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Author Topic: Black or White... Which one is the most S U P E R I O R???  (Read 169891 times)
Posts: 91

« Reply #60 on: December 09, 2007, 07:59:40 AM »

We will find a way, Brother Will (Power).

No wezekana...

We neva' will... That is, not as long as you continue to value your relationship with Whites as 'MORE IMPORTANT to you, than is your relationship with me & with the millions of other AFRICANS that they have effectively separated you from....

This is the best example EVER of their "Divide & Conquer" concepts... (And it's working really good for them toooo...)

Geesh Brotha', can't you see that huge wall that they've built up in between us???

"They've played with our psyche sooooo much - that we've become scatter-brained"...

"Bon Voyage" my long lost Brotha'... Enjoy your romp thru'  "WHITEY'S-VILLE", while i go on back home to our Mama, ALONE.....

Puh-leeeese OPEN YOUR EYES - BROTHA' - before it's too late for us...


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 99

« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2007, 12:06:00 PM »

Will... is this the only topic you found the wherewithal to respond to today. Wowzers, good buddy! Such vehemence! Such anger! You desire to stoke flames, yes? Well... that's interesting.
Let me just see if I overstand what you're saying.

William's Claim #1.
White people have erected a wall between us (black people).

That's funny. I thought I was talking to you in here and I could've sworn that it was you alone who refused my attempts at conciliation, Brotha Will. But, I guess I was wrong. I guess it was the white people. (Yeah, the white people in your head. lol)

William's Claim #2.
I value my relationship with whites more so than the one I share with my own people.

Yeah, cause I'm not actively involved in the struggle to eradicate white supremacy and racist theologies on all accounts, even in the black arena, and, apparently, you are. I know, I know. Often when black men talk to me I try hard to negate their feelings, ideas and opinions and instead impose my own thoughts which, regardless of their validity, I press forward with to the chagrin of all onlookers. That is supremest nature is it not?
I'm like a white man aren't I, Will? I just have no respect for others feelings. Luckily for us all, you have lots of experience in the area of relating to and exposing white culture for what it is, huh? Incidentally, Bill, how is your adopted family? 

William's Claim #3.
This is an example of the white man's "Divide & Conquer" technique.

No, Will. This is an example of a scarred black psyche's painful attempts at self-recognition. Projecting is what it is called. Covering our own self conceived short-comings by finger-pointing and name calling. At this point I won't blast you for it. I'll just tell you you're wrong and leave it at that.
Right now, Billy-boy, YOU are the problem. You with your asinine, immature assumptions, your worthless bickering, your lack of cohesive thought, your disloyalty, disunity and primarily your unbound anger which has sparked in you racist ideologies and not the pro-active spirit so necessary in these times. Coincidentally, this is the true reason why black men, women and children suffer and not because of any scheme that white men could ever conceive. It was ever our disunity and not their treachery that led us to these ruinous times... and that you should know.

William's Claim #3.
They've played with our psyche so much that we've become scatter-brained".

Not I, Brother Will, and I don't believe you either, although wallowing in self pity and emotional unreality has led many to the precipice of insanity. Will, you don't just seem to hate white people... you seem to hate anyone with an opinion different from your own! 'White people did this. White people did that'. Man, f@$k white people! Get back on track with black! You are in a black man's forum and YOU, not white people, are causing this dissension. Think about it.

At one point I began to wonder whether you were simply an agitator... A white man in disguise coming into a black man's forum to misinform and mis-educate, but I sensed the pain in your words. How do you go on like that? Holding all that in. Your precious soul seems hurt and that hurts me, Will. Oops, I went all religious. I'd better stop. Will doesn't like that. Choo!

Are the white people in your head, Will? Apparently so. That's all you talk about. They are occupying too much of your gray matter's resources and you know it. Maybe 'scatter-braining' or confusion of thought and purpose is what they have done to you, but don't you come in here projecting your own feelings of inadequacy onto me. I emancipated Iself past all that nonsense long ago. The problem with the black man is not the white man. How could a mere 12% of the global population rule the rest of the world unless internal cohesion and unity was the problem. Where are you on that, Will?

You even seek to disrespect me personally, alluding to the types of relationships I have and where my primary interests lie. You're making a fool of yourself as far as I am concerned. Why presume to speak upon what you know not? You claim to want umoja but every time I extend the hand of brotherhood to you, you smack it away and claim it was the white man's fault. You're tainted. The white people are in your head, Will.

You sir, regardless of the claims you make about what whites are doing, are more of a separatist than they. You 'alone' on your way to the Motherland is not a community and neither is your opinion the final say on matters or do you think you speak for all black peoples everywhere. When you reach 'home' you will not be alone. There will be many different attitudes and ideas there with you. Will you fight against them too?

"Kwa heri" my brother who sees not those standing beside him nor those in defense of him. Even with your eyes open you are blinded... for now. Regardless, wadada and nakupenda, William... and I will remain here waiting.

Posts: 91

« Reply #62 on: December 10, 2007, 11:26:44 PM »

Neva said i wasn't a separatist, or that i am not extremely "PRO-BLACK"....  I am very BIASED towards BLACK-PEOPLE... AND, AS I TRIED TO POINT OUT TO YOU, WE ALL SHOUD BE.... Because from the conditions that we find most BLACK PEOPLE, WORLD-WIDE, living in, GOD KNOWS, that someone should be EXCLUSIVELY pulling for us....i find that:

Whites are for WHITES..

Brown are for BROWNS...

Reds are for REDS...

Yellows are for YELLOWS...

But BLACKS are for everyone....

* * * * *
Theres something very wrong with this picture...... Don't you find something WRONG with it??? And you (SIR) are supposed to be a LEADER of MEN....

No wonder OUR PEOPLE wallow in PITY at the FEET of most other MEN & WOMEN EVERYWHERE....

* * * * *

i give up...

~ R A S T A F A R I ~

me tink me go have a BLUNT also...

Then maybe i will no longer notice the CONDITION of my fellow-men....

Yeah... i'm just gonna go smoke myself into OBLIVION..

And think ONLY of me, too.....

"one  ~  love"



"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 99

« Reply #63 on: December 11, 2007, 08:28:50 AM »

I'm sorry. I am glad you work for we, Will. I'm just tired of fighting. I think the world of you, I just don't want one who is so valuable to be controlled by hatred. I apologize again, Brethren.
Posts: 91

« Reply #64 on: December 16, 2007, 04:29:37 AM »

I'm sorry. I am glad you work for we, Will. I'm just tired of fighting. I think the world of you, I just don't want one who is so valuable to be controlled by hatred. I apologize again, Brethren.
Sorry, huh?? No, i don't think so WEZEKANA..  Your words are very deliberate and calculating... They were  designed with purpose in mind.. 

HATRED is not my word... Nor has it eva' been... You brought that here to this forum...  So you claim it for yourself, or go hang it on someone else...

My words contain "LOVE"...  Specifically, "BLACK LOVE"... Sometimes "Pro-Black LOVE", or "Exclusively-Black LOVE"... You see it's neva' hate with me... It's always LOVE, for and with my PEOPLE.... Let's not get it all "TWISTED"..  "HATE"  has neva' been my call...  But i can understand that this is becoming your way of under-mining a BROTHA & his MESSAGE... When you can't get done with reasoning, you resort to negativity and name calling..  Character assigination are among the lowest weapons of warefare, since it causes your opponent to stoop to levels way beneath his dignity.. Slinging feces is never a pleasant task, being we will al become soiled in the process...

But since you are so eager to enter the arena of attacks on persons as a means of winning a debate, then i guess i must folow there too, or run...  Which is it to be, 'Cause i am repulsed by the message that you are so secretly bringing to those that can't see thru' all the SMOKE & HAZE surrounding you...

You are so use to dealing with people that have become so crippled by their own failed experiences, that they will accept anything you say to them at face value...  But please understand 'preach', it doesn't work with everyone...   i'm one of those, that don't do GANJA.. The holy HERB... That's only for those that can't find their 'man-hood', in the normal manner..

And i am really not feeling personal attacks as a means of winning a debate with my own misguided Brotha, but if you can suppose to know my purpose and my heart - then surely, i can have a go at you and yours...  For i too, am loaded with questions, opinions and suppositions concerning your motives here, and into the mind-set of those that surround you...

Am i mistaken in assuming that this is really a true "reasoning forum", and that one is free to question, or expound on ideas and/or theories that he is either very familiar, or maybe not so familiar with... Or is it the policy around here for those with different ideas and agendas to be jumped on, 'gang-bang' style and driven from the confines of this arena, less they conform to what's being taught..

If that's the case, then why not label it that way, no posters will know, and can "KEEP IT MOVING"....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 99

« Reply #65 on: December 17, 2007, 04:14:57 AM »

I appreciate your opinion, Will. If I was rude, again I apologize. Enough bickering. On a more productive note... Are you familiar with this site?
Posts: 99

« Reply #66 on: December 17, 2007, 01:21:13 PM »

Incidentally, have you taken a look at the number of views to this post. 2300 as I last entered. The next most active is about 3 or 4 hundred. Only two people talking in here, so what're they all so interested in Will? The prospect of a fight between two brothers? I have an idea. Let show them something else. Email me...
Posts: 91

« Reply #67 on: December 18, 2007, 08:08:49 AM »


It's G R E A T... That people are interested in this conversation.. i only wish they had the where-with-all to come forward and  speak their TRUE inner-feelings about this issue... i know many people will go along  with a relative, friend or other person just to be in the group, without ever thinking deeply about what it is that they are getting into, until it's to late...

So many of us loose our way by following the wrong person or doctrine... Many will say, if it feels okay and it's not causing any physical pain, they why not go along with it, 'cause nothing else is working for me right now...

Others will step back and say, "there is a better way", and they'll look for it, and when they find it, they'll jump on it... Nothing was ever gained for FREE... No PROGRESS was ever made with-out STRUGGLE... No one will give you anything of VALUE for FREE... You've got to GET-UP and "WORK for CHANGE"..

As AMERICANS love to say, "FREEDOM is not FREE - You've got to FIGHT for it"...

And that's something most of our present LEADERS will never advocate... And why is this so??? Because they've become educated by the EURO'S & have assimilated completely into this EURO-CENTRIC mind-set, and have been  transformed into a BLACK-white person..  Their education & degrees gives them power & privilege over you, much like the power & privilege their MENTORS have over them...

They are being PAID to MAINTAIN the STATUS-QUO.... (anyway they can)..

If it involves lying to you, sedating you, or just slipping you down a slippery slope, then they will do that...  They will do or say what-eva' it takes for them to maintain their position over you... i don't read or believe in the BIBLE because i know the original scripts, if ever there were any, have been altered, or at worse destroyed, to prevent you from ever knowing the TRUTH...

The REASON i know this, is because the WHITE MAN is/was in control of the original translations, and that he intentionally lied about them, to slant the WORDING in his FAVOR... Just as every other document, picture, artifact or civilization, was distorted or destroyed, so was this BIBLE...  If eva' it was TRUE... It is not TRUE any longer... It has been incorrectly TRANSLATED, thereby corrupting it FOR-EVA' & EVA'... It has BEEN WHITE-WASHED... As such, it is USELESS....[/u]
<p>And all who rely on it's authenticity has like-wise been BRAIN-WASHED by the WHITE-WASHING...

Case in point... When any so-called Christian holds another human-being in servitude for any period of time, and while holding this person, he abuses them in any number of ways to force them to do their biddings without adequately compensating them, then how is this not a SIN before their GOD...

Did their GOD give them a FREE-PASS for this type activity?Huh

Now both the SLAVE & the SLAVER-OWNER/HOLDER/MAKER kneel down and pray to the the same, or to a similar GODHEAD... (some people will say their GOD differs because he is called by a different name; or that he is a different color; or that they use a slightly different text)... But don't be fooled... It's the same GOD & is serving the same purpose... That purpose is "CONTROL OVER PEOPLE..."

Well, i'll stop there, but if i had to alter my mind-set, thru the use of DRUGS, in order to believe, follow, or join a group, or an activity; i'd have to LQQK FOR A DIFFERENT PLAN.... <BR><P>

The only thing DRUGS will do for me, is to make me forget about the horrible condition that me, and my love ones are living in.... And when i wake up in the morning,(SOBER) reality will slap me in the FACE, ONCE AGAIN....

i don't need DRUGS man, they are only temporary...  What i need is permanent CHANGE.....

i don't care what anybody say's, MIND-ALTERING DRUGS & GOD does not go together...  There is a BETTER WAY...

And weze, i looked at that site that you suggested... i can't use anything like that.... i don't need help learning how to live in a RACIST WHITE-WORLD... That's what i am trying my HARDEST TO ESCAPE...  And i hope i can do it with-out having to get HIGH...


yeah email sounds FINE... But i'm still hoping others that have been follwing this discussion will decide to JOIN IN, to make the EXCHANGES even more meaningful....




"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 82

« Reply #68 on: January 15, 2008, 05:16:37 PM »

It is basically common knowledge now that white people are mutant albinos and now this video gives reassuring evidence of that. Please view it and let me know what you think!

Posts: 91

« Reply #69 on: January 17, 2008, 02:10:39 PM »

Horus...i watched it several times, and while i can agree with much of what's being said, i think it falls somewhat short of providing iron-clad evidence... i'd like to be a part of, or see the undisputable results of studies & experiments that proves these points conclusively, while being conducted, analysized & controlled by our experts, without the results ever being touched, tainted, altered or destroyed by so-called white experts....

i can no longer TRUST them to bring forth TRUTH any longer, and i am SURE when we began to do all the WORK ourselves, we will immediately begin to see BETTER RESULTS...

And oh yeah, there are some interesting videos on that site displaying AFRICAN ALBINOS intermingling in AFRICAN SOCIETY... This indicates that if they indeed lived in separate SOCIETIES earlier on, and pro-created as separated groups, then it's quite possible that that was the REAL BEGINNING  of these present day MUTANTS...

Thanks for the video, it was appreciated...


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 91

« Reply #70 on: April 04, 2009, 06:55:35 PM »

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...  WHAT'S WRONG PEOPLE???

Over 10 thousand of you have stopped by to review this discussion since I last posted here... But still you've FAILED to join the discussion, or to offer any concrete HELP that will rasie us as a PEOPLE from the mess we've allowed others of this world, to put us in....  We stand aside, as a defeated PEOPLE, waiting for them, to tell us what to do next.... Is this to be our only legacy???  Don't we have any REAL MEN among us?Huh Can't we PROTECT our own WOMEN & CHILDREN??? And the LAND that is our INHERITANCE?Huh

Or, are they RIGHT when they say we just don't measure up against them???
I remain extremely frustrated by the absolute INACTIVITY of BLACK PEOPLE.... Especially when it comes to getting up off of it & banding together to find a way to assist our smaller & weaker siblings STAND on their OWN FEET, with-out the ASSISTANCE of WHITE PEOPLE....

The fact that only a few BLACKS have elevated themselves, with an assist from their WHITE MENTORS, is not proof positive that CHANGE has taken place..... Proof of CHANGE is when BLACKS the world over can feel PRIDE in themselves, for having joined-in & helped others of us (BLACKS), share in the same goodies that the most affluent people(s)of the WORLD,  enjoy on a daily basis.....

When we can all awaken each morning, have a productive day, adequately nourish & educate our children, as well as others do... Only then can we happily bed ourselves comfortably each night, eagerly awaiting the next morning SUN/SON, knowing that we have succeeded; and have MANNED-UP to those that would deny us the RIGHTS to our FAIR-SHARE of the WORLDS RESOURCES...

We too have our RIGHTS, don't we??? After-All, aren't we PEOPLE tooooo?Huh? I thought so.......

Come on... Man-Up... Let me hear from you.... Join in this discussion...


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Junior Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #71 on: April 06, 2009, 09:28:33 AM »

Will, it is sometimes wise to be quiet.
Personally, it's not a question of anyone being superior. Black, white, mixed-race or asian.
Why the need to prove ourselves to anyone? why do you find it necessary to try and accepted as equals by the white race?

i am aware "team-work" is better as you have stated, but I believe we cannot all lead the same struggle. everyone is a leader in their own capacity, their own personal struggle.

If people find it necessary to respond, they will. But no one is obliged to respond to show that they involved in the struggle.
Anyway, how sure are that people arent using these responses in their every life?
Full Member
Posts: 316

« Reply #72 on: April 07, 2009, 05:59:17 PM »

 Roll Eyes ohh boy,what we need is afrikan wholistic healing to cure our yurugu psychosis,because they have been around our ori,aura for so long, we have to de colonize ourselves and free ourselves from their grips( mentally speaking) empress she is beautiful hue mani, she is in the motherland, another occupied zones of afrika, u two look like two little boys fighting Roll Eyes there are pedophiles in senegal raping and molesting little boys,pedophiles in south africa, u should be discussing how to remove the cancer and not how to make it grow,wezekana and will needs afrikan wholistic therapy,fo real and i am being the realest in tha house,we have bigger problems in our hands in the motherland, in brazil, in amerikkka,two grown man acting like school kids, there are empresses and queens in dis house,how are u two suppose to impress the fine sistahs in this ile/abode with arguments like dat,this will turn the sisters off,we  need to heal ancestral wounds and sounds to me wezekana has some issues of his own to solve( only u know what it is) and will has issues to solve, i have my own to solve to,wasting time to cross argue in internet board, doesnt make any sense.
may be somebody here can reffer people to afrikan wholisitic therapy,
anyone seem to care!
Erik D.
Posts: 36

« Reply #73 on: April 07, 2009, 07:23:05 PM »

"Aside from the Kingdom of Heaven, there is no race that is superior to another."

- H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I

Posts: 91

« Reply #74 on: April 13, 2009, 01:49:34 AM »

Will, it is sometimes wise to be quiet.
Personally, it's not a question of anyone being superior. Black, white, mixed-race or asian.
Why the need to prove ourselves to anyone? why do you find it necessary to try and accepted as equals by the white race?

i am aware "team-work" is better as you have stated, but I believe we cannot all lead the same struggle. everyone is a leader in their own capacity, their own personal struggle.

If people find it necessary to respond, they will. But no one is obliged to respond to show that they involved in the struggle.
Anyway, how sure are that people arent using these responses in their every life?

U say, "sometimes, it is wise to be quiet"... I can agree with that statement, whenever i can observe my people taking care of themselves & their loved one, in a totally up-lifted fashion...  I don't see too much of that anywhere in the world today.... BLACKS (like us), are continuing to wallow at feet of other people world wide..  Other people of the world accept our suffering as normal.. No  one approaches us with a 'CURE ALL"... LQQKS like we are destined to be the dredges of the earth, unless we as a people  speak-up, step-up & do something about it...<BR><P>

MY comcern is, why are we selected by the EURO'S to be the group that all other groups can discriminate against... They chose this for us & apparently we have accepted it as our lot in life.... Instead of taking action to reverse this chain of events, we just just kneel-down & pray, all day, while our children & elderly ones, are dying of un-treated disease's & starvation... No other RACE of PEOPLE will allow this thang to happen in their HOMELAND...

We choose to stay here in the WEST & endure, rather than to MAN-UP & do something about it... TO ME, this in-action on our part shows us to be the BIGGEST COWARDS the WORLD has ever known..... Our QUIET-ness about this matter is the main thing that bothers me about our people.... i ask, WHERE ARE THE REAL BLACK MEN & WOMEN hiding at?Huh? And why are they HIDING at all?Huh

Forget all this stuff about KINGS & QUEENS in the past life.. I am speaking about today, and I see absolutely NO BLACK KINGS & QUEENS today....

And further... I am not seeking acceptance by or from WHITE PEOPLE... I am seeking it from us, all of us, in spite of WHITE PEOPLES insistence that we don't deserve to HONOR our own....


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
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