Her hours of the day are between 6am to 9am. Her colours are blue and white. The temperament of Maat is hot and moist. Cause you got to carry some fire within you to live truth. The mantra or hekau to Maat is Aum Shrim Hrim Klim. Certain foods and herbs would assist in withdrawing those Maat qualities. Avocadoes, thuja, almonds, figs, carob, grapes. You nourish this part of your being by examining your beliefs and throwing away those that are not based on experience.
Another point of clarification i wanted to seek is about the above. Regarding the days, hours colours, mantras and foods pertaining to Maat. what is the principles or value behind the ritual. I ask this for a number of reasons. I hvae always been interested in the evolution of the significance of days chosen for certain things such as the seventh day sabbath...that it was not abitrarily chosen and there may be some vaue in its history. Also i remember reading an article on Blackherbals.com which gave corresponding foods and body parts which went with certain Orisha which made some sense as certain food are beneficial to certain body parts and body systems and functions. Finally, daniel reid in his book "The tao of health sex and Longevity" sought to show therapeutic value of the mantra Aum or Om.
Anyways Sa Sucha, Tyehimba and the others who have contributed to this reasoning. Give thanks for the reasoning and blessed love.
Iniko Ujaama
TOL = Tree of Life
See Metu Neter Vol. 1, 2, or Tree of Life Meditation System (TOLM) for ritual information and information on the various spheres.
Iniko Ujaama
Posts: 541
Reply #12 on:
August 26, 2007, 08:24:53 PM »
Give thanks for the guidance
found the books useful..atleast the bit I have been able to read thus far. I do intend to invest in them. Maat is a powerful concept indeed. To overstand this is powerful to consciousness indeed.
blessed love to all
iniko Ujaama
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