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Author Topic: Black or White... Which one is the most S U P E R I O R???  (Read 171388 times)
Posts: 91

« on: July 09, 2007, 02:17:49 AM »

EGADS.... i just came into the realization that WHITE PEOPLE......

.....understand that they are the inferior species... This must be why they are so eager to participate in miscegenation with "all other RACES"... It's not that they only want to see Blackness disappear; they want to see whiteness disappear also... And that's because....

.....They are a people with-out a culture of their own; and with out a define-able skin-color... They realize all the problems they have with their skin & hair, including how soon they start to break down, (premature balding, lack of melanin, wrinkles, sagging), & the cancers....... That's an extremely high price to pay just to stay ALIVE ... So they opt for Miscegenation.... It's their only chance at SURVIVAL...

Race-mixing... Mongrel-making... Loss of Specificity... The blurring of the RACIAL-divide... They began to do this mixing immediately after leaving those caves... They knew they couldn't survive with-out it.... Their survival depended totally on us... 'Cause...

..... GOD, thru the brightness of the universe, had already sentenced them to a horrible, damp, dingy, Fungal & Bacteriological, Mold infested DEATH.... A LIFE WITH-OUT SUN-SHINE..... Imagine that... What a rancid FUTURE.... Technically, they were already DEAD.. For some unknown reason, GOD had dealt them the WORSE hand possible... Their choices were to accept this DEATH by SUN, or to RISE-UP, defying GOD'S-WILL; challenging the WORLD; laying waste to all other mankind; stealing away their inheritance; their COLOR, & their CULTURE; as they try to escape the ravages of their C U R S E....

Ruthlessly and with EVIL intent, they traversed the GLOBE under the guise of exploration & frendship....Then thru' hook, crook & weaponry, they managed to wrestle away control of these communities from the ELDERS; holding them hostage, while they killed off, or enslaved the younger men, and then followed that up by forcefully RAPING as many women as they could...

This inter-breeding resulted in a lighter-skinned people (not white, but lighter), who were expected to rule over the darker-sknned variety.... This arrangement provided their off-spring enough protection to circumvent GOD'S original C U R S E on their people....

Seeking permanence, they were quick to accept & promote those with the lighter hue... The darker ones are often over-looked, or marginalized... Those of mixed-breeds, are encouraged to stay separated from their original people, and to mix more & more with other white people.... This allows Whites to blend in with us, in what they perceive as a higher class of people....

Other fully Black People(s), WORLD-WIDE, are routinely discriminated against, marginalized, and/or infected with deseases to decrease our over-all population....

What surprises me is how we as BLACK People, continue to play into their hands all the time, with-out ever really seeing the BIG PICTURE...

During their all-out assault on us, i.e., during slavery and/or colonization period, they treated us like a sub-speces, like animals actually... In America, the center of WHITE ARROGANCE, during SLAVERY, they called us "MULES", treating us like work animals... But STILL, they found time to SEX our WOMEN.... MULES by day... And SEX GODDESS's at night-time... To keep BLACK MALES away from their new prize possessions, they would move these concubines, from the fields into the HOUSES, and then forbid them & their mix-breeds from having any normal contact with their past...

AS their off-springs began to resemble them more & more, the separation came into full effect... Many BLACKS are now buying into this system as they enjoy the excesses of their new-found privilege.... Now-a-days, most Blacks out-side of AFRICA are mixed, and by accepting the EUROS STANDARDS OF BEAUTY, we play their game by worshiping white and/or light, rather than going back into OUR OWN CULTURE & STANDARDS.....This will forever keep us divided & dysfunctional.....

Blacks need to realize that if we focus on us, keeping AFICA as our main focus, we can beat them at their own game, and really begin to turn this thing around... We are the SUPERIOR RACE... They know this.. That's why they NEED US so badly... We don't NEED THEM at all... And WE NEED TO KNOW THIS FACT...



P E A C E...



"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 82

« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2007, 06:29:50 AM »

The pale man (Caucasian) originated from the Caucasus mountains, where there was very little plant life and not much means for salt.Bestiality came about when Caucasians first had sex with beasts, of the fields – not dogs. It was way back during the period of time when the caucasians lepers lived in the Caucasus Mountains. The Caucasians began to lose their power to reproduce because of a lack of melanin, which depleted the salt in their bodies and it had reached a dangerous minimum. Their lacking in the full amount of melanin, which activates the iodine, can interfere with their reproductiveness. So, the caucasians males came down from the mountains to kidnap the Black Nubian (aka brown) women of the villages, in order to have sexual relations and reproduce an offspring that would not bear the full curse of leprosy. This condition forced him to rob the Nubian (Black) female of her chastity in order to keep his seed alive, it’s called integration. The Caucasian woman who was left in the mountains, resorted to lying with and having sex with beasts: such as the jackal, which is an ancestor of today’s dog. The phrase “dog is man’s best friend” came from this situation. The dog would lick the festered sores of the caucasian leper and clean them for him. His seed was kept alive because the Caucasian woman and the jackal mated. This is where you get caucasians who possess an animalistic nature.
Posts: 38

« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2007, 09:14:42 AM »

Both of the theories are pretty strange and awkward... InI would rather think that there can be evil in all races. Yin and Yang. Though InI think that there was one fundamental change in white man is that his pineal gland ceased to function. And since it is the main center of mans spirituality ,white man lost his spirituality and the production of  melanin. But taking those strange jackal theories is really racist, this kind of theories reminds  I of Hitler and his theories on races. That is wicked. Through history InI only see that man to man is unjust and racism is just another Babylon creation, to confuse the ones mind. To make the killing and raping of one group of people to another. To be frank I am a white person, I see why these kind of theories come to mind, white man is the destructor of the earth, but there are  righteous white people as there are wicked non-white people. I can see since there is little natural spirituality in whites and because of that there is little or no spiritual world in the Western World(Babylon) the materialistic world is the main world. Because of the greedy hands of the white man the slavery and the conquering and imperialism took place. Most of the people are brainwashed as they where back in the day, Babylon is keeping it that way. I see many racist wicked white people. But still I put fire pon everything witch is not righteous and is created by Babylon in order to divide ,rule and conquer. I hope I made sense.
Most High.

Babylon will fall
Posts: 82

« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2007, 09:34:19 AM »

But taking those strange jackal theories is really racist, this kind of theories reminds  I of Hitler and his theories on races. That is wicked
This is NOT theories but FACTS,and those facts are recorded in the DNA of the caucasian.
Now if you are a caucasian ask yourself why your ancestors the caucasians lepers that remained in the mountains were pushed further, into the Caucus mountains and fell so low as to mate with the dog-like animals, which is called the act of bestiality, and anyone who was guilty of it was condemned (Leviticus 18:22-23)?. If it did not happen there would have been no reason for this law, and if you want to know who this is talking about just read Leviticus chapter 13 and 14, then to 15, to 16, and then right on up 17, then you're there.
Service Member
Posts: 2063

« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2007, 10:47:11 AM »

Htp Will, your post is excellent. I definetely like the way you think and I'm going to post your article in my website if you don't mind.  Two Thumbs

We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Posts: 91

« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2007, 11:17:50 AM »


The compliment sounds G R E A T... Especially, since it comes from that one, who has inspired me for so long.... Take it.. Do with it, what you will....

Peace my Sista....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 38

« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2007, 11:35:19 AM »

Horus I guess I am cursed then all I can do is die(no sarcasm). But what can the I say about this part ,it's Leviticus ,chapter 13
13.  Then the priest shall consider: and, behold, if the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague: it is all turned white: he is clean.
14.  But when raw flesh appeareth in him, he shall be unclean.
Most High.
Bless the I for the reasoning.

Babylon will fall
Posts: 38

« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2007, 03:43:43 PM »

It seems that the I doesn't want to reason on the subject... But I still see mating with a jackal just a theory. DNA proves it? How? As InI overstand in your eyes I am nothing but an animal... "ask yourself" As if I knew why would anyone want to have sex with a beast.

Babylon will fall
Posts: 82

« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2007, 03:16:14 PM »

Horus I guess I am cursed then all I can do is die(no sarcasm). But what can the I say about this part ,it's Leviticus ,chapter 13
13.  Then the priest shall consider: and, behold, if the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague:it is all turned white: he is clean.
14.  But when raw flesh appeareth in him, he shall be unclean.
Most High.
Bless the I for the reasoning.
When they say:]it is all turned white: he is clean.,they talk about a form of leprosy wich is not contagious,so it is called clean.
The contagious form is called unclean.
Albinism and Vitiligo are clean leprosy.
DNA proves it?
Every experience is recorded in the DNA.
Why do you think some caucasians are so hairy?
Posts: 38

« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2007, 04:21:55 PM »

They are hairier to survive in cold weather...
About the leprosy the I is right. But the genes of a jackal is too low to say that just out of hatred toward yt ppl... Cause 99%of the whole genes are the same in all races. WHE ALL THE WORLDS HUMANS descended from Afrikans a so called adam and eve...
Most High.


Babylon will fall
I Shack
Posts: 16

« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2007, 06:53:48 PM »

Will where did you get your info from?
Posts: 91

« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2007, 02:29:23 PM »


i find it quite strange that you would even bother to ask.... One does not need sources other than LIFE itself to see all the things i've mentioned here.... Lot's of the things i speak of is still going on today... As a master of fact, most of it continues as we speak....

Open your eyes LAD... LQQK around you... Observe.... Put the GANGA away for long enought to make a good assessmernt of OUR SITUATION....

Then if none of that helps you, may i suggest you start a re-education program, concentrating on BLACK studies, covering such TOPICS as The destruction of AFRICAN Civilization... The mis-education of the NEGRO... The BERLIN conference of 1884 - 1885... The AFRICAN HOLOCAUST... The ISIS papers...

i could go on & on all day naming sources for your re-EDUCATION, but i won't... There are many out there... All you need to do is OPEN your eyes & mind to REALITY & those things that affect(ed) you, your parents & their parents, and any siblings, or off-spring that you may produce in the future...

LQQK today at IRAQ & the Islamic way of LIFE... Some WHITE group decided that all that must be changed, just as they changed OUR WAY OF life...  We are still reeling from the impact of all that..

Don't you see, or feel any of it?Huh?? Or are you so caught-up in White Girls & a color-blind society that you are blind to your OWN KIND & to their suffering, especially the suffering in the MOTHERLAND....

Get a grip KID... Either read a book, or do like you said you would do in another one of your post... "Go ASK you DAD".... He might be able to help you out...

i'm dun with your nonsense....



"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 82

« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2007, 04:01:49 PM »

It seems that the I doesn't want to reason on the subject... But I still see mating with a jackal just a theory. DNA proves it? How? As InI overstand in your eyes I am nothing but an animal... "ask yourself" As if I knew why would anyone want to have sex with a beast.
Well,!!,have a look at this link below,I am dealing with FACTS.

Source: http://english.pravda.ru/main/18/90/361/12434_sex.html

In Lebanon having half of population Christians, men are officially allowed to have sex with animals. Yet, an important restriction is applied: the animal must be female.
 This is NOT theories but FACTS.

Source: http://english.pravda.ru/main/18/90/361/12434_sex.html
Posts: 12

« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2007, 10:09:04 PM »

Man to man is so unjust, children:
Ya don't know who to trust.
Your worst enemy could be your best friend,
And your best friend your worse enemy.

Some will hate you, pretend they love you now,
Then behind they try to eliminate you.
But who Jah bless, no one curse;
Thank God, we're past the worse.
Hypocrites and parasites
Will come up and take a bite.
And if your night should turn to day,
A lot of people would run away.
And who the stock fit let them wear it!

Bob Marley

ME, I fear no man...only JAH.
If you dare judge among man
Beware for its result
For truely you are at fault
As JAH judgeth among souls
Striving for their own goals
Guiding towards JAH light
Power of JAH might
Shall Conquer all in sight

For righteousness rules among men
Sins shall be punished to them
That take law for their own
And JAH mercy you will not bestow
From JAH light you will be town
Into darkness you shall sink
From the wines of hate you shall drink
A disconnected soul you may be
A broken branch from the tree
Of life and overstanding

Of how it was
And how it shall always be

I Shack
Posts: 16

« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2007, 04:17:26 PM »


i find it quite strange that you would even bother to ask.... One does not need sources other than LIFE itself to see all the things i've mentioned here.... Lot's of the things i speak of is still going on today... As a master of fact, most of it continues as we speak....

Open your eyes LAD... LQQK around you... Observe.... Put the GANGA away for long enought to make a good assessmernt of OUR SITUATION....

Then if none of that helps you, may i suggest you start a re-education program, concentrating on BLACK studies, covering such TOPICS as The destruction of AFRICAN Civilization... The mis-education of the NEGRO... The BERLIN conference of 1884 - 1885... The AFRICAN HOLOCAUST... The ISIS papers...

i could go on & on all day naming sources for your re-EDUCATION, but i won't... There are many out there... All you need to do is OPEN your eyes & mind to REALITY & those things that affect(ed) you, your parents & their parents, and any siblings, or off-spring that you may produce in the future...

LQQK today at IRAQ & the Islamic way of LIFE... Some WHITE group decided that all that must be changed, just as they changed OUR WAY OF life...  We are still reeling from the impact of all that..

Don't you see, or feel any of it?Huh?? Or are you so caught-up in White Girls & a color-blind society that you are blind to your OWN KIND & to their suffering, especially the suffering in the MOTHERLAND....

Get a grip KID... Either read a book, or do like you said you would do in another one of your post... "Go ASK you DAD".... He might be able to help you out...

i'm dun with your nonsense....

I have studied all of what you have mentioned however I am just talking about the superior aspect. I never knew there was biological evidence that blacks were the superior race? I'm not going to bother responding to that nonsense you just wrote. Grow up bredren don't be so ignorant. I know that no race is superior. If you look at DNA some people have more in common with people of other races than people of their own race. I saw a documentary about a British guy who traced his ancestry back to a village in Kenya. His DNA is more similar to those people than anyone else on earth. Even than other white people. Now how could he be so inferior to those people when he has 99.9% the same DNA? All this pseudoscience and melanin stuff etc. is just confusion. It holds people back more. Stop talking about this nonsense on the internet and go out there and get educated. You know how many few blacks go to college or university. Education is the key if Africans are going to suceed. All these bitter feelings and stuff won't get you anywhere. And by the way I detest white supremacism and all that nonsense and am proud of my roots. However I just think it's obvious if you think about it logically that no race is superior to any other. Your physical body what is that? Just some meat and bones. Think about it   
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